Am i the one of the rare fews who enjoyed BOTH films equally but for different reasons?

Am i the one of the rare fews who enjoyed BOTH films equally but for different reasons?
I've seen people say that 2049 is better than the original...Then i've also seen "purists" and nostalgics who shitted on the film out of principal and were already prepared to fucking hate it.

Why are people like this ?...I know we all have different opinions and i'm not expecting people to see and enjoy the same stuff i do, but i guess i'm mainly talking to the nostalgic ones.

I guess i'm one of them and yet i fucking loved Villeneuve's film. I wouldn't say that it's better, however it's a perfect , real sequel. (i.e. unlike Force Awakens which was a crypto-remake of A Newt Hope).

As a matter of fact, i would love to see a back to back IMAX screening of both Scott's and Villeneuve's film.

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Some faggots just have to cause shitstorms and hate on something just to feel like real human beans
Thay are unable to comprehend people who instead of hating, prefers to enJOI things
That said. Joi was pure and Luv deserved to die
But feel free to enjoy your waifu OP

Both were great

If you have low self-esteem and hate yourself, you flip out over the most irrelevant shit.

>But feel free to enjoy your waifu OP
It's not about the fucking waifus...Quite frankly 2049 felt like a miracle. Heck i even enjoyed the film's music even though i know that many thought it was a fucking sacrilege not to have Vangelis at the helm again.
I genuinely enjoyed this stuff
At least the film also has its own identity. Had Vangelis been hired to do the job, people would've then complained saying that it's a rehash of the original and using nostalgia to emotionally trick them....It's a no win situation.

But since the film bombed at the box office i'm guessing that haters are happy about it and hoping it'll be quickly forgotten. Yet they don't realise that Villeneuve did a tremendous job (once again).

The cinematography and acting in 2049 was kino. The rest was mediocre, and the villain was utter garbage, just another greedy corporate fuck who is there for two scenes and has a hot female lieutenant to do his dirty work.

BR2049 is pleb trash for neocinephiles
Your biggest evidence is right here "The cinematography and acting in 2049 was kino" the hallmark of the child of imdb crossposter

>wallace is a villain

Contrarian faggots who hate this film for no reason.

ah yes the star wars force awakens argument. will you be using this too when the next ones out?

Delet this now

> (You)
>ah yes the star wars force awakens argument. will you be using this too when the next ones out?
There is no point in arguing about this. Both films are objectively good. TFA only sucks in context to the OT. Contrarians hate this film for retarded reasons that aren't even objectively correct.

I wish I had this but for a 2550x1440 wallpaper

Yeah, both were great.
I prefer the new one mostly because the lead was better written and acted, but there's no way it will be as influential as the old one.

>ah yes the star wars force awakens argument.
It truely was a crypto-remake. I'm pretty neutral about all the rest desu. Not saying that the film is garbage or fantastic but the story had too many similarities with a New Hope.
I'm guessing new fans don't give a shit (especially if they're not too familiar with the original trilogy).. But that's how Force Awakens felt for me desu

>but there's no way it will be as influential as the old one.
Time will tell. But regardless, it certainly didn't tarnish the original, it's the best sequel we could've hoped for.

I love them both, 2049 a bit more because it resonated with me more than the original. Still, both hit me hard.

Same here i'd even be tempted by a third episode. But maybe it would be a disaster. The sequel felt almost too good to be true. Scott giving Villeneuve carte blanche for the directing. Hiring Hampton Fancher for the writting & Roger Deakins for cinematography + great casting. As if all the right stars were aligned. The right people at the right time. Sadly, it doesn't happen too often.

I had lost faith in cinema at this point, I'm so glad this movie happened.
Did you enjoy Hellblade ?

>Did you enjoy Hellblade ?
I actually did. Short game, some thought it was really boring but i was personally immersed in the story. I fucking loved it. One of my favorite game of the year along with Cuphead. (which has nothing in common with Hellblade but both are quality games imo)

I really loved it too. Yes it got repetitive but the game was short so it wasn't an issue. The end was the best part of it, the music was fitting perfectly.
>going through nightmares and hell just to let go of something
It hit me close.

>Am i the one of the rare fews who enjoyed BOTH films equally but for different reasons?
I think I can agree with this. My initial reaction was that the sequel was great, but not quite as great as the original, but after the second viewing, I have to say it's kind of impossible to choose. I think Villeneuve was wise to make his film different enough stylistically that it would make direct comparison difficult.

>As a matter of fact, i would love to see a back to back IMAX screening of both Scott's and Villeneuve's film.
I could DEFINITELY get on board with this.

> i even enjoyed the film's music even though i know that many thought it was a fucking sacrilege not to have Vangelis at the helm again.
Yeah, I can agree with this, too. I was completely prepared going in to be disappointed by the soundtrack, but I wasn't. I was pleasantly surprised.

And given that Vangelis hasn't done a major motion picture soundtrack in over a decade (and that one was not very well received: you have to go back 25 years to find his last real success), who knows if what we'd have gotten from him would have been up to the same standards as his stuff from the '80s.

>since the film bombed at the box office
People need to stop saying that.

It did not bomb. It's a commercial failure so far, yes, but that's not the same thing as a bomb. "Bomb" implies that it was a TOTAL failure (one that doesn't even come close to breaking even). This movie made back its production budget, just not the marketing costs. It even won its first weekend, it just didn't rake in as much as they hoped. It certainly wasn't D.O.A.

>>going through nightmares and hell just to let go of something
>It hit me close.

>but after the second viewing, I have to say it's kind of impossible to choose.

Same. First viewing, it was difficult. I needed some time to let it sink in. A part of me felt confused, a bit disappointed and yet for whatever reason i kept thinking about it. I just had to see it a second time...And i enjoyed it way more on second viewing. I wish i could've seen it on IMAX a third time but it's no longer showing in my country. Can't wait for the blu-ray release.

Luv did nothing wrong

>I have to wait for the Blu-Ray release to find out what picture related is saying in the background

That is as Wallace Corp logo by the way, gents

>People need to stop saying that.
>It did not bomb. It's a commercial failure so far, yes, but that's not the same thing as a bomb. "Bomb" implies that it was a TOTAL failure (one that doesn't even come close to breaking even). This movie made back its production budget, just not the marketing costs.

Ok maybe "bombed" is too harsh, but it still was a disappointment. (maybe should've been expected since the original also had a disappointing opening). But when you look and compare to the likes of Thor Ragnarok or the remake of "IT"... It's still disappointing. Most people don't seem to be interested by it. Plain and simple. I don't think it's the sci-fi element of the story or anything, (Transformers still makes shit ton of money), i think it's the story. The way it's edited, the fact that it's also rated R, that it's almost 3hours long. etc.

The interesting thing I found was all the people who were like "The air vents / roof rattled"

Nope. That is just very clever audio engineering.

Example? towards the end.

2049 is better. The original is great but 2049 is still better. In 30 years when we get 2079 we'll have a complete trilogy of pure kino.


What did she mean by this?


Fuck I love that shot, so aesthetic with the audio after the sex scene. Thanks for this user

Deckards is a replicant, "Home" means the place where he was made.



I enjoyed them both, but the veiwing experience for 2049 was so much better

Behead those that insult Luv

I wouldn't say I felt confused or disappointed after the first viewing, because I went in fully expecting it to not hold a candle to the original. So I came away thinking that it was better than I'd expected, and I actually got someone else to go see it because I couldn't stop talking about how great it was.

But I was still in the mode where I was thinking, "no it can't possibly be as great as the original." And it's not, if judged on the same terms, but it's then I realized that it's unfair to judge it on the same terms, because by the same token, the original isn't as good as the sequel in some ways if judged on the sequel's terms.

So after two viewings and some reflection, I've come to the conclusion that I can't say one or the other is really "better."

>but it still was a disappointment.
That's fair.

>the original also had a disappointing opening
It did, although people forget that it was also competing with John Carpenter's The Thing (released the same day), E.T. (released two weeks earlier), Wrath of Khan (three weeks earlier), and Conan the Barbarian (six weeks).

>Most people don't seem to be interested by it. Plain and simple. I don't think it's the sci-fi element of the story or anything, (Transformers still makes shit ton of money), i think it's the story. The way it's edited, the fact that it's also rated R, that it's almost 3hours long. etc.
I think marketing was a big part of it (as in if they really spent $150M on marketing, I don't know where it all went because it felt to me like it was barely promoted). Also, Transformers is not HARD sci-fi like this. Hard sci-fi is always a tougher sell.

umm no sweety

His new home was a fuckin torture chamber off world since he'd go nowhere else

I think most people here just like watching everything burn to the ground

fgsdfg sfgs sdfg sfdg

>I think marketing was a big part of it (as in if they really spent $150M on marketing, I don't know where it all went because it felt to me like it was barely promoted). Also, Transformers is not HARD sci-fi like this. Hard sci-fi is always a tougher sell.

There's a critic (in my language) who said that 2049 was the anti-GITS.
Not compared to the original 1995 Mamoru Oshii anime, but compared to the Scarlett Johansson film adaptation. In a way, 2049 was the Ghost in the shell we should've had. It's also an interesting perspective, sadly, i don't have subs for this, but i'd also agree with it.

Other critics have said that 2049 felt truer or closer to K Dick's material than the 1982 film.

I have found this little gem, it's an interview of K Dick and his thoughts of Ridley's film before he died.

One part of him was disappointed about the script , yet he was also totally blown away by it when he first saw a screening of it. (or a part of the film at least)

Ah yes, the shovel guy. Can't understand what he meant by "textured" and "organic".

>In a way, 2049 was the Ghost in the shell we should've had.
Yeah, I can agree with that. For starters, the ScarJo GitS was severely hampered, IMO, by the studio's desire to remain within the constraints of a PG-13 rating.

>Other critics have said that 2049 felt truer or closer to K Dick's material than the 1982 film.
Yeah, I've heard that, too.

That Dick interview should be a good watch when I get a few minutes. My French isn't nearly good enough to make much out of the other video, but I know a couple of people who might be able to translate for me.

They're both masterpieces.
It's not a bad film, but no it's not a perfect, real sequel. You should feel bad because of your autism

>You should feel bad because of your autism
You should feel bad for shilling your mediocre videos

I prefer the first one too but I will also admit that that's pretty much exclusively for the soundtrack.