About to get stoned and watch this for the first time. What should I expect and what is your opinion on this movie?

About to get stoned and watch this for the first time. What should I expect and what is your opinion on this movie?

Many machines on Ix. New machines.

Best summary I ever read was "a long trailer for a movie that was never made."

Doesn't sound promising...



Right guis?



I imagine it's a better experience stoned than sober.


You are in for a treat user. Don't fall asleep.

It's patrician

It has very cool visuals and some very cool lines. The problem is that it's not quite ... Finished? There is a reason why quite a few high end film makers want to give it a re-try. The potential is huge, but the production had alot of problems.

Watch it, then read the book, the other way around will leave you disappointed.

It has a greatness in its parts but not in its whole.

>shit tons of Adam Sandler movies
What the fuck user?

>adam sandler
>freddie murphy

>Freddie Murphy

wasted digits

>directed by: Alan Smithee

enough said imo

No, the movie is Dune directed by david Lynch, i don't know who this alan smithee guy is but he didn't direct it.

Expect shit to be recycled into food and piss into drinking water.

Avoid the "directors cut", it's actually inferior to the cinematic and the director had nothing to do with it

It's a pretty good movie. Because it doesn't know if it wants to be a film or a book it has a few problems - characters who appear then vanish (Mapes), threads that go nowhere (Thufir post Atredies), over-reliance on internal monologue (especially in the beginning)

Appreciate the suggestion.