H-hey user... c-can I m-masturbate in front of y-you?

>h-hey user... c-can I m-masturbate in front of y-you?

what do you say?

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I tell him no.

Gosh, that was hard.

ok but you better pay me or else I will go to the media about this

No, please dont... Oh, fuck, you've already whipped out your dick and started jerking off. Fucking hell, man. Not cool.

Listen you're like my boss and shit, so I guess I'm risking my continued employment by telling you this, but that shit is not cool. People shouldn't be afraid of having to suddenly, involuntarily inspect their superior's genitalia just because he gets off on the idea.

Not really my, or anyone else with half a brain's idea of a comfortable working environment.

So yeah. I'm leaving. You dick.

Sure. You mind if I film it?

And then ruin his reputation 15 years later

I admire him too much to say no.

That isn't even remotely comparable to the incident in question, why would you post that? The most notable inaccuracies include the facts that he didn't whip it out until they smiled and gave a thumbs up, and that he wasn't their boss, he was a fellow comedian who they happened to look up to.

I bet it still is

No. But see that woman there? She fucking loves that shit. If you ask her, she'll just deny it. She's ashamed of it, you know? She might even pretend to be offended and angry. But pay no heed. Just go there and whip it out. She'll hide it, but she'll be soaking wet. Go get'er, tiger.

Aren't many acceptable sexual encounters consummated due to admiration of some sort?

Same as usual user

>Act confused
>He walks in and bust a nut on my face
>Think about it for 30 years then tweet something

Imagine if amy schumer or sarah silver man just took off her panties and started masturbating in front of you.

Is his career kill or will he ride through it in few years?

>listen, I'll try do some of my jokes as I jack it. what do you think?

would that seal the deal?

Only if you let me film it.

>they smiled and gave a thumbs up
Incorrect. They laughed it off. As if the proposition was completely ridiculous, and they reacted somewhat nervously.

>he wasn't their boss, he was a fellow comedian who they happened to look up to
Fine, not their boss. More powerful colleague then. As if that makes it OK.

He's possibly the only person who could ride it out after publicly admitting

He's been making fun of himself for years

>be female employee
>have kids at home to feed
>have to put up with male boss's constant sexual innuendo
>"it's ok user, I'm just joking. No harm meant!"
Yeah, it's feminism that's ruining the country, right?

Some guys are so weak they need to sexually harrass women via the safety of their position. As the "boss" they know they can get away with stuff that a normal everyday person would never even dream of doing.

No amount of tryhard edgeposting is going to change that fact.
And if you're one of the people that does this shit at work: Just fucking STOP IT.

honestly even if my waifu kstew did it i'd be like "that's weird, I guess it's cool you want to do that for me but I'm not really getting anything from it"

as a female without any power in hollywood there is really no option for me but to say yes

>They laughed it off

The Gawker article specifically said they gave the thumbs up. The NYT just glossed over that with a weasel word.
>More powerful colleague then. As if that makes it OK.
Yeah it does, what you can't have sex with people you meet while working anymore?

as any of you watched Anomalisa? Its kind of a similar situation where it clearly wasnt raped, but if you get into the idea that the female was scared to say no because of the "power" the male had you can consider that movie rape.

And in 2002 Louie didnt had any power

I'd ask them (at least Silverman) to sit on my face and I'd make minced meat of her butthole with my swift but forceful tongue action

>tfw get accused of rape afterwards

How big is his penor?

People are talking like these motherfuckers were Caeser Nero. Even in the case of Weinstein, you deny him you don't get to be in a movie boohoo, no one is entitled to stardom

not as big as his bull's BIG BLACK COCK

You might be gay. Time to find yourself a husbando

>laugh and say yes, thinking he's joking
>he actually whips his cock out
>immediately turn around and say 'DUDE I THOUGHT YOU WERE JOKING PUT THAT AWAY'
>laugh it off after he apologizes multiple times
>buy him a beer

if he paid me i'd do it

The odor of my pussy is very, very poor.

Aziz might be next...


Nah dude you don't get it Louis had more "power" than them. If you have more "power" then all advances are automatically considered sexual assault.

>The Gawker vs. The New York Times
Should be pretty obvious.

>what you can't have sex with people you meet while working anymore?
Not without consent, you moronic imbecile.

>you can't have sex with people you meet while working anymore?

Thing is, if these schlubs went straight for penetrative sex there'd be no story.

These cunts are only coming forward because the dudes had different ideas about sex.

Thoughts and prayers.

Wow, you sure showed me how awful that monster Louise C.K. is by presenting a situation that is not at all similar to his own.

Show me where in the NYT its said that they didn't give consent you retarded mongoloid, this isn't conflicting reports its simply a key detail that the Kikes there neglecting to mention since it would be a non-story

Did anyone ever tell him personally his behavior was unacceptable?

Absolutely, bitter aging women who think they should have a say in the sex lives of successful men

How about I put my dick in YOU endo?

No, instead they all literally accepted it

I think I could deal with watching another man jerk off if I got some decent jokes out of it. I guess it comes down to how early a draft of his set it is.

>second-hand story earlier this year about Aziz, so, his response to Louis CK also doesn’t surprise me.

Ah, ok! It wouldn't surprise me. He totally fits the bill
>Calls himself a feminist =
>Calls himself a sjw =
>Hates/uncomfortable with whiteness =
>Uncomfortable with manliness =

He's probably a creep.

The person who he asked and then told him no, who he then respected her wishes and left alone.

the brown chinless man with no testicles and the voice of a child who fancies himself a playboy isn't actually great with women? no way! not 'aziz'!

>be female employee
>have kids at home to feed
wrong. the family is being supported by the man's actual job. the woman's job is some jackoff thing she does because she feels too important to spend all her time with the kids. so the man takes extra money from his real adult-person job to pay a foreigner to watch the kids while the all-important lady goes out and makes zero money being bad at standup comedy.


wouldn't be surprised. Pajeets are genetically compelled to ask women to show them their bobs & vagene

>may or may not have grabbed a womans ass one time

ok let's be real that shit is juvenile as fuck but come on how the fuck do you even prove something like that

aziz should just categorically deny unless he is some kind of serial groper with bill cosby numbers of randoms he's felt up

>those notes
Fucking hell. The only thing missing is the "Ugh" somewhere.

sarah silverman is a legit milf. amy schumer is a fair comparison

problem is, I'd never agree to hang out with her in the first place


I was listening to one bitter dyke saying it wasn't a real apology because he never LITERALLY used the word "sorry"
There's no appeasing these nasty cunts


silverman was pretty hot in the 90's she's like 6/10 at best now on a good day. schumer probably does make set assistants go down on her for all we know.

on a side note, silverman is very funny and actually very good at standup comedy. and her show was good. schumer sucks and her show sucks. along with 99% of other female comics.

I worked at McDonald's when I was 19-21, I walked into the storeroom and a male employee was putting a hairnet around his testicles and leaving them out of his pants zipper, then he put his apron over it so you couldn't see it unless he flashed his apron up, I never saw problem with it, I mean, balls look gross but it was funny in a "jackass" sorta way ... I've had guys ask to all sorts of weird shit in and out of the bedroom, it just depends who you are, really. There's no point being offended by that sort of thing, but if it makes you feel demoralized or crappy then sure, say something, but why make a big media frenzy about it and act like you're on some righteous crusade?

I'd still side with him over some character-assassinating dried up roasties.

This. There's so much bullshit at my job. I'm glad I don't have to deal with my boss or coworkers constantly perving on me because I'm an unpleasant-looking sack of man.

For the last time, Louis, I'm not watching your FX show.

They struck out any reference to his own remorse, embarrassment, and anything about how he plans to learn from the incident. I wouldn't be surprised if these people wanted him taken out back and shot.

Reminder that they gave consent!

>they gave consent!

ye, but several years later they changed their mind over it. so he literally mindraped them

What he did isn't the worst thing in the world, but I still don't think people should have to put up with people they barely know asking them to jerk off in front of them, especially in the workplace.

no one is saying he did anything illegal buddy. it's the degeneracy of it that is getting him in trouble.

boo fucking hoo, maybe he should have participated in this with people who actually shared his kink and wanted to be there instead of people he just met

I love how news outlets have published that he blocked them from exiting, a detail that literally no one involved has ever mentioned.

pretty much. if someone buttfucked your kid, how much would you care about how sorry i-- i mean how sorry he was afterwards?

>shared his kink

how is he going to know that unless he asks?

I stopped believing all the stories from the women after noticing how the details changed form the Gawker story to the NYT story. The NYT story paints it like the girl came to hang out and talk, then he asked them an insane question out of nowhere and beat off before they could react. The Gawker story acts as if they all went back to his room, were chilling for a bit. They offered him weed. then he asked if he could jerk off. They gave him a thumbs up and then immediately regretted doing so.

>Which one was Dana and which one was Julia?


One day after I made a poop, I looked into the toilet to find AZIZ ANSARI had popped his head through the hole and was slurping down my entire load of feces like a turtle! After he was done, he licked his lips and said "This activity was sexual in nature." Let's get that poop-eating Indian faggot.

This "man" is a pathetic disgusting cuck

people who share your kink will be enthusiastic about it, they wont freak out and try to ruin your career years later

he has bad judgement and has to hold that shit


it's true, you should always carefully consider whether your kink is likely to be shared before you bring it up. remember: one in the pink, one in the stink, and one scratching your chin while you ponder the relatability of your kink.

If a woman was made to feel sad or upset, how is that a bad thing? Women are annoying. It's funny when bad things happen to them.

Theres no need to be bitter just because we don't give you any attention

But will anyone call out based wittels for doing the same shit?

See? Look how uppity they're getting. We need to put a stop to this. Everyone misconduct yourselves sexually at the next woman you see.

How can you know beforehand? I don't see how a guy can judge that based of just working with someone.

How could you do that in front of doggo???

Fuck off dogfucker, you're worse than the womanfuckers.

it's not like he fucked them in the ass by force. wthat's the big deal?

Stop dressing like a whore and you won't be treated like one.

I posted about the mcds thing earlier, like I said I've been propositioned for all sorts of weird shit and get objectified, and I'm not even particularly attractive, the best thing to do is to try and understand the "why" behind the persons actions, maybe there's something really wrong with them or they've been hurt a lot and that's the only way they feel they can be noticed or get attention. They need help, they don't need to be lynched

Why does Aziz only hook up with White women? Is it because he can't have them IRL so he needs to do it on screen?

i hope he did rapes

That's stupid. I dress however I want because I want to dress that way, I don't get up in the morning and think "I'm gonna be slutty today" or anything like that. I'm not responsible for another persons life experience and beliefs and perception that informs their opinion of me of me based solely on what I'm wearing. Obviously there are exceptions to that, like with anything, but just because I'm wearing a short skirt, does not mean Im waiting to be bent over and fucked, which is what the majority of guys choose to say/imply in catcalls or online after browsing through my Instagram.

I've been propositioned by girls I am not attracted to. A guy groped me in the bathroom once. I just got on with my life. I don't get why women have to be so dramatic about it.

>probably uses her sexuality to get what she wants
>blames boss for acting on it

With eye contact or no eye contact?

if aziz raped people i'll be so happy. his show is annoying as fuck.

The boss thing is incidental. He was doing that stuff back decades ago

In any case, I'd ask them to sit on my face, gargle down their hot piss and then toss their salad, then finally letting them rub all their cum over my face.

>I'm not responsible for another persons life experience and beliefs and perception that informs their opinion of me of me based solely on what I'm wearing.


I was agreeing with you, I've had the same thing happen. Its awkward and made me feel uncomfortable but that's life. Stirring up drama and "change" doesn't really help, it just makes guys feel more afraid to do something they might think is appropriate because of their upbringing or whatever, and represses them more instead of educating them. I feel sorry for the women that were abused and anything that happened that was non-consensual, but Rose McGowan just makes me feel equally as uncomfortable. I wouldn't want to talk about the things people have said/dome to me because its not WHO they are, its just a part of them thats unhealthy, and that's more down to society and a culture of objectification, not "evil patriarchal men". Or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. Whatever.

No she was into it, if you'd have sex before you'd know its almost always like that

>why women have to be so dramatic about it
Because genetic neuroticism and self-perpetuated victimhood.

Men and women are not only different physically but the mental dismorphism is equally extreme.

If only we could drop this PC bullshit about equality since everyday life proves it hilariously disconnected from every day life and interactions.