What were his last thoughts?

what were his last thoughts?

My heads cold.

"What about the Clone attack on the Jedi?"

>Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

I miss my wives.

Fucking furbags I should have let them die

>I should have signed for Coneheads 2

>Guys...I thought we were friends

>What about the Wookies?

why did i become a jedi?

Is this the saddest death in all of star wars?

does the afterlife exist in the star wars universe?

>record scratch
>freeze frame
>"Yep, that's me"

>Fuck, I should really use the force to just push all these people right now.
>Oh well, dying aint that bad.

>I should’ve gone to the Wookiees instead


Yes, there are literal ghosts

>Fuck you Dan Akroyyyyyyd

>"Now that I think about it, this unsolicited army ordered by a rogue Jedi from a planet of long necked anime looking freaks WAS quite suspicious... Probably should've thought this through more. I'm quite dense, really.

>avenge me my son

>"Ki-Adi- Mundi now appears to be Ki-Subtracti-Dundi.

Only for light side users who learn how to become force ghosts.

>I bet the Jews did this

>Why did I not sense their betrayal? Why did I not use Force Push to incapacitate them, or Force Speed out of there, or one of many other Force powers that could have saved my life? Shitty Lucas writing.


>Jedi Master
>gets killed by a single squad of clone troopers

Why were the Jedi relevant at all if they were so weak?

>I wish I was at home playing Battlefront 2 right now

>Should have been home watching the James Bond marathon on TNT


>*Forms up behind you
>PSHHH nothing personal jedi scum. In this moment we are euphoric. Not because of some phony jedi's wisdom, but because we are enlightened by the Emperor's order sixty and six.

I was starting to question Lucas's writing ability until those lines. Absolute perfection.

>light side users who learn how

so explain vader

> I hope chewbacca spreads the word of how we the jedi saved his people

his tax policy

>I wonder if Obi-wan has found out who is behind senator Amidala's assassination attempt

>record scratch

That's me, Ki Adi-Mundi. I bet you're all wondering how I found myself here. Well...

His thoughts dwell on your mother.

I fucking KNEW i couldn't trust these lab grown ni--

Master Sifo Dyas was killed nearly 10 years ago. And Count Dooku is a political idealist, not a rogue Jedi.

force ghosts exist if you pool your mana into it

the only known force ghosts are

>qui gon
>obi wan
>possibly Sheev

but even force ghosts are only temporary


Not like this... Not like this.

I wish I could work out at the library one last time.