ITT: Terrible miscasts

ITT: Terrible miscasts

Emilia was way too petite and adorable to be Sarah Connor

don't forget that other slag

Emilia wasn't the absolute worst choice, but very far from ideal. There simply aren't enough versatile female actors like Linda Hamilton who could do tough roles like Sarah Connor.

This was just a bad fucking decision across the board. Famke WAS Jean Grey.

>There simply aren't enough versatile female actors like Linda Hamilton who could do tough roles like Sarah Connor.
Tatiana Maslany lost the role to Emilia. Just from that god awful Mother of the Resistance trailer you could tell they wanted the GoT bucks over anything else

>Emilia wasn't the absolute worst choice, but very far from ideal

She looks somewhat like a prettier version of a young Linda Hamilton. The full lips etc. Linda was tough as fuck though, especially in T2. Emilia was just like some puny little brat

The acting across the board in Genisys was dire tbf

How can you not love her though, she's fucking adorable

She was perfect, they needed actors strongly associated with Television, to create the look and feel of a television show. I don't know why they wanted to do that though

Well, the thing is she is not the Sarah Connor from the previous movies. This is Sarah if she were spoiled by having a robotic daddy around to take care of her.

But in T1 she was just some young waitress. The whole point of her character in Genisys was that when Kyle arrived expected some naive young bimbo, he was surprised to find her already a badass, having being trained by a Terminator for years

>Linda Hamilton who could do tough roles like Sarah Connor.
>Linda was tough as fuck though, especially in T2

But this is not T2. This is a different timeline and a different life path for Sarah. She never had to defeat the T-800 by herself after Kyle died or live for years on the road raising John to be the leader of the resistance. She has lead a comfortable life.

She still has parts of that naive young bimbo, she's just more assertive from the training she has received from Pops. Also you can infer she is doing better monetarily.

Her smile is so charming :3

I don’t think she was the right person for the role, but I do like her.

How do Emilia’s boobs compare with Maisie’s, Lily James and Taylor Swift?

I'll concede that Emilia looked the part well enough, but she did not have the right demeanor for a character like Sarah. Additionally, her acting chops just aren't enough for what was required in such a role. She is a serviceable actress with potential, but no cigar.

the movie would be ridiculously better if not for those two
what the hell were they thinking

this gif

every fucking time. That cushy little tumble, that hesitation that goofy smile. 2cute

>>petite and adorable

That's an awfully diplomatic way of saying fat.

It's Hollywood pushing the new set of young actors on their audience. Problem is most of them are just forgettable or bad.

The script was fucking terrible and the guy playing opposite her as Kyle was one of the worst actors I've seen.

No wonder she wanted nothing to do with this atrocity after it was released.

Terminator Genosia was way too petite, adorable and convoluted to be a Terminator movie anyway.

It's a webm





She was perfect as an eye candy.


Who always post dat fake pictures!?Jealous roasties who cant admire real beauty.


Does anyone else like her hairy arms?


Respectable quads dude

I love everything about her. Apart from her acting. She'll be doomed for roles post-Thrones

Nepotism basically cara's dad is rich as fuck and they spent tons of money on hiring the best pr for her, but she is a shit actress. Also the director has a thing for girls who look 18 or younger and chose that over any sort of acting ability and if fucked up his film.


is this guy a bodyguard or something? I keep seeing him everywhere

Dude, that like the most famous BG that ever walked on this planet.
Don't you know him? Where the fuck do you live?

Hot, just imagine thrusting into her juicy pussy.

way too tall and lanky to be fucking wolverine

>A T-800 has been training me my whole life to fight Skynet and the end of the world
Seriously? This is what a well-toned and agile body looks like?


Agree, this lil nymphlet has nothing to do with the Sarah Connor character, not even 10 cm of heels are helping.

its a timeline where sarah been doing militrart training since age of 9, she should be built like a powerhouse, not a flabby burger king regular

It's time to accept that she just fucking sucks at acting.

Has nothing to do with her look.

Me, girls with hairy arms are way more likely to be sexual, Lily james in another one who has this.

I like it especially when they are fair hared and they have this gossamer golden hair all over their bodies I look for it.

the acting made up for it though

post the webm version she looks fucking retarded

>they wanted the GoT bucks

I don't care that she's 20 years too old, I'd still rather have seen Lena Headey as Sarah in that case.

But the look is part of acting, real Actresses like e Charlize Theron model and fuck up her body acording to the role, compare her body built in Mad Max to other random crap like The huntsman


God she looks so fucking BRITISH

that hair's black mate

Me too, we have exactly the same taste! Great picture.Who are your favorite well fuzzed celebs other than Lily?

why did they cast the guy from Friends as John Connor

And why did they cast Arnold's elderly father as the terminator?

>mother of burgers

>There simply aren't enough versatile female actors like Linda Hamilton who could do tough roles like Sarah Connor.

Who is Emily Blunt?



Unironically this.

If they wanted a GoT actress, they should have cast Lena headey. She already played Sarah Conner in the television show... She would have been perfect.

>Lena Headey
Hell, they should have made you casting director. It had not crossed my mind before but she probably would've been a great Sarah Connor.

>How can we make people take an angry manlet seriously?
>Give him unbreakable bones, claws that can cut through anything, and a near instantaneous healing rate
>Hmm, but he is still just a manlet.
>Lets cast an adult sized person to play him and drop the manlet angle

As the other user said, she was too old to play 20 year old Sarah. Lena is over 40

Lads, Lena literally played Sarah Connor.

She already played Sarah in the tv series you nut

>she already played her
Holy shit, I didn't realize this. I haven't watched TSCC since '08.

With a bit of makeup and good lighting, I could buy that she's 20.


tom cruise in the mummy

I watched this for the first time yesterday without any knowledge of the universe beforehand, I didn't think they did too badly and generally fit in with the whole fifth element vibe i was getting - I thought the film did have casting problems for example such as rihanna being out of place as that shapeshifting thing, her lines felt very forced after her initial appearance. Are they bad actors? I treated it as a non serious movie and thought it was pretty good.

male actor was even worse than her though.

what a waste of potential

that entire fucking movie

Matt Smith's American accent was atrocious. He only got the part because he was on Doctor Who and there was time travel involved.