If every white boy was given one of these there would be no racism

if every white boy was given one of these there would be no racism

If rural retards ever took the subway they'd smell the putrid stench of dindus. So no.

No, but the ban hammer hits everybody who posts nudity on a work safe board, no matter what their races.

Mods aren't racist.
They don't discriminate.
Doesn't matter what color your skin is, your religious beliefs, or what country you come from.

You post nudity on a blue board a 4 Chan, you're going to get banned. Simple as that.

Only if she didn't act like a dumb nig. It's the mannerisms and the attitude. I have no problem with black people, but stop licking/slapping your fucking lips, pull up your pants, don't brag about the streets and how hard you've had it..

that's a really disgusting ass

this isnt nudity retard

>if white people had negress slaves and black men didn't exist the world would be better

agreed tbqh

This clearly isn't nudity. Do you need your eyes checked? Or are you a retard?


If she did squats, and ate at a deficit she'd be perfect. Just needs to lose a little fat.


This line of thinking is retarded. Just because I have friends who are redneck hillbillies doesn't mean I don't hate redneck hillbillies.

>cmon white guys, date these "beautiful" women
>no no, its not that we find them repulsive, we just wanna share

>le lordosis fat woman

>if I put 1/8" of cloth on my body I'm not technically naked XDDDD

You need at least a few nigger bucks around to impregnate negresses if you want future generations of negresses though


Slave owners in USA had black sex slaves but they hated blacks anyway.

I would rather have a Jenny. Kneegrows do not interest me in the slightest.

we'd use their sperm and keep them in cages

yeah thats how it works

are you new to the world?

based FAS fetishist

This. Fucking flabby cellulite mess, the thicc meme needs to die

So you are retarded.

Australia has black people.

i'm racist but want a big black ass to sit on my face

>the white boi clicks the report button in direct correlation with the activation of blood flow in his penis

th-thanks?? :33

>the thicc meme needs to die
Closet homos be gone

>Implying YOU would have personal negress slaves

that's reserved for elite chads. Not neets.

if white women are not interested in white "men" why would black men be interested

white "men" are just fucking pathetic. there's a reason why white women prefer black men over them.

racism will disappear only when every single white man dies