This was pretty boring

This was pretty boring.

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How old are you? I'm assuming under 23 and in college.

I'll assume you are under 18 for liking yet another "wow the cia does some dark shit" movie.

Trash disguised as kino. Been noticing a lot of these lately.

Kek, sicario was not cia, he was a contractor clearly.

your mom was pretty boring
if you get what i mean

I heard so many good things about this movie, but I was really disappointed.

I probably just had to high expectations, but I found the movie lame. The whole benicio del toro part was so cheesy.
Liked the car scene across the border tho..

>main character does nothing and has no idea what's going on the entire movie
>finally at the ending has the opportunity to do something
>decides not to

>main character

cant wait for the sequel
el soldado


Weird, I'm watching it right now.
It's a good film you batty boi.

soundtrack of the year though

Was the moral of the story that women shouldn't be involved in anything that requires large amounts of mental strength and working under pressure, or what did Villeanuuuuuve mean by this?

>male v. female
>justice of the courts vs. justice as revenge

>male good grace alone keeps in place the rule of law

That's the long and short of it.

stick to capeshit retard


Waaaah I need movies to follow a formula so I feel like I'm smart and have it figured out by the end :cccc

Bf worked on the shoot. said it looked dope so far

"Boring" is not a valid argument, it only says what your mood was while watching the film.
Same as saying "it was fun", that does not indicate anything about the actual quality of the film whatsoever.

thats good to hear

>mistaking the protagonist for the main character

Different director tho. I'm not expecting it to be as god tier as the first.

Nice bait thread OP. Everyone else: lol u got troled.