
do girls like guys who browse Sup Forums?


>go girls like guys who browse a website made for anti-social, racist, sexist weaboos
gee I wonder

No. Obviously. And I don’t need the approval of females.


I don't like girls who likes guys who browse Sup Forums
I don't like guys who browse Sup Forums
I don't particularly like Sup Forums

i dont even like myself

Fuck no, and you're delusional if you think otherwise.

Yes. It's the number two thing women look for in a man.

really do i need to be worried?

thanks man you are my hero

they don't even know what Sup Forums is

I don't think I'd date a woman that knew what Sup Forums was, so it doesn't really matter.

Well obviously so you can still browse Sup Forums and get a gf, just don't mention it on a first date

Why do you even ask? Is browsing Sup Forums one of your defining characteristics?

if you're not being ironic i would suggest not telling anyone you go on Sup Forums, let alone a potential gf.

No, they just want a Sup Forums user to impregnate them and then go away.

>Is browsing Sup Forums one of your defining characteristics?
not him but

h-hey whi-which are your favourites boards of fo-fourchan?

pretty much... yeah

What's number one?

Yes but only the ones who get at least 20 replies.