Snyder v. Whedon: The Dawn of Red Filters



I'm not sure which looks worse.




Why make everything red-ish?

If it is because of Steppenwolf's invasion that doesn't make sense lore wise. In DC comics the skies only become red as in the biblical Apocalypse when reality itself is being tempered with or tearing apart, because of the "end of the world" thing.
New Gods simple teleport using Boom Tubes. They don't affect reality in such a way with their teleportation.


This shot unironically looks better with the changes. The red through the rest is obnoxious but the contrast here between the trees and the battlefield is good. DC movies are generally like staring at a rain puddle.

You have no idea if the red filters weren't snyder's plan all along. Seeing as how trailer one and final trailers always having things different as post production advances. Hell, you don't even know if he got to this part and already started changing it before he stepped away and handed it to whedon. Morons like you just see its different and hop on the claim without any basis. The reshoots clearly stick out like a sore thumb, but shit like this? It could have all been Snyder for all you know retard.

Snyder's shot has no trees at all though

I agree on the trees but those flames just disappear in the landscape with then red filter, they should have gone halfway.

>yet looks better than that empty feel in the top

It looks like something Snyder would do as well


>post production advances
It's the opposite of what advances are

>snyder's shot

You mean the cgi departments first go around before adding final touches?

these both look shitty

Because you don't like it? Lol that's not how that works. Nice proof tho

They made a Starcraft movie?

Nah its fine

Both have Whedon's color grading, the point is how Affleck changed

You're really think that top shot was meant to be a final shot?? As empty as it looks? You really think that wasn't just a place holder?

This all the more proof they simply didn't have the outside landscape finished. Especially if it's the exact same scene. They slapped an indoor background to get it out for the trailer.

Can someone explain whats going on? Right now please.

>You have no idea if the red filters weren't snyder's plan all along
You too

yeah he looks worse on the right but in the left he still looks puffy and tired

Exactly, so then this pointless? thought so

Oh no... red colour is now red! How could this happen?!

>You're really think that top shot was meant to be a final shot??
No. But even empty and unfinished shot steel looks more pleasing than this abomination on the bottom

>How could this happen?!
tv director

Everything is being bogged down by that terrible red color scheme they switched to. It’s really hard to tell what the fucking I’m looking at in all the new edits because everything looks like a misty red blur

ITT plebs not knowing red skies are a constant sign of world ending troubles in DC. Granted, they're usually related to the multiverse breaking down, so a tiny incursion from Apokolips shouldn't cause them, but eh these films are all shit anyway.

maybe my eyes aren't good anymore but i just can't see anything in the red ones. those webms from before with the robotman throwing the spear man and batmans car with the stupid shell casing bouncing like an old video game cutscene, the point is i had to watch the webm loop like 30 times before i could even make out what was in the scene because it's all just the one headache-ad red color

Both look like CGI abominations, the only difference is that now it's red shit instead of blue shit.

instead of a misty grey-blue blur?

Nah not really, nice try

I don't even think these are reshoots, these are all just from the same scene at different times.
Look at the two people in the back in the bottom right. Gray/blue lady, guy with gray shirt and brown coat next to her.
Upper left image, people in similar looking clothes walking towards Bruce.

>that lighting flash behind batman and his flowing cape str8 outta a comic panel
>batman in a hellish landscape doing hero shit

Second one I'll take

Snyderhaters can't see shit in the nighttime. But they definitely can see through martian dust storm


Geoff Johns, please

The lightning bolt is just silly

Cross-eyed motherfucker.

what kind of expression he's trying to convey here?

>implying they can't hire the same actors with the same clothes for reshoots

We know but steppenwolf invading shouldn't be causing the red skies.

Like I care if you don't like it

The red looks better and makes more sense. Fuck you faggots I hope you all die without being able to see the movie.

Please tell me why the mother box properties shouldn't do that? In detail please.

How about soundtrack's downgrade?

Why would they stand far far away in the background in one version coming towards Bruce, and literally behind Bruce in the other, if they weren't going to be there anyway in the first version?

Looks like the same exact street batman and superman had that fight in bvs

Filters fuck everything up, both Snyder and Whedon are hacks they both look bad

Why do you care so much about these movies?

Because they never did that in the comics.

Its shills arguing with shills

It looks atrocious after Whedon's edits.

They did in Geoff Johns run, during the "Origin" arc of Justice League where Darkseid invades the Earth. So blame Johns,

It's not about how much you like it. This shit is just out of place and fucking SILLY

I've been waiting for this movie for 3 years

I said as much.

I still firmly believe that bullshit was chiefly ghost written by Jim Lee.

Maybe they end up being near Bruce in BOTH versions

This isn't the comics, try again

Nah not at all it's fine. your opinion is meaningless

>I still firmly believe that bullshit was chiefly ghost written by Jim Lee.

I doubt it.

We know that Geoff Johns now is overseeing the movies. It started with the production of Wonder Woman, and what happened there? Johns forced that ice-cream moment from that same arc in the movie.

Now in Justice League you've the red skies like in that arc and some reviewers said there's a scene where Aquaman is caught by Wonder Woman's lasso and started sobbing and telling her how pretty she is, something he did with Green Lantern in that arc.

So after all this i got to blame Johns for that shitfest, and not Jim Lee.

The world is ending, we saw lighting in the clouds in that aquaman falling clip. It's not out of place that the atmosphere is going haywire. Your complaint is trivial. There are much bigger problems


The next DCEU movies will be obnoxious if Johns start to force the stupid moments from his runs willy-nilly.

>The next DCEU movies

People will actually like this more because nobody likes Snyder so all the fags would have said he "copied" Thor: Ragnarok rather than the other way around, now DC has a somewhat original visual style again.

this is going to be comedy gold.

Maybe DCU fans can use it as an out to finally admit that it's shit without blaming Snyder.

If they're not at the same part of the scene, then they're not proof of a reshoot, just different parts of the same fucking shot at different times

Sillier as a man in a batsuit fighting aliens? Lol




because Marrvelshit is so bland they have nothin to talk about on their own

Is anyone else disgusted at how easy it is to alter movies now?

someone will alter again right after its out, just like MoS

>just different parts of the same fucking shot at different times
one second difference

>red filter fucking everywhere
>this entire movie will be like the CGI diarrhea the end of BvS was, times 2

dear lord, I'm not sure this is actually watchable

We are video games now. Dowgrades, test audiences, DLC (extended cuts)

Unfortunately the old one probably won't ever be released

>misty grey-blue blur
There's absolutely nothing wrong with snyder filters you piece of pleb

Because this way the movie looks less dark and depressing.

It's dark and gray outside right now, you don't want people to be reminded of that while they're watching your 300 million blockbuster and get depressed and sleepy.
You want them to think happy thoughts during and after when they post on social media if they enjoyed it.

That's also why Elfman's soundtrack has a few nods to Batman 1989 and Superman The Movie, to manipulate people into thinking his soundtrack and the movie as a whole is better than it is.

Red skies are caused during multiversal crises when the plasma space between vibrating parallel earths "bleeds" into reality. In the current DCU cosmology new genesis and apokolips exist apart from the 52 parallel earths in the multiverse so it is plausible that during a large scale boom tube invasion that the bleedspace would bleed into the skies.

"I'm White"

I actually like the after shots except for the darksiders-tier crystal thingies but why the fuck are the new ones so blurry? it's as if someone converted 1080p into 720p. literally my only fear is the movie being blurry and low-resolution in the cinema, not even joking

>Because this way the movie looks less dark and depressing.

100% correct. This isn't fucking SCHINDLER'S LIST!!!FACT!!!

I care about the DC movies because I actually like them (SS is kinda meh) and because I have been waiting for a JL movie since the 90s. why are the Marveldrones and haters are discussing the movie to death, I honestly don't know. I'd never care about shit I hate so much that I would enter every thread about it


Snyder makes a lot of shitty movies. But he knows cinematography

Junkie XL was brought on and let go so early that he probably never got beyond programming down a few ideas. It's not like there's anything to release.

You people aren't actually going to watch this, are you?

Now it has no color other than red. Are you pleased?

>red filters
well at least they're not fucking blue

You made me chuckle a bit.

Fuck off, pleb. Blue filters are kino af

the soundtrack for Justice League is fine though. I suppose nobody here has listened to the whole thing yet, did they? I hated the Hero theme but everything else is good. Definitely different than Zimmer's soundtracks but definitely more uplifting while Zimmer had brooding and strong music

Jesus Christ that red looks like fucking shit. It's videogame-tier.

I don't get why people hate Snyder's visuals. I didn't like BvS, but the way it looked was NOT its problem. In fact, the one thing that stands out in his movies are the visuals/cinematography, so why ruin a perfectly fine looking movie with all that red shit?

Johns has a long track record of playing with DC history. That entire story threw it away for cheap shitty moments that are much more in line with Jim Lee's failed attempts at writing. I'm sure Johns did a few things like the Wonder Woman moment, but by and large it felt like a Jim Lee story. Knowing Johns he would make it about Starro, Despero, or some other early League villain. He would also have the Manhunter involved.

Also Hal being an idiot is a time honored tradition.

>random lightning and some cgi rock shoved in there for no reason
It's so dense.

Well the utter lack of color in a universe that should be even more vibrant than our own is a pretty big fuck up.

The fact that Johns is so proud of that story that he'll force the stupidest moments therein in the DCEU movies should they you all you need to know.

I'm sorry, man. I wish i could blame it on Lee too, but more and more i'm starting to see that Johns wrote that shit and worse, he's proud of it too.

And Cyborg is in the Justice League BECAUSE of Johns. So that's on him as well.