Alien planet

>Alien planet
>Two suns

Other urls found in this thread:

>Aliens speak perfect English.

>they look exactly like humans

>alien planet
>humans with markings on their skin
>another moon
>everything floats for no reason
>share the exact same patterns of reasoning and gestures

>falling in love with the said alien

Apparently the two suns thing isn't uncommon at all.

>Aliens come to Earth
>Are able to understand human intentionality

>aliens from other galaxy can successfully breed with humans

>alien species
>tribe monkeys with no tech
>but they live in "harmony" with nature

>desert planet

>this is explained by convenient universal translator devices

>alien planet
>two or more moons in the sky
>all have the same crescent shape as if the planet is casting the same shadow in different directions

>main character steals ship from alien planet
>the ship has keys and everything
>he is able to maneuver the ship within one scene change of getting in the ship
>flies better than the inhabitants chasing him and outruns all of them


>and your other sun

>main character doesn't try to fuck the alien

>dessert planet

>you Earth dudes have the best fruit

panoramic shot of alien city
alien sports facility

>alien planet
>life on planet is only a single uniform being and there's no biodiversity

>cute alien inhabitant is insanely curious about human tech and objects
>plays with pens, or paperclips, or random food; excited to learn
>main character could literally give less of a fuck about the new planet he is on
>acts like its business as usual
>already knows everything

never happened

>Aliens behave exactly like humans

>end of movie 5 in a saga


fuck this

>galaxy scale story
>many planets with vast potential
>ice planet, desert planet, forest planet, city planet

binary star systems are common

>aliens say they came to earth to serve man
>they literally came to serve human soup

>they are just autistic humans with pointy ears

>everything between the aliens and the humans is the same
>except they greet and say goodbye differently

>these people can vote

Yes, yes it is.

>Future aliens or futuristic humans
>they're religious zealots
>Research over the last two centuries suggests that half or more of visible stars are part of multiple star systems
No, no it isn't you fucking mong

the shape of the illuminated portion of the moon that we see is not due to the earth's shadow you mong

Get ready for space terrorists

>desert oceans with desert ships being the main form of transportation



literally nothing wrong with this unless that device is inconsistent with the technology level of the universe

For those who know much about astronomy, what's so about the idea that life can exist in a binary star system?

Is pic related the best representation of alien worlds?

*what's so BAD about the idea that life can exist in a binary star system?

Shitty touchscreen keyboard....

>alien wants to kill every thing for no apparent reason

Literally nothing. For certain distances between the stars (too big or too small) it would be hard for planets to form because the orbits would be really unstable, but life forming certainly wouldn't be impossible.

Shut the fuck up already you stupid toad

>American spacemen
>they're not all non-white

Yes it is for planets that could harbour life.

For what you show in your picture the chances of it happening are so minuscule, the stars are not going to be the same mass, this will then result in the planet orbiting one of the stars and having an extremely erratic order because of the other star causing extreme temperature variance.

>black guy faces aliens for the first time
>"aw hell naw, and I thought white people were ugly "

that's not ringworld, so no

>We have been watching you for very long time and we now about your culture a lot

That happened to me, but it wasn't an ex, just a cute chubby scene girl who sucked a mean dick. No herpes, so it's all good.

>aliens try to invade the world
>they only attack New York


>alien world
>happens to look exactly like BC canada woods

>Alien planet
>It's not made of gas


>alien translator
>it translates idioms

Where have I seen this? I hate this shit
Fith Element? What else?

>COULD care less

oh, so he does care then?

>alien baby dies while a humaniod baby is born

No, it's not binary star systems that are rare, but binary systems that have somehow formed exoplanets you brainless retard.

name 1 film and 1 flick

Evidence of that claim?