New season of faggy Netflix original series starts

>new season of faggy Netflix original series starts
>Sup Forums is overrun with liberal crybabies constantly on the verge of tears when people have different opinions
How do we fix this recurring problem?

Other urls found in this thread:

tfw no feet gf


we post cheese pizza every hour of every day forever

Sup Forums need to leave

maybe u should be more accepting of other ppls political opinion's

unironically posting girlfeet is a great strategy for battling soyboys and tumblrwhales. Low test males hate women's feet and tumblrtards get triggered seeing pics of fit attractive women

Learn some basic grammar before replying to me again, stupid nigger.

Post more Sup Forums stuff to scare reddit away.

fuck off mangina

isn't it scientifically proven that low test males are more likely to like feet

we have to literally shitpost


im so horny!@!!!

I don’t get the appeal of feet. Do you suck on them to get pleasure or what? I understand the primal need to take a whiff of a butthole but feet do absolutely nothing to me.

New show for Netflix: A group of tranny superheroes use their franken-genitals to fight crime.

High test males like feet because they're more sensitive to female pheromones. Lowtest males like boobs because they want their gfs to be their moms and breastfeed them

where do the liberals come from if we're a conservative website?

they're soft and feminine and fun to touch / rub your dick against. Also sucking on a girl's toes while fucking her with her legs up


they come from Reddit during GoT season or when a new Star Wars movie comes out

wow look at that pusy yum yum haha

no I don't mean "write me an essay on why you're not a fag for wanting women to jump on your balls", isn't there an actual scientific study indicating foot fetishism is a low-test trait?

Sup Forums doesnt scare away reddit. Cunny does

why would Reddit come to Sup Forums instead of staying on Reddit?

I unironically agree with this

>Stranger Things
>House of Cards

All this okay-to-good stuff, that if you dare say is ehhh, you get stomped


>they're soft and feminine

they fucking walk on them what are you even talking about. Who the fuck has soft feet?

They just wanna shitpost not the usual reddit circle jerk

>wanting women to jump on your balls

that's not a foot fetish, that's some kind of femdom / humiliation fetish. Foot fetish is just being attracted to women's feet


wtf is their problem, why don't they discuss politics on Sup Forums like everyone else.

>t. virgin who has never touched a woman

I do. Because I wear shoes all the time. I pretty much cant even walk anywhere barefoot because they're so soft.

I like to browse both. I follow all the porn subreddits and occasionally browse r/all and then come over to Sup Forums to shitpost.



hey you're the expert

Sup Forums are literally the only ones who will scream and cry until the bad, degenerate liberal opinions go away

thats a fat pusy

Truly the pinnacle of the human race. Can’t even walk barefoot.

you need to go back and kys

Underrated thighs

>Who the fuck has soft feet?
I’ll excuse your innocence and assume you’ve never touched the sole of a woman’s foot before

i see puffy pucci..... but my attention is focused on those cute widdle toesie woesies :3

post them

Lol make me.

she looks like she fucks black guys

This is your final warning. Leave.

with proper conditioning you can make people fall in love with a dirty towel rag.

you're confusing her with your mom fag

Post them

>How do we fix this recurring problem?
By forcing you to go back to you're home board, tourist.

>makes a thread about how they dislike someone disliking their opinion
Not complaining, just confused. Why not just debate them with reasonable discourse or fucking ignore them you thin skinned faggot.

Why are feet so sexy? Why do girl's feet smell so nice?

>debate these irrational and faggy babies, user!
You have to go back

>Sup Forums is real life

captcha cancer walk

foot fetish is for cuck underdogs

Fuck off and post more sexy smelly girly feet

>cuck underdogs
what does that mean

t. Has never put his nose up to a girl's dirty sock and sniffed as hard as he could

Femanon here. Feet are for numale soyboy fucking inhuman worms who we deem unworthy of touching any other part of their bodies. Like the kind of losers my boyfriend wouldn't pick on past middle school because he just felt sorry for them at that point.

Which one is smellier?

Sweaty feet or a sweaty butthole?

Which one do you prefer?


Most of them are just /r9k/ and Sup Forums NEETs with no political affiliation just trying to farm replies for attention. I doubt hard core liberals actually come here

Both are patrician

Why does it have to be a foot fetish? Why cant I just appreciate every part of a pretty girl? I've never looked at a girls feet and gone "oh boy i wish i was sucking on that foot", but i a pretty girl with pretty feet. it's all part of the package

You guys are missing out. Don’t worry. You’ll be converted eventually

This, based user

This place is just reddit without upboats now

Post stinky feet!

Post pusy or you’re just a dumb larping numale


Guaranteed to cum buckets every time

That guy needs to see a doctor.

This has to be a troll


>this user actually believes Quentin Tarantino is high test

depends how you do it

and /who/ and star trek and every fucking general

Vagonas are repulsive hatchet wounds

Feet are aesthetic and smell nice

Jokes on you because humans dont have functional pheromone receptors you just like the smell of sweat and the floor
>tfw not even that into feet but this granny makes my dick diamonds

I think there's some legitimate brain wiring gone amuck in footfags though. It's been studied by meme scientits.

oh and that stupid fucking usher nigger thread where they RP as literal cuckolds/imaginary friends



>Sup Forums
>conservative website

>lowtest retards will debate this

Smiles>feet>thighs>literally anything else>ass>tits

I'm not sure about putting feet in at number 2, but you're correct about almost everything else. There's nothing better than a cute girl with a pretty smile.

Thighs should be above feet and then you'd probably be correct


if you find a girl who takes good care of her feet, she’s a keeper



This is why men can’t get along without women. We will literally fight over which part of a woman is superior based on stench. We fight over fat milk sacks, poop holes and stinky feet.

Women don’t nearly obsess over a mans feet and anus like men do with women.

