Star Trek /Discovery/ General

Mid season finale tonight!

Why aren't you hyped?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because nu-trek is a great disappointment.

Reminder that ep 8's writer guaranteed that ep 9 will be as good as "Balance of Terror"

What do you find disappointing about it?

Oops I backlinked to the wrong thread. Sorry

The show isn't that bad, Sup Forums. Stop being contrarians

This. It wouldn't be one of the most popular shows if it was bad

less moral dillema more pewpew lazors. Also science part with spore drive seems way too pulled out of the ass.

If you could change one thing about this show, what would it be?

>Also science part with spore drive seems way too pulled out of the ass
Do you even follow the series?

Klingon looks. I don't find them threatening, as Klingons should be.

Yes and I don't buy it.
>interdimensional plant that grows thoughout the cosmos
Tha fuck is this shit? Norse mitology?

I can't make my mind up on this show, sometimes i think it looks good they threw money at it, then sometimes i think it looks like garbage.
They blow up a whole ship and crew, including a cool computer/robot cyborg dude that never shows up again
The engineer besides being a bad actor and having a blank stare, destroys spacey, oh and check out this new tech that lets us go anywhere and has never been mentioned before
The doctor is very obviously gay, they dont have to hamfist it by making him gay with the engineer, and half his lines i dont even believe his delivery, sounds like he doesnt even know what hes saying
then they put nipple clamps on a tardigrade
They make the captain sinister one take, he has a secret lab, then the next take people coming in and out of the secret lab, not so sinister at all
and now they are very obviously setting up that female admiral as a traitor or something
I can watch it but I just dont know, feels like it could be in any setting not a trek show

TOS and TNG Klingons look less threatening

>technology that allows you to teleport anywhere in the universe
>waste it on fighting neighboring Klingons

What did the writers mean by this?

and shit I forgot the best part that i rewatched at least 6 times when the female 100 pound security chief, SECURITY CHIEF, grabs a knife and a rifle and opens up a shield door letting out a wild 2 ton animal with impenetrable armor and razor sharp claws that cut through titanium with no backup, no plan and starts shooting at it even though it wasnt attacking

Kill off Michael.

When does this air, I watch on netflix do they upload at a certain point or does it have a tv channel as well?


Yes, but the difference is that they wear less makeup. Which means you can read their facial expressions and actors could convey emotions of anger and threat better. STD Klingons are basically solid masks that show teeth then they're angry.

Make Michael a barely relevant redshirt or get rid of her.

This is the worst show ever made

What timezone?

I've seen worse shows

They want the show to be like Game of Thrones where no character is safe.

agreed. they can't even get their threads to reach the bump limit. once the show is over by tomorrow there will be a few more threads with STD and like how GoT threads worked and then they will stop paying people to stop making these useless threads

>shit opinion

Yep we're moving to /trek/ next week

You have to remember that the showrunners have only written teen drama before DIS

What is this niggerfaggot show even?

this would explain much.
it is like a high school show about love and getting accepted for who you are.

hey guys just want to tell you hate-watching a show isnt exactly healthy. We all know Discovery is shit. And now people watch it live on brettygood pulling jokes etc.

The same thing happened to Avatar fans with Korra. At first they were happy with the porn and memes. Making fun of a show is fun in a way. But only much later did they realize that Korra has killed the whole franchise not only in general but for them personally too. The shitty writing and the unlikeable characters had manifested themselves in their minds alongside the ones they once loved. The perfect memory of Avatar: The last airbender had been ruined. Korra was like a virus that ruined even the good things about a franchise. I am watching STD too but im starting to feel the same thing happening again. Discovery is an STD as in first you feel good but the consequences are what destroy you. My recommendation for all of you is: stop watching Discovery and let Star Trek go. It will probably never be good again. Maybe someday, but we can only hope. If the thirst for ST becomes overwhelming i can recommend Orville since it isnt just a parody. Its clear that Seth really wants this show to be as comfy as real trek, he also seems to be a true fan.

See you guys in 10 years when the next ST series comes out, which hopefully wont suck...

>Why aren't you hyped?
Because I saw the pilot and never bothered with std again.

Not gonna lie, I thought Korra was better than the last Airbender.


Star Trek. What more do you need to know?

You clearly do since you here

So you only watched the prologue. you don't even know what the show is about.

it should be /std/ you /dis/gusting/ /dis/aster

>thread dies
>next thread dies after 17 replies over two hours
>takes three hours for someone to pretend to care enough to make a new thread

>second part of a two part mid-season finale tonight



Understatement of the year. STD is garbage.

Monday morning


This ugly bog eye'd albino cunt ruined our beautiful and God Kevin Spacey.

Death should be the only thing granted to him and all those that watch Sexually Transmitted Disease General.

To the flaying chambers with ye all!

d-delete this!!

>dat ugly ugly pic

either download better pictures or take drawing lessons. please.

Go away E;R we all know Korra is shit already.

>If the thirst for ST becomes overwhelming i can recommend Orville since it isnt just a parody. Its clear that Seth really wants this show to be as comfy as real trek, he also seems to be a true fan.

Fuck off FOX shill.

>Mid season finale
This is the stupidest concept to ever be introduced to television.

It's a season finale.

That would be The Mist.

its basically just to justify not running episodes during holiday season

which is silly for a streaming platform.

but CBS is nothing if not intensely retarded.

I wish he would talk about korra more or you know upload in general more

Because no one wants to watch a show 20 weeks straight

OP linked wrong thread as last.

here is last: OP try not to be retarded in the future.

>being this new

Honest mistake. See .

>being obsessed with a show that you hate

10 hours left. Get hype

Was it disrespectful to shoop out her warts in this promo pic?

better than punching a clock to astroturf a show you don't watch

>Episode airs in 10 hours
>One post every 15 minutes

>which is silly for a streaming platform.

DIS is not streamed in Canada

Where are the punished Michael shoops?

same place as the show's fanbase

Where's that?

9 hours left bros. I'm so excited

You cant hide... dont run, dont cry, just die.

dead in the gutter

Who are you talking to?

who /hype/ for space battle kino?

They better not bitch out of it. I want my fucking space battle.

So are the "FUCK DRUMPF" undertones in this show subtle or glaringly obvious?


I was cheering for the Klingons

T'Kuvma was based

It's dumb they killed him off, I legitimately thought he was great

Voq better serve his master well tonight


Does Ash know he's Voq?

Yes the battles in the premiere looked really good. What's this show's budget?


Currently watching Enterprise. Which Star Trek should I watch after, apart from TOS?

Don’t know about Ash but the actor was originally cast as Kol and said something like he decided Tyler was a better role in part because he’d have to spend *less* time in prosthetics.

Oh come on you don't believe this garbage do you? That would be the most retarded plot twist ever.

Which Star Trek's have you watched?


Just watch them in chronological order

Yep only way to watch Star Trek.

Nigga if you think I'm going to watch TOS you're out of your mind

Why not? it's comfy.

Take the poll nerds

Are you implying that this show's writers can come up with good plot twists?

I'm tired if taking polls. I watch it on Netflix

Jonathan Frakes is big fan of DIS. Why aren't you?

>Jonathan Frakes is big fan of DIS.
yes,i bet even leonard nimoy watches it on his free time.

I only managed one episode of The Mist, that really was shit.

This new star trek is almost as shit tho.

hes still under contract to promote the product

[citation needed]

STD wouldn't be so bad if a dying network didn't prop it up as the make-or-break flagship content of a dead streaming platform.

Hes got an EP credit, meaning he took the money, meaning he's under contract.

* why didn't they scuttle the shenzhou when they left it in Klingon territory?
* why aren't they installing the spore drive in every ship? The law against eugenics is just a law, not a religion, it could be waived for this particular thing since there is a war that could kill billions
* if the eugenics laws can't be waived why not use monkeys, they are almost identical to humans genetically. Surely killing a few monkeys is better than letting the Klingons kill billions of humans and federation aliens
* why hasn't the federation won the fucking war yet? They can teleport in orbit of any Klingon planet or outpost, bomb it and jump away. Why the fuck are they wasting Discovery's time rescuing other useless federation ships or kidnapped captains?
* If Harry Mudd hates being married to Stella so much why does he spontaneusly tell people he loves her, unprompted?
* How can the federation let Harry Mudd walk free when he knows military secrets of extreme importance and has proved willing to sell this informations to the Klingons?
* Why is episode seven called "si vis pacem, para bellum" which means "if you want peace prepare for war" when the war has been ongoing for months?
* What the fuck was going on on the Klingon ship in Si vis pacem?

Spoilers for second half of the season:
* Landry returns in a flashback, having sex with Lorca
* That flashback is juxtaposed against a current-day scene of people having sex under the sheets, later revealed to be Stamets and Culber after they roll over post-climax
* Tilly is revealed to have experimented with women at the academy before realizing she was straight, "though sometimes..."
* L'Rell murders Lorca's tribble
* During a fight scene, Saru's leg is broken in a rather gruesome and gratuitous fashion, though He Gets Better(tm)
* There's an Enterprise-ish wink-wink-nudge-nudge revealing that T'Kuvma got the cloaking device from Klingons that were allied with the Romulans, house Duras ofc., who evidently wanted to start this war. Kinda getting tired of this plot point desu
* The war ends at the end of season 1
* No more Mudd, at least this season
* Seriously I can't get that flashback scene out of my head tho
not sure I can say much more without giving myself away


>* why didn't they scuttle the shenzhou when they left it in Klingon territory?

The battle took place in Federation territory.

>* why aren't they installing the spore drive in every ship?

Because it's a prototype