Be called Wonder Woman

>be called Wonder Woman
>can't swim


are you kidding me!?

Well, can she cook?

Is this the porn parody? Gal's stunt double actually has thighs.

gal got thick

>cosplaying as the shittiest capeshit movies Warner Brothers has ever made

Might as well cosplay as George Clooney Batman, at least that movie was self aware of it's silliness, BvS and JL is actually taking itself seriously.

Excuse me?

This must be out of context, come the fuck on WW should be able to fly in space just like Supes wtf?

Holy shit I can tell that's a stunt double for wonderjew

>Wonder Jew cant swimm

She saved the eternal anglo spy from drowning in her movie.


every time I see this feminist whore all I can think about is her hairy snatch getting pumped full of cock

She swam in Wonder Woman though

>hairy snatch

I think she is more the shaved type.

She saves Capt. Steve from drowning, in her own movie.

wtf is this, that's not affleck

>he hasn't seen the pictures

Why is DC so iconic and Marvel so generic and forgettable, bros?

this is the porn parody, right?


Yeah, that ain't the skinny jew broad.
Could be CG? something feels phony about it.

I've been wonder what the boots/heels were gonna look like. They seem to make a point of not showing them in frame.

Not even willing to get a little wet. Fuck me Hollywood has fallen pretty deep.

It's cosplay you mongs.

This is a witch hunt thread nig-user.