What does Sup Forums think of The Wire?

What does Sup Forums think of The Wire?

Just getting into it and I love Season 1, the complete lack of setup/exposition is making me feel tfw to intelligent.

its an alright show but redditors overrate it
i couldn't get past season 2 such a borefest


it's boring as hell, the characters are bland as shit too

It's tv kino but redditors like call it boring because they're retarded cunts that the world would be better without

>muh intelligence
you can be a autistic retard and still enjoy the show

Who said anything about intelligence you insecure faggot?

I wasn't saying you were actually mentally retarded. Although now I believe you are.

it's boring tho, I get the point of "realistic" police stuff and politics but it doesn't work as a show, they should have made a documentary or something

honestly breaking bad deals with similar stuff and it fits television much more, you have just enough of unrealistic stuff and it keeps the serious character development, pretty good and fun

>breaking bad is better than the wire
kys my man

This is probably the best think that happened on TV ever.

>insecure faggot?
kek says the nigger who calls people who dont like the most reddit show redditors

You are in for a treat because it actually gets better and better - up to a point. Be prepared for a radical change of focus in season 2, but you'll come to appreciate it. This is in the top 5 tv shows ever made.

taste is subjective, I said it works better as a tv show

I don't want to watch realistic stuff on tv, I want to watch fun and interesting things, the wire takes itself too seriously when it should be more concerned with making the characters likable

>tfw you think you smell bait but then realize there are people this retarded on Sup Forums

in the US, it's not even top 100 in the world

>taste is subjective,
>reddit spacing
Kill yourself

The Sopranos is infinitely better and this trash doesn't deserve to even be compared to True Kino™

>breaking bad is better than the wire
lmao ok

The wire is a newspaper compared to BrBa's comix

Its good, but I think I wont rewatch it much.

Season 2 is the best season, and if you think otherwise thats okay.

no arguments, I've started to realized shows like this are filled with people who can't argue why they're good and just shitpost

learn to read dumbass

precisely, breaking bad is fun and it fits as a tv show, the wire doesnt

I know you're memeing but I actually felt like every episode of The Wire, you'd actually come to understand something about the way institutions/crime function. It all seems to come together to paint a picture where you see institutions as tools through which the will and interests of the powerful is enforced, rather than the good of the people.

I've never felt that with another show, everything like Breaking Bad seems so superficial in comparison.

fucking brainlets nowadays i swear...

>why they are good
Good acting and production values
Well designed character motivations
Slow burn
Features both humourous and serious situations

There have been 2 dozen threads on this show this week alone

all of that is just your opinion though so...

Why is it shit?

lol OP here, I literally never come on this board but I've been getting into this show and knew it'd trigger some 'tism

lmao i really don't need to explain the obvious

Nope, you're just too much a brainlet to get it

>tv should not be approached as a serious art form
People like you are the reason that we have re-makes, sequels and franchises dominating cinema and nostalgia trips like 'Stranger Things and empty dramas like 'Narcos' dominating television.

The fact of the matter is, regardless of your taste, 'The Wire' did something that hasn't been done on television before. It assumed an intelligence of its audience, allowing the writers to create a story so dense and rich with characterisation that it became the closest thing to literary TV has ever accomplished and now, thanks to people like you, probably ever will.

Breaking Bad is a competently made/written television drama. The Wire is a multi-layered, sociopolitical commentary (without ever explicitly telling you that one side is bad and the other is good) / Greek Tragedy adapted for contemporary audiences with contemporary themes and a large dose of realism.

Face it man, you like to be entertained, you don't like Art. You are a mindless consumer of trashy television and couldn't get on board with 'The Wire' because it didn't pander to your profoundly short attention span

Is there a more /comfy/ combination for cinema and tv than the black cop/white cop partner trope?

It's the highest-quality virtue-signalling you'll ever watch, but it's procedurally realistic which makes it interesting.

this is probably the only comforting thing about the wire

>virtue signalling
How so?

Are you forgetting that Sup Forums is essentially Sup Forums?

Not that posters but The Wire is a very round-about way of saying "there's nothing inherently wrong with black people, the problem is the system they are a part of"

That's true though. It was the systematic destruction of black families through welfare that led to this situation. I agree that you won't get this from the Wire though.

Didn't I tell ya

The very apex of television.

I love the first season,, but I think it gets progressively worse with every passing season.

Why does Sup Forums hate niggers but like this show?

>he doesn't know about Hamsterdam

>lack of exposition
the heavy handed symbolism is basically exposition on steroids

yeah but think of another example other than that scene

anyway that scene was surprisingly fun and also worked to establish D'Angelo as a more intelligent character than he'd previously seemed to be, so it wasn't just the usual ''MUH CHESS''' symbolism

Because it portrays nigger mentality pretty accurately.

There is barely 3 cringey moments like that in the whole series, you reddittor

I watched it five years ago boy so I can't remember much about the show
Moved onto real kino instead
Don't ever reply to me again


I watched the entire season 1 because of all the praise. now I'm trying to get through season 2 but idk... maybe not my thing

openly stupid arguments don't deserve counter arguments. The deserve public ridicule, which is what you got. You have to reach a basic threshold in order to warrant an explanation for why you are wrong, but you fell far short, as I am sure is not uncommon for you

Yeah, sopranos is sooo much deeper...

Except the wire has objectively better and more engaging writing than Breaking Bad.

I agree with all this except the Sopranos did it first

>not being blatantly racist is now considered virtue signalling
Take a break from Sup Forums pal