Actors who you aren't sure if they're attractive or not

Actors who you aren't sure if they're attractive or not

emma roberts



sometimes she looks hot, sometimes she looks like a man

i need to see them without all the makeup

Another one

I'd fuck every person posted here so far


completely pointless in BR2049

she's attractive in an older porn star who has had work on her face done kind of way

Objectively: manface chin, angular, small tits no ass, wide shoulders
Subjectively: FUCKING HOT!

Looks like and older stay-at-home mom version of Lana Del Rey.

She's got an old as fuck girlfriend, makes sense she's got such a grandmotherly look about her

inb4 soulfaggots will justify her with something like
>actually her character sheds light on the complex relationship between K and AI-lady

What the fuck I didn't know that. Sarah Paulson is 42 and her gf is 74.

Rebecca Hall

so sexy
great nips!

>its real


>Sarah Paulson is 42
fuckin grave robber

No she's unambiguously qt


I'd like to be a fly on the wall during their bedroom sessions

gib me Mummy Fu

yeah shes a cute

She's imperfectly perfect.

She did some really unfortunate shit to her face years ago. She was pretty qt in Deadwood.

she's a Lesbian so it really doesn't matter. Her gf is someone in their late 60's/early 70's.

>nice dubs setepai

Dis one

Don't know who she is, but definitely attractive

she's so hot

I used to find her attractive until i found out she's a lesbian. Weird how that works.

I'll help you faggots out: these women are not attractive.