>have no home
>not rich

How did he pull off this hot girl? Will he pay the rest of the 500 000 BAHT?

she (he) is a 5.5/10 for a gf (male)

>Will he pay the rest of the 500 000 BAHT?

Isn't that like $20.37 in real money

she even looks like a male, what in the fuck.

Do you get to fuck them? I mean it might be worth. I doubt I could eat Taiwanese food.

>how did he pull it off

one, look at her neck, thats a dude.
two, greencard nigga.

15 thousand I think and two water buffalo

It seems like if you're going to go to the trouble of importing a bitch you could find one hotter.

The "every thai girl has a dick" joke is so tired and more than likely propaganda from butthurt white bitches.

This. She clearly a girl.

Clearly david isn't a looker and can't pull off hot girls.

she has no tits and I can't see a vagina.

t. Chamramayana Pravanadumprong

>my future wife is being born right now


Azan seems like a good guy he should just cut his losses and try again.

this is a creepy thought to think about desu

Can we Gofundme a hitman to violently execute the entire corporate board of TLC and its parent network? I'm good for like tree fiddy.

>visit thailand
>go to maternity ward
>declare "I'll be back for her in 24 years"
>leave before banned from country

Is he the muslim? Fuck that fat bitch

I thought this guy was british up until now


i live there

Hes clearly a typical white man sleep with kids.

Azan is going to be the next mohammad



James got BTFO on twitter too for whining about the depiction of a 24 year old guy dating a 17 year old. What a fucking hyopcrite.

right because two legal adults is the same as some teenager lying to get you fucked

>60 year old dating a 19 year old is ok
>24 year old dating a 17 tear old is bad

really makes me think. Let's not forget that James was notorious for picking up high school girls well into his 50's.

James is a boss, you're just jelly

>this pedophile happens to share my same political opinions, therefore i must protect him
you disgust me


shes not even good looking. and her potential green card + citizenship is worth 10k buffaloes

they never dated.

Did I miss something?

>Did I miss something?
yes, >water

>tfw no cute thailand husbando