Now that the dust has settled, what did Sup Forums think of this sappy piece of shit?

Now that the dust has settled, what did Sup Forums think of this sappy piece of shit?

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Fucking great Christian kino. 9/10

it was honestly alright, but it's not Mel's best or even close to his best, you can tell it was made on the cheap but he did the best he could. Really thought Sam Worthington did a good job in his role.

pretty good. but that meat shield thing was really fucking stupid

Fantastic film. The word hero doesn't even begin to describe his actions.

the action scenes were great. the christcuck storyline was awful

8/10 shed a tear.

I thought it was better than most movies he made. Its better than Apocalypto.

It was a great, classic war movie. The only thing that let it down was the ridge feeling too much like a set and the explosions too much like pyrotechnics. That couldn't really be helped, due to the limited budget.


cry harder faggot

Desmond Doss was the bravest human being possibly ever and I absolutely love when you losers think otherwise. I laugh when people say stuff was over the top when the real story had even more miracles like him being shot and giving up his stretcher to someone else to go patch another guy up. God bless Doss. Movie really helped with my faith. Gore was lots of fun. Only war movie to ever make me think about how truly terrifying it would be to be in the shit.
>just one more...

Soyboy spotted

pretty much this
also I don't know if this shit is historically accurate but i coulndn't help laughing when pic related happened

I too wish I could headshot Japs one-handing my 20 lb BAR and holding human meat-shield while sprinting, just like COD WWII available now on steam

Mel’s storytelling/filmmaking style is stuck in the 90s. Guess that’s what happens when you’re banished for over a decade.

Its a true story retard

action scenes were great
story was too pathetic
Andrew Garfield killed it for me, can't stand that sleazy facefuck

The montage of him rescuing the survivors and the music playing was kino.

>muh god

you are a retard for thinking i don't know that

I like gritty, realistic films, but sometimes it's nice to have a film where the protagonist is undoubtedly a good guy.

>true storys are sappy
What estrogen levels do I need to hit before I can think this?

>Mario Kart Double Dash
Vince shouldn't have done rom coms, he's great but I can't take him seriously.

It was pretty tedious because you knew exactly what was going to happen based on the trailer and what people said about it. I asked my friend what it was about and he said "Its about a soldier who saves a bunch of his comrades" and that was all that the film was

Andrew Garfield ruined this movie.

>mah bahbul

Is his accent bad? I can't tell, never been to the South.

Good film; slow start and set up. Only complaint with the make friends with the bully and then the bully dying seemed too predictable, unless that actual happen then nevermind.

Brilliant story, horrible execution.


It was good, anyone who says otherwise has no idea about what makes a good war film or knows anything about combat in general

Am I the only one who thinks Andrew Garfield comes off as retarded?


Action was good, the rest was bad.

Particularly bad parts include that dude lmao court drama when Hugo Weaving came in and saved the day and the closing shot where Doss getting stretchered down was supposed to symbolize a christ like figure.

its over the top, just like his real war experience 9/10 kono

Was kino tbqh

>It is a war film about a medal of Honor recipient and that's all it was

that webm and the tunnels were the first movie shit to scare me in years



No tanks.