Any movies about jealous virgins

any movies about jealous virgins

no but there's a good market for it, since virginity is sky rocketing.

Sato isn't a virgin though, he had sex with Hitomi during High School but never pursued the relationship because he's an autist.

perfect blue

>i can't get laid so no one can

Virginity is on the rise. Females are much more open about sexuality but they all fuck the same guys. So while there may be more hookups going on overall, they involve fewer people.

>i can't get laid so no one can

The Hunchback of Notre Dame
One Hour Photo

Dammit. I need to go back and finish the series. Left off on the island with Senpai and her online larpers.

Do you have a single statistic to prove otherwise?


who is hitomi again?

His senpai. The one girl he hung out with in school.

So your confidence comes from nothing other than anecdotal evidence, the same as the person you so smugly disagree with. You should just kill yourself.

the crazy(iest) one

>want to rewatch NHK
>remember the online game plotline

it is Hitomi who joined a suicide cult ?


>any movies about jealous virgins
you don't need to, just browse Sup Forums for 5 seconds see that didn't took long

white boys are absolutely pathetic

So, what "diverse" race are you?

She's a probably a woman.