hey scotty you seen war machine ?

is dog /ourguy/? gets in trouble because his daughter or whoever recorded him talking about not relaxing around certain people

You got ice on you bra?

He got a lot of negative coverage for calling the people he were chasing "niggers", even if they weren't black.

Another reboot when?

I got into a fist fight with my older brother, because he swore Ozzy did the theme song.


...But it IS ozzy

Your brother was right user


It WAS Ozzy that did the opening theme.
Check the credits, or do a google search. DUH!


Want a smoke?



Holy fuck. I thought it was a knock off studio artist.

Fucking Ice man

It never actually got a 'official' release it was included on a studio extras boxset thing but yeah you punched your brother even though he was right

I wanna see you smash that pipe brah

Lol, I got to apologize to him.

His wife's tits are just enormous.

they divorced IIRC

I don't care

They're still together, she recently recovered from throat cancer

smokers never learn

Nevermind, they're still together, she's just his fifth goddamn wife

His kids don't talk to him no more though

She was a meth amphibian back when.

His oldest daughter was hot. Wonder what she looks like now.

I know his younger one got pregnant at 14 and is now with a woman

well if you spend enough time on the internet nigger becomes a adjective

thats not very 'go with christ' of her

That entire family is proof that even crazy amounts of money can't cure being trash. It made me realize what my parents were talking about when they would say not to associate with "new money" like lottery winners and things that came to live near us or go to my school. They usually ended up being irredeemable trash.

if it's any consolation you and your parents are trash too, you rockefeller ass motherfucker


Beth is the ultimate Uddermonster

Any estimates on that bra size?

Would smash the fuck out it tbqh m8

Kill any innocent people in a drunken car accident and get off scott free cause your dad golfs with the judge lately, rich boy? Bet you didn't like that part of the God Father where Vito has Luka Brazi beat the shit out of those two pieces of trash that abused the florists daughter. Yeah, bet you thought she had it coming for being a poor italian bitch and not giving it up

Day of broken glass is coming rich boy, make sure your passport is in order we'll mail you your dads teeth in mexico