Was Zach Braff the first hipster ?

Was Zach Braff the first hipster ?

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No I think it was that fag philosopher who lived in a barrel who was from rome or something



Diogenes was the first shitposter.

Have you ever wondered how they managed to move those giant pots and barrels? Those things would have weighed more than a tonne when they were full and they would have been heavy a fuck empty too.

"Hipster" has been an evolving term since like the 20's. They were the cooooool cats who would smoke reefers and talk jive with negros in jazz clubs.

diogenes was RIGHT

He was good in scrubs

no he was the first numale. hipsters actually have good taste in music. numales like bands that to an untrained ear (like yours) are the same kind of music that hipsters like, but are actually shit.

sorta like how a normie movie viewer would see ghost in the shell and bladerunner2049 as the same kind of movie. except one is shit and one isn't. hipsters make up a good amount of Sup Forums. Sup Forums is hipsters, kpop freaks, and hiphopfags all in one section.

Sup Forums is shit, now fuck off back there faggot.


the original virgin

roll them

i love her smile so much bros

She belongs in an oven

Youre a retard pal


Fuck off, he's cool

I'm in love with her from this movie

Epic bromance! We act gay but only ironically! Guy love lol xD

Elaine calls Kramer a "hipster doofus" in season 3 or 4 of Seinfeld, so no.

>I've never had a close male friend


even my gay friend in highschool wasnt that gay

t. hipster doing literal hipster post


reddit the philosopher

I really enjoyed Garden State when I was 17 and not knowing shit about shit.
Also Natalie portmanteau was seriously cute.

The original shitposter

The really large ones were permanent storage. Much like the huge wine barrels we have now.

Roll them you fucking idiot. I don't see how you could function in daily life if that's really something you can't find the answer to.

Nah it was Gavin Mcguiness

>except one is shit and one isn't.
exactly. blade runner 2049 was shit.



I hate everything he's in


so he's a bum basically

As Chad as one can get desu

Next time a homeless guy pisses on you, you better thank him for his groundbreaking contributions to philosophy.

The ultimate idiot filter. Go on a college campus and hear a freshman student talk about how this guy was wiser than Jesus.

Anyone who pimps this reactionary hack 'philosopher' also watches popular science channels on youtube and loves Kubrick films.

his got big DSL
next guy to get outted to molesting a kid?

Pretty tru

i didnt mind Zach Braff until i saw him interviewed and it was apparent how much he is in love with himself. Zach Braff is Zach Braffs number one fan.


They've been around since the 50's. He wasn't even born then, I'm sure.

Except that's an exceptionally nu-male show with nu-male characters targeting a nu-male audience...

I would happily betray my race for Herschlag. She would be my Anne Frank.

>not a single Braff Post

what happened to us Sup Forums.

I remember this meme from 2010

>ywn tell Alexander the Great to stop interfering with your sick tan

He didn't embarrass Plato, only himself.

Diogenes for Jersey Shore: In the Ages

>first hipster
Nigger please

man ugly fat chicks hate cute girls ("manic pixie girls")

ive dated at least 2 of these girls, both came from single parent families, but theyre real, i think theyre borderline personality disorders