Pls don't notice I'm gay

>pls don't notice I'm gay

Other urls found in this thread:

*Fagmounts gf*

What is fagmounting?

>hurrr posted it again
No straight man would have noticed it.

Eating pussy I guess. God damn that dude loved eating unwashed, unshaven hipster pussy.

lmao did insecure ass manchildren who can't handle going down on a chick really make up a term to make fun of adults who do

He's a virgin user. Leave him be.

Sounds like something fa/tv/irgins would do. I like eating pussy though. Just for clarity.

No that's not it. Someone post the screencap



What's wrong with this?

Do americans really do this?

the jar could smash at that height

Honestly? It's a glass jar being dropped into a trolley, it'd probably smash or crack

>tfw initially think there is something off about this guy

>Begin to appreciate his performance at being subtly "not right" and really impressed

>Nope. Turns out he's just a fag and that's why he acts so weird.



gay powers are strange but useful i guess

He was clearly gay as fuck and the gf is literally the worst most cringy sctress I have ever seen, every one of their conversations was like a bunch of non-sequiturs and painful to sit through.


We learned in a thread a few weeks ago that the position he was fugging his lady friend in (which the thread initially assumed was just so his benis wouldn't ACTUALLY touch her vagoo) is actually known as "fagmounting" in the LGBTQ+2=* community.

It's like missinonary sex with a bit more of a curve so they can access the asshole.

I miss when faggot actors had to pretend to act straight in real life as well on film.

At least he's a good looking gay. Do you know how hard it is to find gays that don't look like a pedophile?

Anyone watch the special effects real?

Why does David Fincher do dumb shit like this? Half of the crap adds absolutely nothing of note to the shot or scene.

>Spacey is ugly
He's good looking for a 50 year old past his prime.

What the fuck is the point of adding trees to those two scenes?

He was jarringly faggoty. Ruins the show a bit


Future Jacob.

I've been thinking about his post and I still don't understand what he means. Fuck

Control and atmosphere

Is that serialkiller future Holden?

wtf I feel cheated now

Some of that was just to make the shot a little more interesting (turning on lights in windows, adding some background trees) and I think some of that was for seasonal purposes (making the gardens more green - trees and plants in bloom etc)

I believe this is the fagmount

Us that why he freaked out at the end, was he attracted to Ed Kemper?

All the dialogue was garbage apart from the interviews

The script feels like it had been written by an amateur

lmao this is retarded

is this literally just a way to keep vfx cucks employed?

to change the setting, retards. It's not like it takes longer than 3 seconds to add a couple of palm trees. This is how Fincher always works.

what show is this?

>does not specify name of show


what episode is this didnt even notice

mindhunters, new netflix show that was pretty good overall despite having a few mediocre main characters and actors

what about the ton of other shots where it's literally just turning lights on in windows or adding bushes, it's pointless