What are some movies where the protagonist has just had enough?

What are some movies where the protagonist has just had enough?

"Fucking normies REEEE": The Movie



Fuck I just started watching this for the first time. He's just taken the butterfly knife.

American Beauty?


god bless america

my nigga

I don't remember much of this movie, but the cashier was a cutie.

Every Brendon Fraser movie when seen from the perspective of knowing how JUST'd he got.

Shut up Krager


Such a shit movie. I wish I'd shut it off after he dreams of skeet shooting the baby.

Elephant (2003)

Unironically Drive

John Wick series, Lone Wolf Mcquade, Deathwish,


>Lone Wolf Mcquade


Assault on Wall street, Uwe Boll kino

m-my diary desu

Falling Down

Rampage is better.

King of Comedy

Malcolm McDowell is in If.... He plays the exact same character as in A Clockwork Orange. Great movie.


Patrician taste for sure. Also Val Kilmer's finest role. Now that I think on it I don't think there was one bad casting choice in the entire film.

why the fuck are you posting on here while you """"watch"""" a movie?


American Psycho