Take it easy man

take it easy man

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This guy looks like he’s constantly on the edge of an emotional breakdown. It’s almost intimidating.

>g-gib me b-back my job, Tim!
>I c-can't afford health insurance


Is there anyone who encapsulates just how pathetic and retarded the alt-right are than Sam "le cuck" Hyde and his mra friends at MDE?

it's a bit, he's pulling a kaufman

why do libtards have to make everything about politics?
people are just trying to enjoy a tv show


>tfw just took a gram of niacin

Not sure what your problem there is but I also didn't care to listen to 12 minutes of bad audio.
His show got canceled despite having good ratings and people asking for it back. Wouldn't you be upset in his position? I don't like Sam as a person but your post seems a bit non sequitur.

>alt-left actually believes this, when Sam can donate $5k to a neo-nazi just for to bootyblast journalists


Explain why tim is a liberal

i don't give a shit about Tim, i'm saying the one who posted it is a liberal

If you aren't firmly in the "death to america" camp, you are almost for sure a liberal.

How do I get Nick's beautiful windswept hair look?

This is just bound to be a good thread.

saltwater then normal hair spray

>If you are*

Americanism is inherently liberal and liberalism is inherently Americanist.

The only funny skit was the teacher one.

>There are people who unironically think that comment was a cry for help rather than a jab at Tim being an elitist, bragging about his easy life while not knowing about the financial commitments of regular people
Gas yourself brainlet.

It's kaufkaesque you fag

"liberalism" has been taken redefined by neo-liberals to be completely anti-american

You are wrong. Neo-liberalism is the apex of the Anglo-American colonial project.

Neoliberalism is for affirmative action. Go on, give me your Kafkaesque logical reasoning why this makes sense.

Don't shit talk on Schmitt, you illiterate faggot.

nuh uh you big gay

What about it? I don't understand your objection.

Do you want me to spell out how affirmative action is the complete antithesis to Americanism?

i despise how yankstains like you tackle politics.

unreasonable and unread, just a piece of shit spouting partisan jingoism

>I literally cannot counter your argument, so here's some insults.