It gets established in the first Matrix movie that if you get hurt and bleed while in the simulation...

It gets established in the first Matrix movie that if you get hurt and bleed while in the simulation, you get hurt and bleed in real life.

The question is obvious: does that apply to other body reactions and fluids? Like, if you climax and cum in the Matrix, do you also do the same in the real world? If so, it must have been pretty embarrassing, with the machines having to suck the constant cum spurting of their "batteries". What if for example you get sucked in real life while connected to the simulation? What happens then?

They obviously recycle the cum. Neo had some girdle shit attached to his ground, you can see it when he's sliding down the tube. They also recycle piss and shit. So in addition to being fed liquified dead you're eating their shit and drinking their piss and cum.

And everyone except maybe Neo is unaware of things happening in the real world when plugged in.

ps get the boxed set on Amazon my bros. Like $5 used, the critic commentary alone is worth it.


tbqh they probably parse out the cum and use it to create more humans

What if a wet dream is when they are taking a cum sample for future childrens. I mean everyone has had one.


Separate. Parse is not what you meant.

Remember the sludge they ate?

no wonder keanu threw up and BLACKED out. he's drank more piss than sasha grey.

>A synthetic mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Everything the body needs.
>looks like soggy cornflakes

How can there be a box set when they only made one movie?

It looked like curdled jizz.

tastes like Tasty Wheat though

good thread

>this thread
Sup Forums - Television and Film

im watching the matrix now. so the matrix reloaded was filler because it didnt mean anything?

Well yes, the Matrix is a movie and the philosophical aspects of it have been debated to death. This is a promising, unexplored avenue of inquiry.

No. The Matrix Revolutions is filler because the fight in Zion means nothing. If Neo had gotten to the Machine City 2 hours earlier the destruction of Zion's docks could have been entirely avoided. And all those deaths were meaningless.

>everything the body needs

We're not here because we're free. We're here because we're not free. There is no escaping reason; no denying purpose. Because as we both know, without purpose, we would not exist.It is purpose that created us.Purpose that connects us.Purpose that pulls us. That guides us.That drives us.It is purpose that defines us.Purpose that binds us.

This thread is blowing my minc


>not everything

Lying in a pod, getting sucked off by a machine while fantasizing... it's pretty much what half the guys here want, isn't it? I guess the problem is that it's not consensual and you're forced to share the same reality with all the other plugged-in people and most importantly, you die if you die in the simulation.

mouse a cute


>millions of robo machine mommies sucking off billions of shota's stuck in the matrix experiencing their first wet dreams, taking the semen and planting it inside the eggs taken from lolis after menarche


Why is the matrix tinted green if the blue pill denotes "living a lie, living in the matrix." Shouldn't the tint be blue?


you help the landlady take out her garrrrrbaggarrchh

>digital pimp

That's where I thought OP was going, someone has to clean up the deck after you take a ride in Mouse's Woman in Red program.

>Lying in a pod, getting sucked off by a machine while fantasizing... it's pretty much what half the guys here want, isn't it? I guess the problem is that it's not consensual and you're forced to share the same reality with all the other plugged-in people and most importantly, you die if you die in the simulation.
Also, as dating sim H games go, working jobs in the 20th century really sucks.

>there isn't even a tentacle rape ending

>you get hurt and bleed while in the simulation, you get hurt and bleed in real life.
Look forward to see THE ONE sci-fi movie that talks about VR without this ridiculous rule

>Inception is only okay in my book because it had an equally ridiculous rule about wounds and death in dreams

Okay while we are On this topic can we talk about the bees and flower of Matrix world?

My guess:
The Matrix has a population policy. It keeps a cap. Normally people want to make more kids than those the machine need so there isn't much trouble in that.
When the machine decides a couple shouldn't have kids, their sperms and eggs don't meet in reality no matter what they do in Matrix

When the machine decides a kid should be made, they take the husband's sperm and use it to inseminate the wife.
Since the man and the wife meet online their physical locations may be miles apart so the actual surgery of conception may be days after the virtual sex takes place

For convenience of management no illegitimate kid can be born through extramarital sex.

The baby is, as shown in the movie, only hooked up after being born. So we can assume it develops naturally inside woman's womb.
Upon the birthday the machine takes the woman out of her pod and disconnects her to give her medical care.
Inside Matrix the machine inserts a NPC in her place. That's why most people have identical experience of their wife giving birth.
PS. All nurses and doctors inside Mateix are all Programs. No human's child ever grow up to become a doctor. They are all kept outside medical schools.
After the child is born he gets the implant to use Internet and is put into the empty pod near the woman. Generally speaking people are always in pods near their moms but not necessarily so to their dads.
After both the mom and the baby are settled in real world, their NPC dummies are deleted as they log in. They resume/begin their normal life in matrix.