/who/ - Doctor Who General

Best thing about The Pyramid at the End of the World edition.


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Two will protect you and the rest will try to kill you


What is your opinion on Lymerence?

Ainley and Audio Beevers. I'd choose Jacobi but honestly until War Master comes out, as great as he is he doesn't have that many feats.

Delgado and Ainley.

Ain't Beevers represented like four times there?

I only need one desu

>this is canon

It's a comic, and a back-up strip at that. Who says it's canon?

>he only wore the purple shirt once

Why live?

>this is canon unironically

As TV: The Magician's Apprentice made it clear Clara had not seen Missy since the events of TV: Death in Heaven, The Abominable Showmen has to be set after the events of The Magician's Apprentice and The Witch's Familiar.

I'm okay with this.

>This is Clara's third encounter with Missy (TV: Dark Water/Death in Heaven, The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar) and her second with the "Tremas" Master. (COMIC: Prisoners of Time)

Reminder for the new thread:
The Target Collection novelisations of
>Rose (Russell T. Davies)
>The Christmas Invasion (Jenny T. Colgan)
>The Day of the Doctor (Steven Moffat)
>Twice Upon A Time (Steven Moffat)
are scheduled to release in April (along with a reprint of James Goss' City of Death)

an injustice has been done

what other stories would people like novelised? love and monsters could be great


The Long Game / Bad Wolf for satellite worldbuilding.

I don't get it.

Attack of the Graske is "nonvalid" on the TARDIS wiki (aka non canon) but fucking Dr. Twelfth is a reliable canon material.

A novelisation of The Angels Take Manhattan incorporating the Melody Malone book could be kino. I don't know if novelisations have ever been that transformative though.

Capaldi has to be the worst new /who/ doctor

Doctor Who is dead.

The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon seems like one of those stories that would benefit from a novelisation that patched some of the gaps.

Nightmare in Silver, from Gaiman's original draft, with bits from the Doctor's perspective as the Cyber-planner invades his mind

Only til christmas

lmao, I love Capaldi's doc and im pretty optimistic for Jodie-kino

was thinking that too, that'd probably be the best one actually since the silence are such a great concept

The story also has that huge time gap between part 1 and part 2 which you could put virtually anything you wanted in.

yeah, it could easily make a 600 page novel really

I honestly wouldn't have minded it if Jodie just kept Capaldi's outfit for her whole run.

Reminder Thirteen's coat is actually blue.

Good photoshop

It would look 50% better if the shoulders weren't flipped back like that

It's growing on me.

See I actually quite like the costume, but damn, Capaldi's outfit really suits her, weirdly.


>Best thing about The Pyramid at the End of the World
it ended

The Ninth Doctor was FANTASTIC! Damn, Christopher Eccleston owned the role inside and out, beaming his big grin all over. Plenty of great episodes as well: The Unquiet Dead, Dalek, Father's Day, The Doctor Dances, Boom Town...you get it. Rose and Captain Jack, I'm looking forward to seeing more of them and Mickey too. Of course, the most fantastic gift was seeing the Doctor truly win, given all he's suffered. I know there are more classics to come, but the Whoniverse is poorer for the absence of Eccleston and his fantastic performance.

Simm and Missy because they'd know what their past selves tried to do, and they'd be able to stop them


fucking plebs i bet they like rose

I can't wrap my head around why people say Clara has no character. Her Series 8 and Series 9 arcs are literally about her character development and how flawed she is. You can say she's a bad character and you'd be wrong :^) but saying she has no character, or that she's a Mary Sue, is objectively incorrect.

you like clara only because you want to have sex with her

Le Jenna is hot xd meme!

But user, I like Clara and I'm not even attracted to her or Jenna at all.

yes I know that's sacrilege to say on /who/

Lym is gay. For Daybeen

Literally impossible.

This episode is kino

>This episode is kino
>no image

I forgot the damn pic again
pyramid is bad

It'll be interesting if the arrested idea is true. Could be fun to see a newly-regenerated Doctor being interrogated, asked questions like "Who are you?" and she says she's still figuring that out, while not taking the cops seriously at all.

Nope, does nothing for me. I appreciate that she IS attractive, but I don't personally feel attracted to her.

Ah yes, of course. If I was straight, I'd probably be posting pictures of companions I'm attracted t-- oh wait

forced meme

The fucking anime run though


t. Daybeen

Face your love for Lym

I'm afraid it's one-sided. My heart belongs to someone else.

>tfw daybeen got friendzoned in favour of someone who literally doesn't exist


She has an actress.

was me

Ive been really vocal about how i used to despise clara as a character, obviously i always thought she was attractive but i didnt like the character until after rewatching s8/9.

the fanfilm is from like 4 years ago though, so she's basically from a different time period

I'd love to see just about any of them. 45 minutes doesn't allow for a lot of character or world building so most new who stuff can only be improved, assuming even a little effort is put in. Things like Hide or Time Heist could be really cool with the extra material.

t b h I get the feeling that /who/ is too afraid to say anything bad about the Classic series, like in the last thread where everyone shat on the guy who watched Ghost Light which really is a crap serial
It's like Trekkies elevating TOS as this holy relic when objectively 75% of it is shit

The police station setting would also lead pretty easily into the plot, with stuff like the Doctor overhearing or seeing documents about an ongoing mystery and then ultimately solving it herself and dragging the cop companion along with her.

Kino in stream. Get in lads.

Don't like Tara, lym?

I don't love Lym, I love 1. How could Lym ever compare to 1, it was just a meme.
P.S: I just discovered that people are even tripfags on the wiki what the heck. Oh and has anyone got the book mega link, like an autist I lost it.

Nah, there's a fair few rubbish stories in the old show, I just really like GL and late-game McCoy in general

There's plenty of shit in the classic series. I just happen to like Ghost Light.

Nah, it's just nearly 3AM and I was expecting it to be Claudia.

Honestly, a couple of people calling an user's opinion shit isn't really indicative of a larger problem with admitting the Classic series had some stinkers.

Some people just genuinely like Ghost Light and are passionate about it.

>/who/ speculates a better opener for Series 11 than the one we'll actually get

One is non-canon, I'm afraid.

Take this, for your troubles:

Wrong and thank you!

>there are people in this world who hate pertwee

Long before the Last Great Gallifrey Base/Sup Forums War, the /who/res knew it was coming, like a storm on the wind. There were many prophecies and stories, legends before the fact. One of them was about a creature called the Hybrid. Half Moffchad, half EDAchad, the ultimate autist. But whose side would it be on? Would it bring discussion or flirting? Was it real, or a fantasy? I confess, I know the Hybrid is real. I know where it is, and what it is. I confess, I'm afraid.

NEO: Does it matter?
ANONYMOUS: No. Because I have a better theory.
NEO: Really?
ANONYMOUS: What if the Hybrid wasn't one person, but two?
NEO: Two?
ANONYMOUS: A dangerous combination of a passionate and powerful tripfag and a young woman so very similar to him. Companions who are willing to push each other to extremes.
NEO: She's my friend. She's just my friend.
ANONYMOUS: How did you meet her?


NEO: Lym.
ANONYMOUS: Lym. Lymerence. The lover of chaos, who wants you to love it, too. He's quite the matchmaker.
NEO: McGanon's my friend.
ANONYMOUS: I know. And you're willing to risk all of Sup Forums and /who/ because you miss her. One wonders what the pair of you will get up to next.

oh fuck it all makes sense

Just did the math and I have to watch an average of 1.6 episodes a day if I want to complete my Hartnell watchthrough before the Christmas special.

That's easy

That's really not many, they're only about a half-hour each


>When you find out Lym doesn't actually like Jess

That's a lie and you know it, user.

Exactly what a japester would say?

Was it a Utopia moment /who/?



I'm not proud of what I'd do to get my hands on a bunch of missing charity anthologies from years ago. If anyone has access to "Walking in Eternity," "Missing Pieces," or "Tales of the Solar System" then... please, send them my way.

I'm specifically interested in these stories:
>Analysis (Mark Clapham)
>Eucatastrophe (Mags L. Halliday)
>Missing Pieces (Jonathan Blum)
>Outside Forces: I and II (Greg McElhattan)
>The Killing of a Flash Boy (Jonathan Dennis)
>Fitz Kreiner and the Onion of Doom (Stephen Cole)
>Wasteland Express (E.A. Blair)

Pretty sure that's all the Eight ones, but the anthologies in their entirety would be good to have. I've been searching for so long, /who/. I'm so tired. I'm losing hope.

>tfw i start furiously jessposting again to prove you wrong

Don't make me do it cause I will

Nice try japeerence.

>The Hybrid destined to conquer Gallifrey and stand in its ruins... is me.

Was it a Utopia moment /who/?

>Fitz Kreiner and the Onion of Doom
>Onion of Doom

>trying to force trip drama
Just drop it

If only the story wasn't lost to time, we could figure out exactly what the fuck Stephen Cole meant by this.

McGanon how do you feel about this

I really want to find those anthologies as well.

Amused, is one word for it. Some fans actually got him to sign that very picture (around the 0:33 mark):

I'm hoping someone on /who/ might know, but I think there were only a few thousand copies sold at best. Some of the stories have been uploaded online by the authors, but very few. One of them is actually that sequel to The Blue Angel that you linked to me!

Was it a Utopia moment, /who/?

I mean I'm not. Jessposting is just a blip in the trip drama of the past

This is a guy who thought "Horatio Sponge" would make a good alias, he could probably be doomed by onions

Seeing him without his pretty hair hurts me ;_;