Mfw I bought tickets to Thor Ragnarok a second time so I could watch Justice League on Friday without having to give my...

>mfw I bought tickets to Thor Ragnarok a second time so I could watch Justice League on Friday without having to give my money to DC

>This thread again

You delightful bastard. That's a brilliant idea.

How much does Disney pay you guys?



How does this work?

>buy ticket for Thor
>give theater jockey your ticket
>go into the theater for Justice League

They don't care what you go see as long as you paid for a ticket.

Well, i don't think it would work in multiplex but interesting.

And how, pray tell, do you know what theater JL is playing in? Most theaters got rid of the theater-specific tickers to curb this kind of thing.

they have a sign above the doors to show which movie is playing you mongoloid

Doing this. FOR SNYDER!

Haven't heard of that. At my theater you look at the door above the theater and see "JUSTICE LEA 12:30"

>they have a sign above the doors to show which movie is playing you mongoloid
No, they don't. Great job with the reading comprehension.

>dat Valkyrie

You're a retard.

You're doing great.

muh dick
who is that

You're doing retarded.

My Regal Cinema, as well as the local AMC, got rid of the tickers. That's an objective fact. So tell me, what's the problem? You've used mongoloid once and retard twice, so try to change it up if you can, while addressing the core premise.

My Regal Cinema, which is located in Las Vegas, the most important city in the world, did not.

Your move, mongoloid retard.

Well i'll be. I'm so surprised a young man from the pristine city of Las Vegas would have such an intellect and vocabulary, what a tweest.

You may as well do this and give your money to Marvel considering DC fucked up the DCEU and decided to turn it into Marvel capeshit 2.0.

>DCuck gets BTFO
>resorts to insults
Predictably trite.

Because retard and mongoloid are compliments.

These are the people your posting with. Just let that sink in.

>Mfw I'll just walk into my theater with a gallon of milk and a box of Cracklin Oat Bran, right past the front desk and go see any movie I want because my theater is understaffed and switching owners.

Jade Cargill

>forgot pic


Shut your fucking mouth retard.

>But my theaters dont have those signs
>You're retarded REEEEE

>go to movies by myself because I can
>ask ticket bitch for my ticket "ticket for one for Thor Ragnarok!"
>ticket bitch says "for ONE? what's it like going to the movies alone?"
>I say "Yes, for one. what's it like earning 9 dollars an hour?" laugh in ticket bitch's face and walk away
>walk up to stub ripper...say "IS THIS YOUR WHOLE JOB? YOUR PARENTS MUST BE SO PROUD LOL" rip my own stub because I'm not an idiot
>enter eatery, walk up to servant "what will you have?" she asks, "it's okay! I brought my own!" I say while showing her the contents of my backpack with cola and homemade popcorn inside
>turn to those behind me and say "ENJOY PAYING THREE BUCKS FOR COLA, MORONS"
>make my way to cinema doors, walk into Justice League theater because I don't give a fuck
>notice lots of couples
>laugh at them as they leave in embarrassment
>cinema all to myself, put my feet up and throw popcorn at my face because that's how I eat it

They pay us in entertainment, a rare commodity in the superhero movie business.

>"""he""" keeps replying
What's it like being this thirsty for (You)s, mongoloid? Have another.

she's probably a midget

>go to movies by myself because I can
>ask ticket bitch for my ticket "ticket for one for Thor Ragnarok!"
>ticket bitch says "for ONE? what's it like going to the movies alone?"
>I say "Yes, for one. what's it like earning 9 dollars an hour?" laugh in ticket bitch's face and walk away
>walk up to stub ripper...say "IS THIS YOUR WHOLE JOB? YOUR PARENTS MUST BE SO PROUD LOL" rip my own stub because I'm not an idiot
>enter eatery, walk up to servant "what will you have?" she asks, "it's okay! I brought my own!" I say while showing her the contents of my backpack with cola and homemade popcorn inside
>turn to those behind me and say "ENJOY PAYING THREE BUCKS FOR COLA, MORONS"
>make my way to cinema doors, walk into Justice League theater because I don't give a fuck
>theater is empty because nobody wants to see Justice League
>cinema all to myself, put my feet up and throw popcorn at my face because that's how I eat it

Well Thor is making less than IT(2017) in the US so I'm sure they'll appreciate your help

From 'retard' to 'girl,' just scathing, wow.

like your dick

>From 'retard' to 'girl,'
Same thing, aren't they? Retard.


This is all you need to know about Marvel.

>watching butchered planet hulk
Anyways, don't steal my idea. Already did that by buying JL tickets and going to see thor.

Oh fuck! Now I need to buy two tickets to Thor to cancel you out.

>Las Vegas, the most important city in the world

How many times did your Reno trailer hooker mother drop you on your head when you were a baby?

Fuck. I didn't think about this. This is brilliant. In refunding my early advance tickets for JL right and now buying Ragnarok tickets, only to end up in the UK theatre. I do NOT want to contribute to Warner Brothers desperate attempt at mimicking Marvel.

>mfw OP is a cancerous nigger who makes stale pasta threads
>mfw I have no face

I hope all your blood relatives get gangraped and murdered and sage goes in all fields

>wanting to see a movie
>pay someone not providing the movie
>being this retarded
DC deserves your money if you want to see JL in the first place

How many mass shootings has your city had?

How many mass planings has yours had?

*sigh* Another $100 donated to the Democratic National Committee.

>movie starts X hour
>ads + hours
> starts 5:30 end 7:30
>go online to see the other screenings time
>movie is starts at 8:00
>buy tickets for the 5:30 movie, watch it, hide in the bathrooms for 30 minutes and sneaky in the 8:00

>Find receipt on top of automatic ticket kiosk
>Printed on same paper as the tickets so i can just hand it to the downie ripping tickets
>Make sure to laugh at the lonely scared betas attempting to speak to the box office attendant, but mumbling too low causing the attendant to yell "WHAT! WHAT! IS THAT ONE FOR JUSTICE LEAGUE OR BLADE RUNNER"
>Spend the whole day in the theater making sure to chew and open up food that i brought in in my movie time suitcase
>Make sure to pour soda onto carpet in front of the trash can on the way out of each showing.
>Piss in the corner of the Jurassic Park arcade jeep
>On my way out of the theater, trip another retard fag with glasses going to see Blade Runner who purchased a full price ticket from the electronic kiosk to avoid talking to the box office attendants, but was too beta to buy a kids or senior ticket

How did you ever sneak into r rated movies?

I want a black gf tbqh

Bretty smart OP. I'll see if I can pull this off in my kinoplex

You don't even need to hide in the bathroom, you can just walk in the theater for the next movie and sit there. This isn't like a train conductor, they don't have people who come in to check your tickets. Only reason to go into the bathroom is that you actually need to go to the bathroom.

I've only done this once years ago though because my ass cannot handle two movies in a row. I think it was Air Bud and then Men in Black.


>tfw my theater of choice has assigned seating

Otherwise I would totally do this.

>implying x-statix isn't the closest thing to kino comics have ever seen
Look at this fuckin pleb.

In my experience there's more than enough empty seats in any given theater even though I live in a big city. If someone comes in and says you're in their seat you can just move a few seats down.

Where did he imply that?

Billion dollars movie there.

Fuck Deadpool, gimme an R-rated X-Statix (nudity and gore) with Allred as production designer and I could finally die in peace. The themes are actually more applicable to Marvel Studios now than they were to Marvel Comics when it was released.

Y'all have some weird theaters. I live in South Florida. Every theater I go to is slightly different from those mentioned in this thread.

Each auditorium has a digital sign with the movie and time but you can't sneak into new and popular movies because usually there is someone standing right outside the door requesting to see your ticket.

Usually the strategies mentioned in this thread are waiting in one movie and when it's done you can walk into another or buy one ticket and go in another film works but again, for not new or popular films

That's interesting. My theaters are generally all like this. You buy your ticket, then at the first red dot there's someone waiting to tear your ticket and tell you whether to go to the right or the left. Then there's someone at the second red dot to check your ticket, but after that they don't pay attention to which theater you go into, and the hallways are long enough that they can't see where you're going anyway. So you can't leave without having to show your ticket again, but you can go into whatever theater you want. There are restrooms in the hallways of course, so you don't have to leave until you're ready. I guess the catch is that the movie you want to sneak into may not be playing on the same side as the one your ticket is for, but there's a sign above the entrance to each hallway that shows what movies are inside, and you can see it from the ticket stand, so it's not that hard to manipulate the system if you really want.

There were tickers/boards over theaters advertising start times. There are no longer.

This would make sense if you already had seen Ragnarok a bunch of times, because then it'd pass off the idea that you're a Marvel bro.

But you've only seen Ragnarok once and is pulling this because you want to see Justice League but don't want to give WB money for some reason. So you're just using Ragnarok for that purpose.

You're a false MCUbro and i don't like you. Go see Ragnarok more times. It's a great movie.

>But you've only seen Ragnarok once and is pulling this because you want to see Justice League but don't want to give WB money for some reason. So you're just using Ragnarok for that purpose.
What's wrong with that? Fuck WB. Their best movie this year flopped because they don't know how to market it.


It's a promotional shot for Black Panther.