Good Free Streaming Sites????

Poorfag here. I'm super bored and want to watch a new show.

There's a metric fuckton of click eating sites out there that never deliver and just re-route you to some fucking phishing page. It's annoying.

Will you please recommend a few decent sites with good content that actually deliver?

Many thanks in advance Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice. Thanks, dickface

>There's a metric fuckton of click eating sites out there that never deliver and just re-route you to some fucking phishing page.

this is why I torrent, Kodi is my second option as it lags alot on my firestick

Since you're a G-man I'd recommend google.

I *was* torrenting until my laptop took a shit on me for good. Currently running a 16gb iPad until I can afford better. And no physical tv, so no kodi


Bump. Seriously, guys. Are you really paranoid of recommending me a site? If I was a cop or some shit, wouldn't I just go directly after the site?

Help an fellow user out, I'm fucking bored

Op here, gonna post tits till I get a reply...


These are exceptional


New favorite things to you guys



you're gross, I was gonna give you the name of three streaming sites that I've been using for months but you get nothing for this you retard

little baby doesn't like the boobies

little manchild can't torrent or get a fucking job


you can try 1 month for free :D

say hi to your mom for me, mr. officer

Op here, trying to share something of value, but suit yourself. I was going to refrain from posting more, but then when I realized what an autistic you are and how much it upsets you, I decided it's much more funny to keep posting. Omar porn incoming.

Oh, and if any of you more well adjusted anons would take kindly to me, that'd be awesome. But if not, that's cool too. I really want to watch Fargo (the show), but it's all good either way

For you, sir



She's cute. Yesmovies


Good looking out, user!



i've personally had luck with

Still amazes me every rim I see this

Hell yeah, thnx!

Not sure how I feel about this one

get this filthy pornography out of my sight

they look like they fuck black guys

I have Kodi on my Android tablet.

Theoretical question: is it shitposting if everyone's having a good time?

Sup Forumstards detected

Thanks, but see

All porn sluts fuck black guys

Think she fucks black guys?

>All women fuck black guys
fixed that for you

So qt

Why did you refer me back to the post I replied to? If Kodi exists for Android (it does), it may exist for iPad. Since I don't really care if it does, it's up to you to find out.


Ah okay, now I get what you meant. Not gonna help for this evening tho


Well fuck me. How about I FedEx you a fucking computer then? Dense ungrateful entitled prick. Enjoy your permaban.

Is the Nvidia shield a big improvement over the firestick for kodi use?


How does that make me dense when all you said was "Kodi"? Not really all that clear is it? ungrateful? Not at all. It's useful information, it just doesn't help with the goal of this thread which is to watch something tonight. How about you relax a bit and try to be less sensitive? Thanks for the attempt to help.



In the amount of time you've been titposting on a sfw board, you could've installed Kodi/Covenant on your iPad and been having free Kino blasted into your empty head.


Does Sup Forums have no mods?