
Why isn't it called a smart matter/EM field chamber?

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It's okay to like DIS

STD is bad, its fans are bad

>not this shit again edition

Are you guys as excited as I am for the fall mid-season finale? I can't wait to see what happens to Michael and the rest.

Damn it feels good to know that Star Trek is a 100% lefty creation

I dunno, TOS is a very reactionary show.


Only 8 hours left bro. The guy who wrote ep 8 guaranteed that ep 9 will be as good as "Balance of Terror". Get hype, /trek/

let the autist have his fun

Oh man, I loved Balance of Terror! This one is going to be awesome, just like Jonathan Frakes said Discovery would be!

that is so rude. advertising your thread like that. don't you know anything about respect?


Please don't spam your other thread, and stop making multiple generals for Star Trek when we already have this one.

I think I would rather have the same holodeck arguing over and over again than the constant STD shitposting/arguing and the political drama that almost always comes with it

i told yall he was just bulking. but you had to make fun of him you sick bastards

I like actually talking about new things rather than just spamming the same old tired memes every day.

exactly. i think the holodeck should be called the fantasy simulator

Fuck off to your containment thread instead of ruining this one with your constant shilling and provoking people

The Orville should've been named Star Trek Discovery.
Star Trek Discovery should've been named The Orville.

um no sweaty that's where you are wrong.

there are two threads 2!

one for real star trek and one for the aborted step child that is STD

This is the containment thread. The containment thread for Star Trek.

I love a good crossposting war. Stdboi's trying to fag up this place while everyone fags up the other.

Good times.

Oh yes new things like "is STD really Trek?" and "what acronym should we call it by?" and "I want to fuck the fat redhead"


Which Star Trek character has the greatest legacy? Who contributed the most to the Federation?

Quit spamming.

Why's there an android in Starfleet pre-Data?

William Shatner and Patrick Stewart

Patrick Stewart got knighted by the Queen of England because of his role in TNG

Personally, I actively avoid all of those topics and genuinely try to post about the show because they annoy me, too.

i agree quit talking about STD in a star trek thread

Michael Burnham.

>quit talking about star trek in star trek thread
No. But I am going to stop having this discussion with you because it has zero to do with Star Trek.


me and my girl shaniqua were just talkin bout how she is the best!!!

can't wait for her to show those wypipo who is boss and assume her rightful role as captain

Archer or Trip. Both helped found/save it in it's infancy, including winning several wars.

Zefram Cochrane is probably the greatest legend and biggest contributor to the Federation considering there'd be no Federation without him.

that's not a colored person

Shut up and post fat Riker!

I agree.

he wouldn't have you even if he was sooo fat. he doesn't like ugos

Janeway mapped out half the Galaxy, crippled the Borg, established hologram rights, and made critical technological advances to further the Voyagers trip home.

Hoshi helped build the foundation between the core races that built the federation, and she's korean?

Does the food dispenser thingy only give food? Or could you tell it give you like, I don't know, amphetamines?

>the absolute desperation of STD shills

Amazing how triggered that one poor STD baby can be.

Yep /ourguy/ Frakes loves DIS

The actress is Korean but Hoshi means 'star' in Nipponese. Its like how Garret Wang asked the writers if Kim was Korean or Chinese and the writers responded with 'does it matter?'

Let's talk about Discovery theories.

>Ash is Voq theory
This is probably the most readily accepted as fact theory. I think the only people who don't accept it as true have pretty weak reasons (like "how can he be disguised as a human") that can be pretty easily countered with actual canon. It'd be funny if it turned out to be completely untrue, though.

>Cornwell is Lethe
I thought this was one of the weaker theories, based on them looking kind of the same and also the name of the episode where she's kidnapped is Lethe. Could still be true, she could have evaded death, but I'm not 100% convinced.

>It takes place in the Mirror Universe!
I don't buy this theory at all, the character don't act mirror universe enough, plus I'm pretty sure they talk about the Prime Directive. I think Frakes said there will be a Mirror Universe episode in the future, though.

>It's set in the Kelvin timeline!
I'm pretty sure a producer said this is 100% untrue but I still hear it from time to time.

Any other thoughts or theories?

Look what Based Frakes retweeted. He's right you know. All true trekkies watch DIS

Actor is Korean. Character is Japanese.

It's like how, in the new movies, John Cho (Korean) plays Hikaru Sulu (Japanese).




Oh man you know what Korean people FUCKING LOVE? Not the Japanese thats for fucking sure.

wtf I love Discovery now!

All true trekkies support the #takeaknee movement

So is the Federation socialist or Nazi? There can be no in between



There's also the Lorca is Garth of Izar theory

What? Hadn't heard this one. That sounds pretty interesting.

they are communist scum

I know you're memeposting but honestly we're never really given a clear idea of just what government is like for your everyday Earther or Federation member. Alien worlds have certain guidelines and levels of moral advancement they have to meet in order to be admitted into the Federation, but we don't really know what day to day life is like for people other than the ones on the fringes of their territory or with the most unique situations, because apparently no one thought that would ever make an interesting episode. We do know that colonies of Federation citizens can pretty much just decide to secede whenever they want, and the Feds can say "well, we won't be able to protect you anymore, lots of luck fuckos".

As far as economic systems go, the Federation core worlds are post-scarcity so neither capitalism nor socialism completely apply. However, property rights are respected and there does not seem to be any redistribution of wealth from the "haves" to the "gimmes" so it's certainly not anything like modern day bernout marxists. They do have social programs/infinite food and energy that allow slackers to just not do anything with their lives if they so choose. Early TNG seasons implied that humanity, as a race, had evolved beyond being shitty people, more or less, though they gradually got more and more human and complex as TNG/DS9 progressed. They Voyager turned everyone into cartoon characters, but that's a story for another time.

>mfw Geordi is Somalian

And people think Discovery is progressive

tfw no qt cardie gf

>the way to get cardie women is to act like you're extremely irritated with them
>they will inform you of their fertility if they are interested
why can't I live in this universe

Blind, Somalian AND a manlet.
No wonder he couldnt get a gf

>you will NEVER kiss a qt cardie girls spoon while she tries to make you argue with her

He got mad pussy.

In the holodeck.

>established hologram rights
Janeway didn't consider the doctor an equal. She compared him to a damned replicator. The EMH-1 on Voyager established Hologram rights.

The best part of Star Trek is how it handles politics.

Das Right!

Star Trek producers in the 60's
>Bill, you can't kiss a nigger on TV. Shoot the scene again
Star Trek producers today
>First black lead
>Look how progressive it is!

Lol must suck being a Sup Forumstard trekkie

>it's an user confuses actors with the fictional characters on the show
Are you actually 12? Don't worry, I won't tell.

Looks like History was not kind to Jonathan "Weinstein" Archer

The characters on the show wouldn't tolerate your nazi bullshit, either.

is STD the worst thing to happen to /trek/ threads?
>constant shilling
>ironic shilling
>posting the twitters of actors and producers as though they mean anything and trying to get someone "btfo"
>political sperging
>even if someone wants to actually talk about STD in a manner that isn't gay as fuck, someone comes in to screech
>/cozy/ threads turn into autistic infighting

>Star Trek producers in the 60's

You mean the nbc executives. Based Gene told them to fuck off

Who are you talking to?

You should try crying less.

Not really. One pathetic triggered baby clumsily trying to spam is hardly anything to get worked up about.

>everyone I don't like is a Nazi
Why does /trek/ attract so many pedophiles?

But you guys love to confuse the Discovery characters with their actors

My point is that what was a subversive political act in the 60's is now a marketing buzzword. The whole thing feels disingenuous.

I called Sup Forums a bunch of nazis, which is fairly accurate.

>you guys
Who are you talking to?

>You're a Nazi if you oppose black supremascist anti-American terrorists

>black supremascist anti-American terrorists


>Why does /trek/ attract so many pedophiles?
If you read the article it tries to answer that question. Although it's somewhat lacking in empiricism. I'd love to see some scientific studies on the matter.

BLM, the cop-killing scum behind Taking the Knee.

Sonequa Martin-Green.

Wow she's hot for a black girl

VERY important poll


>BLM, the cop-killing scum
Hahaha. I bet you think blue lives matter

It's okay to be white.

It's okay to be black

Given the reactions I've seen online, I've got to say that having a black woman as the lead in Star Trek is still a pretty controversial move that a lot of you aren't ready for. Good on Star Trek for staying progressive and ahead of its time.



Let's draw Star Trek characters and try to guess who it is!
I will start

Captain Lorca