What's even the point of this movie...

What's even the point of this movie? During the first half it was very interesting seeing all that awkward people trying their best to get in a relationship, I felt like it was a critic to something I'm just too dumb to understand. But as soon as the main character goes into the woods the story turns to shit, what was that about?

>What's even the point of this movie?
art for arts sake

its art m8

Bullshit, I'm into pretentious artsy movies, the lobster is just plain bad


It's just another DUDE SO SURREAL AND RANDOM LMAO movie. People think they are really clever when they make these or something. Worst movie of 2015.

Commentary on societal pressure or something. If you can't find someone to be in a relationship with, you're less than a human, no better than an animal. I think ralph did a video on it.

no it isn't

>implying Lanthimos makes films for the sake being a self-satisfying ego-stroke

I take it you've never seen anything else by him.

Why does there need to be a point?

This would explain the hotel part, but when he runs away they start painting the austitic relationship on a more positive light, he and that blind girl want to be together even without the social pressure, actually, the pressure is for them to be apart, it is a complete 180ยบ on how the movie started

> the pressure is for them to be apart
Well yes, that's another extreme. If you're not very social then you must be alone, must be detached, must be an outcast, must post >tfw no gf, must shun normies and trators who dare to try forming a bound. Because there's no middle ground, everything must be either or, very strict. And hat's no way to live a life. Or something like that.

Christ almighty, most boring movie of my life. I would prefer to shoot myself in a foot instead of re-watching it.

I remember sitting back after watching this and chastising myself, like I wasted that much of my free time on this drivel I was actually mad at me, not even so much the movie anymore.

loved it desu

The Killing of a Sacred Deer > Dogtooth > The Lobster

whenever I watch a Yuroflick I always have a sixpack on hand and get blitzed, makes these flicks far more enjoyable

Obviously films like the are open to interpretation.

For me, it's about society's demonization of individualism. How you can force people to become irrational and act against their interests by forcing them to conform into parties where they feel they have to belong.


>tfw too smart for entertainment

The second part is that if you think the first society is fucked up, you realize the people on the other side are fucked up too. It just allows you to explore the idea of relationships from another perspective while still giving the same critique/theme.

>dude every character acts autistic

>tfw no blue balling Mediterranean maid gf

>The Killing of a Sacred Deer
The undisputed number one of hack Art, its so damn cheap and nonunique, its a shame this still gets praise, and an even bigger that it ever did

>super hero movies are too dumb no plot!


/r9k/ the movie

agreed, first half was good, second half stunk.

>tripfag agrees with me

I'm sorry for my shitty opinions, Sup Forums

actually it's anti-r9k too, the movie is about social pressure making us act against our needs and feelings and the forest people represent counter-cultures (like, in exaple, user counter-culture) which still act like societies despite declared embrace of individualism

it seems like a decent 30 minute short concept stretched into a 2+hr movie.