He's vegan, why aren't you Sup Forums ?

he's vegan, why aren't you Sup Forums ?

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Because I am Robert Smith

Meat tastes good

>animals get hurt sometimes

Boohoo, if they were in the wild they'd be getting it a lot worse than we give it to them

Animals are dumb and taste delicious, they deserve everything bad that happens to them

I feel like cows know they are food and are at peace with that. I mean I get that idea from the expression on their face when I stare at a cow in the eye.
Also because human evolution wouldn't have been possible if we hadn't eaten meat for so long I think.
I will stop eating meat if they make something that tastes like meat and looks like meat and is healthy and isn't more expensive.
I feel really bad eating pig meat though, I feel like I could be eating my pet. Pigs are very smart.

Who would eat cows and pigs in the wild though? Sorry for asking this dumb question but I don't know.

You're an immoral asshole.

If Pigs would be as smart as human they would be eating us.

Youtube what happens when a Lion catches a Wildebeast
Obviously domestic animals wouldn't be in the wild anymore but I'm talking their ancestors

you don't get gainz with salad

because I'm vegetarian master race

Bet he eats Rooney's pussy though

I am a vegan.

There are no logical arguments against veganism, it's just laziness and selfishness.

Well we don't eat people who are mentally challenged

This is true, they chose to be lazy shits who just have to stand and eat grass all day. This is the fate they chose

If your beloved pig didn't want to end up on my breakfast it should had been smarter.
Or less tasty

I am


I bet you wouldnt make a meat for your child even if he needs it.

We should though

lazyness and selfishness are good arguments though, many people live in a place and a society where you don't have the time or the money to be vegan. Yeah you can say that vegan food is not expensive but that is only true in some places. And also you need to take more control over your health just to make sure you are doing it right. With such demanding lifestyles many people don't get to choose to do that.

Isn't that how Steve Jobs died?

>it's just laziness and selfishness.

Sound like pretty good reasons to me


>Pigs are very smart.

I'd probably go vegan if I were dating a QT vegan. I've tasted vegan food and it was alright, and I'm easy to convince when it comes to this, I don't see it as a huge lifestyle change even if it is. But that's the only thing right now that would make me go vegan.

>I'd probably go vegan if I were dating a QT vegan

I wonder who is behind this post

i was forced into being vegan. because of getting gerd/ibs

i can't gain weight worth a shit

my iq has three digits

>changing yourself for some slit
you are the biggest beta I've seen in hours

I have no desire to become soyboy. I wouldnt go vegan by default unless medical complications.


The majority of india shit in the street and yet are still vegetarian/vegan.

You don't live in a place where beans/legumes/pulses are more expensive than meat unless you are a member of some eskimo tribe.

>you need to take more control over your health just to make sure you are doing it right.

the majority of the west are meat eaters and the majority of the west are obese. Dietary health isn't even a factor in most peoples lives. And if it was they'd realise that it's a lot easier to be healthy on a vegan diet than it is on a meat diet.

meatcucks will defend this

>and that's why I don't have a girlfriend

I live in Argentina and the only vegan I've met in real life is not exactly healthy.

>not arguing the point
we're done here, desperate brainlet. hope she steps in shit before using you as a doormat

I don't eat any food made by (((them)))
that's my diet, simple as

Because I like protein

With all the shit going on in the world this isn't of my concern. Right now there are babies being put in ovens, people being drugged and raped for life, etc. The world is so fucked I simply don't care about someone torturing an animal somewhere.

>Who would eat cows and pigs in the wild though?
Any species that is hungry enough. Especially if that species needs high protein intake.

You know one vegan and he isn't healthy. How many meat eaters do you know that aren't healthy? Your one vegan statement seems irrelevant now.

think of all the famine and struggles humanity had to endure just to manufacture pork on such a scale.

I honestly dont care. I hold people lives more than animals.


There's a fuck ton of meat eaters so obviously that doesn't count. Most of the people I know are healthy actually. And I live in a place where you really need to go out of your way a lot to be a vegan, it's too much work.

Meat tastes good and is easily available. I know a lot of vegans for some reason, I'm convinced these people only exist to make ordering pizzas a fucking pain.

I work in the meat industry

How would you even know either way, delusional idiot? Go back to your containment board.

I stopped eating pork months ago and now I barely eat cow/chicken meat like once or twice a week. But god damn, it tasted good


I guess that explains why he doesn't have an Oscar. They saw that he eats like a faggot and blacklisted him

I'm a biologist and I could list many reasons why humans are terrible systerm, starting by how our teeth are terrible for eating veggies to how we don't have the bacteria in our stomach to break the vegetal protein

but you would just use
>muh feels

and I can't change how you feel, sadly

And that is the only argument a vegan can use, "I don't eat meat because I feel bad for the animals"

i like to eat the flesh of dead animals

>Sentient beings

- Vegans have higher test


- Processed meattrash lowers sperm count


- Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man


- Casomorphine in milk is addictive


- Milk gives you prostate cancer


- Milk gives you acne


- Heme iron in red meat gives you esophageal and stomach cancer


- Meat gives you colorectal cancer


- Eggs increase cancer risk even when adjusted for intakes of macronutrients or for other food groups


>unironically becoming a soyboy

I'd literally rather die

>vegans are all weak and look malnourished! I'm so handsome and strong because I eat meat
Brad Pitt has been a vegan for decades, would you say he looks bad?
>inb4 Sup Forumstards crying cuck, etc

who cares im depressed. im going to enjoy my food while i can
fuck off

>does not affect test
look at chinks, they're the least masculine men.

Yeah but animal based food is cheaper and tastes better.

>it doesn't count because i said so


>you really need to go out of your way a lot to be a vegan, it's too much work.

Argentina has a shortage of beans/legumes/pulses/nuts/fruit/veg/rice/gluten? That's unfortunate.

Post some actual points and I will argue with them.

Our teeth are excellent for vegan diet because we have blunt canines that excel at grinding, as opposed to a carnivore that would have sharp fangs and pointed incisors. Our molars are flat as opposed to a carnivors blade shaped molars. Our entire jaw has mobility to promote grinding of food whereas a carnivore cannot move the lower jaw.

The vegetable protein is irrelevant as we aren't gorillas, we can get protein elsewhere without chewing leaves.

I can't afford it.

nice bait
If a neckbeard eats vegan food he would just become a smug neckbeard, not brad pitt.

All clickbait, if every disease in the world were suddenly cured we would still have cancer.
If you don't get killed by some disease or an accident you will die by cancer, such is life.

>beans are more expensive than meat products

Where is this meme coming from? What do you think vegan food is? It's literally the cheapest food available.

Great argument, fuck those scientific studies

you eat just beans?

I unironically respect a guy who stays single over a hermaphrodite who arranges his lifestyle around a woman

easy for you to tell some poorfag to eat beans for his entire life. what do you eat, I bet it's not beans.

Meatcucks ITT

I live in Argentina too and meat is expensive as fuck. You can go to the supermarket and there's tons of vegan food, you're just a fat lazy piece of shit

>haha every meatcuck is fat, bloated american who doesnt eat vegetables ever!!!1!

He has grown up

What would we do with the ~billions of domesticated animals all over the world if we all went vegan? There's no natural environment for them, so the only logical outcome would be that we kill them anyway, which completely negates the animal welfare aspect.

I eat a lot of beans, I do not eat only beans.

My dinner last night for instance was a bean chile. It consisted of the following
>black beans
>red kidney beans
>red pepper

Also other things like garlic and spices etc

When will we nuke them?

Everything gives you cancer, just go jump off a bridge already because I'm not eating beans and fucking rice until the end of my days.

are you retarded cunt?

the world isn't suddenly going to go vegan. Meat will be phased out progressively


>you're just a fat lazy piece of shit
sh-shut up!

>What would we do with the ~billions of domesticated animals all over the world if we all went vegan?

Let them die out. You'd have to be a really naive vegan to believe that we'd still breed all those cows and chickens for no reason.

Also with all those animals gone the environment will be in a lot better shape.

you fucker that's already like 10 ingredients for one dish and I know you don't just eat chile

So because they're "dumb" they deserve to be killed?

Who's this tiny dicked redneck? Why are whites so fucking retarded

ok vegan gains jesus we get it go debate someone on livestream or something man this isn't productive

lets just keep on making more and more and killing them over and over again. so what if we do have to kill off most of what we have now, we can save generations of animal suffering by stopping now

Really not that hard being vegan when you have 25 million dollars to spend on fancy restaurants and a private chef to prepare your meals. Fucking moron.

>race baiting
You're an idiot.

Why should I make my short life on this planet worse by abstaining from something I love?

10 ingredients that cost less than one steak.

The past few dinners I've had
>seitan "sausage"
>lentil dahl

>the worst thing humans can do is kill animals for food
Kek, hollyweird fags are so deluded

even if it happens progressively, the outcome will still be the same: All those animals die.

> let them die out

But isn't it wasteful to let all these delicious animals die out without using them for something?

Also, if we find a way to keep eating meat while stabilizing the environmental impact, or slap a carbon tax on beef, would that make it okay?

i'm starting with the man in the mirror
i'm asking him to change his ways

What do vegans eat every day? I mean what do you eat as an average lunch and dinner that will be 100% enough for you to stay healthy?
Also keep in mind that I fucking hate cooking or preparing food in general because I'm tired and I just want to eat (I notice that most vegans seem to love cooking).
I just grill a hamburger or a chicken and that's it.
If your answer is expensive or complicated there's your answer to why.

I think that's a pointless argument. There is literally no reason that complete annihilation should be preferable to generations of systemic slaughter.

who says im not vegan cunt

Vegan anons, why are you not enjoying yourself a few delicious mussels or oysters every once in a while?

If you don't eat meat/fish because they feel pain/emotions, why don't you eat mussels, oysters or scallops?
They are the closest "animal" to a plant, no pain receptors no brain no nothing, they are literally just a functioning nervous system and nothing else. And farming any of them is highly sustainable and safe with practically zero danger of ruining the eco system, farming them is actually highly beneficial for the environment because of their filtering of the water.
Packed in protein, minerals, B12 vitamins, omegas, basically perfect food for a vegan. If morals are the only thing why you are a vegan there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't eat them.

phasing it out progressively is the only real option here, we know this

Humans are getting dumber and fatter by the minute, there'll be no vegan revolution, quite the opposite. We'll be eating more meat and animals will be killed in increasingly violent ways. Look at this idiot . Contrary to what morons ITT say, this kind of treatment is the rule in slaughter houses, not the exception. I am a vegan but I wouldn't even waste time trying to convince other people

Humans couldn't have evolved to the point where science developped to show we can live as vegans, if it weren't for the fact that throughout history humans haven't been vegans. Our brains wouldn't have evolved and neither would have our society.

Phasing it out is just as immoral. You are still killing the animals either way.