Will she be the one to save the MCU?

Will she be the one to save the MCU?

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>We need Jennifer Lawrence but prettier
>I know just the girl

MCU doesn't need any saving, but I hope she takes it to the next level

>prettier than JLaw
Lol no

Jenn pls

I jack off to her

her feet game ruins it all


I wish. ;_;

what's she so sad about?

an average-looking man looked in her direction

lol, no.

check out her favorite films and her appearances on ferguson and then try not to fall for her


Why did her head get so huge?

Challenge accepted...

...I still think she's awful. I also think Carol is awful. So I guess it works out in the end.

She's a zero charisma non-entity!!!FACT!!!

Jej yes you newb. Jlaw looks like a puffy faced averagely pretty chick and nothing more. He meteoric success is literally mind boggling (or was. Now we know she auditions on her knee's)

She's BLACKED so no

She has the tits but it all comes down to how busty her costume will be.. oh and the quips.

She's ugly, I don't like her

Jesus Christ is this real?
Butthurt over a man having courage to ask for your number?



she's a massive diva and SJW so.. no.

would she rather someone forcefully take it from her next time? cant do shit these days.

cross section bread loaf looking bitch


>pretty woman smiles at man
>man takes a shot and asks for her number
What is her damage?


she needed the oppression points so that she can still be in the "women are the niggers of the world" movement

kek, asking if she would date a black guy like it's 1850s.

>absolute state of western women
>absolute state of western men

Well, would you date a black guy in {current year}? I don't think so.

Can we expect this to happen in her movie?

>this is the stuff american teenage girls grow up reading

>implying niggers care about lace lingerie
This is unrealistic, even for comic book standards

ofc I wouldn't because I'm not a race-betraying faggot

>No one but Kelly Sue deConnick cared for this
>even she didn't do anything about it since Carol fucks off to space the very next issue
>ignored in War Machine's own mini
>only brought back in the most hamfisted way so that Carol would cry when he got killed by Thanos
Illuminating Comics did it better

Brie "textbook definition 6" Larson > Jennifer "potato ancestry" Lawrence.

How is her head so big?

Nice tits though.

She was pretty hot in Scott Pilgrim, I like the bleach blonde hair/red lips combo


Not with her ugly feet she won't


Her ugly diseased feet

Post them, I want to have a laff

No. She clearly doesn't give a fuck about blockbusters, ESPECIALLY capeshit.

She clearly took the roles in Kong and Captain Marvel for the money, popularity, to get more roles she actually cares about, to get some movies made that would not have been made otherwise etc. etc.

Why does she look like she's in her mid 30's at 28?

Bad skin, like Tom Holland. She might also be one of those actresses like Margot Robbie and Rebel Wilson who lie about being a lot younger than they actually are.

Margot Robbie is in her late 20's.

is this implying that Black Panther is racist?


I can't wait for feige sexual harassment stories

No because he is black. There is no such thing.

fucking dumb nigger

T'Challa is /ourguy/

she looks like she's dying

@ThumpinBunnies is right but his name and profile pic are not doing him any favors.

Yes, but not just against whites, against all humans except Wakandans. Imagine if Atlantis was in Africa and the people were all total assholes, that's Wakanda.

>Jesus Christ is this real?
>Butthurt over a man having courage to ask for your number?
It's because he was beneath her in social status and probably a 5/10 in looks. So, of course she creeped him out.

>men are taught growing up that they have to be agressive
>or at least showing initiative
>go learn to drive, go find that job
>see a girl? Talk to her
>unless your plain looking
>if you're plain looking you better stick to your work and die alone

>Captain Mardyel

It amazes me the cognitive dissonance of an upper-class white women of supreme privilege holding the mindset that a working-class man daring to ask her phone number both puts her into the equivalence of being a survivor of sexual assault, and at the same time of whining of such a trivial issue that she is "powerful, strong".

A powerful and strong person *wouldn't* feel like they'd been victimized for such a non-issue, that is the entire point.

I'm curious if she actually is a SJW of this caliber, or if she is simply playing the role now as her hollywood star is at the beginning of its rise. Something about it feels... hollow.

He won't even help those poor African countries right next to Wakanda he's literally /ourguy/

she's got toe fungus or some shit, it looks disgusting. every time i've seen a pic i get this overwhelming urge to break something. like goddamn woman, get your shit together or at least have the decency to not flaunt your footpusy.

I am looking forward to her complaining about being cast as the 44year old single mom comedies.


Well you do see a few people attacking Taylor Swift because she avoided any sjw speeches and all she does is sing about boys and breaking up with them.

It's really all about political control over famous people.

at least she's more /fit/ than wondersticc

Not diverse enough.

>Bad skin, like Tom Holland

bitch don't talk shit about my man, I'll cut you

I want to be reverse BLACKED

Yes, but not against whites, against niggers. Just imagine ruling the most technologically advanced country in the world while being surrounded by fucking tribes and child soldiers and cannibal warlords and mud huts.

Truly a rape survivor


She's a cutie too bad about the sjw shit. I had to drop her from the waifu top 3

>tfw you will never take her hand, look into her eyes and whisper that you are committed to the social, political and economic liberation of black people




captain sjw more like am i right guys

Oh my

How's this shit called?

I somehow remember those disgusting nails can be fixed by removing the entire nail and let it grow up again from zero.



Bet if it was a black TSA agent she wouldn't have made those tweets.

>stops jerking off