This is the new Doctor

Say something nice about her.

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she's not another man

bit of an old bird but i'd probably fuck her

Dr Who is trash.

I want to take her out on a nice dinner, drink wine and watch Netflix with her

Doctor who!?

>Say something nice about her.

I'm glad they hired a heterosexual autist instead of a gay guy to design her wardrobe...?

Hopefully the braces make her tits poke out as she moves around. (That's the best I have, not really thrilled about this whole thing.)

>sjw show replaces male with a female lead
>some people are mad about this

seriously, what did you retards expect?

She looks like she plays with Lego.

>it's a doctor bitches and moans about having to wear a fancy dress episode



Why is she dressed like a fucking retard?

she looks like she fucks black guys

she looks like she fucks legos

>it's 2015


That outfit somehow beats out Sixth for worst outfit. It just irradiates "look at me I'm so le quirky :p" and infuriates me.

It's not called the BBC for nothing user.

She's cute and a good actress in the few things I've seen her in. Shame she's cashing out like this.

The long coat is back!

She's aright, but the director is the one you should be worried about.

So, the NuDoctor is the Brittish version of the gay female Ghostbuster?

She didn't make me stop watching the show. The showrunners did.

So, I guess we both dodged a bullet?

They shouldve gave her rubber rainboots for that outfit lmao

> her

Her tits are top drawer.

> Robin Williams' t-shirt and braces from "Mork and Mindy"

> Romanadvoratrelundar's skirt

> tank girl's boots

she has to stop letting BBC Whales choose her clothes.

she didn't make me stop watching the show. the fans did. i don't want people to think i'm a who fan.

I'm really glad Hayley Atwell stayed the fuck away from the dumpster fire that is Doctor Who, but can you imagine how hot her fat tits would have looked in those suspenders? Would have been too lewd for a family audience though.

More like Nurse Who

I want to impregnate her

Still not ginger

>something positive and negative
Her outfit reminds me of objectively better doctors/actors (stripes - 4th, boots suspenders - 11th, bright coat - 6th, short pants - 2nd) but comes together in a hipster garbage fire
>positive about HER
This actress is crying and portraying deep pain and anger. Not authority. Not wisdom.

She looks like the best kind of lesbian: the kind who signals that you should avoid them. Lesbians who pretend to be human are fucking awful.

Who's playing Orson, and what happened to the Egg?

Do you write newspaper headlines?

Companion when?

I can't fucking wait for them to visit literally any time before the 1950's and try to pass off a woman as any Doctor and not get stopped or questioned, or sequestered to safety.

I hope the opposite, that they don't make a big deal of this, only because if they do it'll only be so they can preach and show Stronk Womyn™

Dr who is bad

But doesn't make complex technic/bionicle custom mechs like a true lego autist.
Only "cute" hipster garbage.

i bet that there will be at least one instance where a female character makes fun off her for dressing like a retard

Time Lords can only reproduce with genetic looms

that's not canon


Is so, Lungbarrow was originally going to be a TV script

and yet it never was and therefore never got canonized

She visibly looks like she has autism. I'm not just trying to be mean, but her face looks like a mix of blank and confused at the same time as though she had autism

That's like saying missing episodes aren't canon

analogies aren't arguments

Finally a doctor I can masturbate to and not feel guilty like with David Tennant

>Say something nice about her.

She's got way nicer tits than Jenna Coleman's sad little pancakes.

Last thing I remember watching is when the statue of liberty was a weeping angel

how much do I have to catch up on, since I want to watch based Jodie's episodes

Like three seasons of Peter Capaldi, but you can probably just skip it and start fresh with new Doc

Is she getting a new companion as well. If so I might take you up on that

A couple, one of whom is Bradley Walsh for some reason


>Bradley Walsh

Weird choice. Not sure how I feel about that.

Cute outfit

Are her legs actually that long?


Looks like the art teacher that pubescent lesbians hump their pillows over until she caves over that one student and then denies it ever happened while the girl takes all the heat.

What an oddly specific description. Does this relate to an incident in your own past?

more like Doctor HNNNNNNNGH!!

I wanna finger her fanny

Doctor Who is the British version of the 2016 ghostbusters. Just SJW trash raping the body of a dead show. Having a female doctor isn't much of a change.

Top tier belly desu

More like Doctor Wew.

They'll just Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman the shit out of it.

Female doctor should be caled doctoress. Discuss.

I can't wait for them to visit Pakistan, where she will be stoned to death for going outside without a male escort, or wearing a veil. or for making eye contact, the WHORE.


I'm not sure contemporary pakistan is really the sort of place dr who would go in general.


People think that because it was good for a while (2005-2008) that it would somehow stop the SJW shit with the new showrunner. Zombie Who needs to be put down.

stay in your fucking containment thread, /who/cunts

This is the thread for laughing at /who/, we're not going to that circlejerk tumblr enclave

doctor who more like doctor why bother

>they'll release a Doctor Who video game with her eventually
>someone will export her in game model
>SFM artists will have her getting railed by cybermen, daleks and taking dog knots

Couldn't happen to a nicer broad.

It's like all the most popular doctors threw up over her.
Could they be trying any harder?

So was the one where the eighth Doctor was going to be the Master's brother and fight native american cybermen.

Still not canon.

No it isn't

Meh, I just hope the adventures are fun.

>doctor goes to the middle ages
>doesn't immediately get raped so much and so hard that she must regenerate

>Moffat said the show must find new ways to get ethnic minority actors on screen in future.

>"We've kind of got to tell a lie. We'll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn't have been, and we won't dwell on that.

>"We'll say, 'To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we'll summon it forth'."

I imagine this applies to women too

>there is a fucking doctor who general on this board

the absolute state of TV as a medium

Implying male nurses and female doctors don't exist. Fuck you're stupid.

inb4 the big reveal that she's not actually doctor who, but midwife when

>it's a show about history, but we don't want to make it about history

epic, no wonder doctor who is tanking

>for some reason

Because the other ones are an Indian girl and black man, they couldn't have absolutely zero white men represented because then it would be too obvious.

Haven't seen the webm with black people and asian noble-women in victorian london, eh?


Im so happy i checked out of this show before the new Doctor was a thing, the episode where london was full of niggers wearing tophats in the 1700's was my last straw

well it's not surprising to see a lot of coloureds at the circus

Moffat is virtue signaling but I garuntee you it has nothing to do with any actual nobility on their part and has more to do with the fact that Dr. Who runs on a tight budget and they employ any literally who as Extra's, just rounding people out of acting courses, universities, or off the streets.

They justify it with diversity but they've literally always done this, simply because they don't want to pay actual actors beyond the Doctor, their sidekick, and the villain of the week.

could've fooled me with that manface

you mean empty?

See If you disagree that's fine, but you're a homo