40 year old manchild who collect actions figures and loves superheros

>40 year old manchild who collect actions figures and loves superheros
>Is meant to be ridiculed and satirized

Could this movie even be made today?

no but only because judd apatow is a sexual predator

op is a dumbass

Yes. Male virgins are pathetic.

What? Yes, absolutely. Normies still hate us and still mock virgins. Mocking virginity is incredibly important in the social dynamic. It lets women retain their "arguing with their holes" power and it makes the people who've had sex feel like they aren't stooges in a giant con game. It also lets people pretend our economy isn't in shambles and anyone who doesn't own property, a car, and 2.5 kids is just lazy and childlike, rather than the fact it's fiscally impossible even for two married people to achieve that now without being up to their eyeballs in debt.

It's a comforting lie.

>Could this movie even be made today?
why not?
they made plenty of other virgin movies.

Ryan Gosling and the Real Girl, Virgin Mountain, I think there are a couple of more of them...

>tfw lost my virginity at 15

t. failure at life

Nah, it's just a sterotype to keep good Men down.

t. in denial. up to eyeballs in debt. doesn't even have any of the things user mentioned

the whole moral lesson at the end of this was: ya give up all you like just so you can have sex with some roastie who already had a kid with the cool guy. and they make him feel like he won some sort of prize at the end when he was already happy.

This is the modern day 40 year old virgin.

If a guy is even slightly charming and attractive he can get away with a nerdy as fuck toy collection.


>dr virgin? we're roasties

Now that would suck lmao

The average Redditor in 20 years.

>op brings up manchild doll collecting aspect of movie
I seriously can't fathom how stupid some of you people are

>tfw 29 and still HKV.

>calling people stupid for bringing up virgins in a thread asking if 40 Year Old Virgin could be made today
You're just a retarded little snowflake aren't you

heh no

I know you were all in elementary school at the time but this is no different than it was in 2005. Also in the movie the women didn't even care about the toys, it was the "Chad" guys that told him to get rid of them.

Except Christine had sex already. Prostitute, but still.

Today it would be The 40 Year-Old Drumpf Supporter.

OP CLEARLY wanted to discuss how the main character of the movie whom is meant to be laughed at for his interests is very similar in traits to many current male movie goers you absolute retard. Someone probably a lot like yourself.