Its a medieval themed story

>its a medieval themed story
>everyone has dirt on their faces

Other urls found in this thread:愛-奉文-x-聖子

>King is evil shitlord
>Starving his peasants and entire workforce
>eats chicken legs and mutton

You literally have a dirty face rn

Wow it's almost as if people back then had dirt on their face.

>The lead peasant character has clean and straight teeth


>The lead peasant character has teeth

>the setting is ancient rome
>everyone wears arm braces

>it's a medieval themed story
>everyone talks in modern english

>The Nazi commander is seen as the evil guy

>Armor doesn't do anything to stop blows.
>Slashes across the chest or stomach kill instantly.

>everyone breaks formation and duels on another

Watch Polanski's Macbeth, webm related. I also recommend A Field In England, Andrei Rublev, and Marketa Lazarova.

And a white and red tunic

>main character gets sent back in time to the medieval times
>warrior gets hurt and is told to chew down on some leather while the cauterize the wound
>main character tells them to clean the would instead and get him some bandages
>everybody stares at mc like he's a freak

I hate it when they almost never do any accents in Russian movies about the past. Our language is pretty much the same since ages, no problem with an unknown word here or there.

>its a 2/5 of the crowd is blacks in ancient europe episode

>the scene is inside a castle
>walls are not painted white to allow natural light to light up the room
>instead there are burning torches everywhere

>it's a 1/2 of the populace is black in ancient england educational episode

>medieval story
>the women are wearing makeup

>movie takes place in Ancient Rome
>soldiers are all wearing leather lorica segmentata
I have seen these show up in documentaries about Rome's founding, all the way up to documentaries about 7th century Alexandria, and no matter what the soldiers would've been wearing in real life, in these documentaries they always wear leather lorica segmentata.

I always assumed this was a costcutting measure. But I looked it up, and the same company that makes these actually make accurate metal replicas for about $50 cheaper.

Can someone explain to me why costume designers would want to use the less historically accurate option when the more historically accurate option is also cheaper? I don't understand that at all.

plebs see it and think "oh they're romans" instead of "err why are they wearing chainmail?"

"Historical movies", unfortunately, are not made for us high IQ folk.

>ah, the lost secret passageways
>there are burning torches all along them

shut up nerd

>crusades themed story
>crusaders are the bad guys

I always imagine some ugly, troll-looking figure going around and keeping them lit.

>need to release a rope
>instead of untying it you just cut it
>or the rope cuts in a single swipe, despite being 1.5 inches in diameter


Ross is /ourguy/ in this movie

>release them!
>the guards cut the ropes

>why are they attacking us innocent muslims, we only took their lands, forced them to pay heavy taxes and cut off their foreskins

Possible non-meme answers:

1. Safety: real segmentata is quite pointy with a lot of edges you could cut yourself on and gaps you can trap your fingers in. Imagine if some retarded extra got his fingers stuck in between the plates and then sued the production company into the ground.

2. A lot of actors are quite portly and real lorica segmentata requires you to be pretty slim to fit into it

>Knights and nobility are all killed rather than captured for ransom.

That being said, I did enjoy the restored scene of Godfrey killing the captured knight because they didn't have time to ransom his ass. At least it was addressed.

>the Chinese palace was so rich they had candles everywhere

>soldiers fighting more or less normally
>a character we know (who is also a high ranking commander and/or nobleman) enters the scene
>everyone ignores him and lets him do whatever the fuck

>muslim women and children who have never left their village were invading europe

>it's a film about the past
>women are allowed to speak freely and interrupt men

If they didnt leave their villages how did they end up outside of the arabian peninsula?

>Asian epic
>everyone is tall and strong and clean
>every man wears shiny armors
>every woman wears silk and crazy hairstyle
>the number of troops always starts with 10 thousands

its also very uncomfortable to wear metal armor and actors are little girls

>WWII movie
>leapard 1 is supposed to be a panther
souped up t-34's acting as tigers are already bad, but this is just embarrassing

Or a SA 330 Pumas pretending to be a Hind.

I could have removed the A or the S, instead I missed both.

>Have a fucking cool starship design, only have one two minute scene featuring it.

>its a medieval themed story
>men are wearing black leather fit jackets and slim brown pants

kek where'd that happen

webm unrelated, mi 24 webm is too large

>muh realism
Stop watching lindybeige you idiots

>muh CGI
see how dumb you sound?


There is literally nothing wrong with lindy

That whole movie should've been about those bad guys that they were fighting in that scene.

It could be worse

>swords are used as a primary weapon


Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子

Hahha wtf



>who have never left their villag

Always finds a way!


>pattons fighting patton himself

Shaggy Dramatically Reads Keit-Ai.

when the attack on pearl harbor had cold war destroyers

>medieval times movie
>modern music soundtrack

>it's a western
>everyone's clothes are immaculate and clean and tidy