Has no one else watched this? It's fucking quality...

Has no one else watched this? It's fucking quality, the scene where they were putting Stalin on his bed fucking killed me.

Surprised they included Beria's alleged pedophilia, that was pretty dark.

Its really good but its impossible to have threads about it because retards who haven't even seen it start arguing about Communism right away

Do they complain about everyone speaking English too?

The trailer interested me but in the end it looks like a dumb movie, does it have anything deeper in it?

It's a dark comedy, doesn't flinch from showing the oppression and violence. It's about the petty backstabbing and corruption at the top of the Soviet Union.

Also, it's funny.

Looks like a good movie

Reeeeeee where can I watch this?
Amerilard here. It doesn't seem to have a US release date.
Anyone have a stream?

This is why no one has seen it, OP.

I guess I'll give it a watch then, thanks mate.

It's fun watching political machinations where the stakes are so high.
But everyone acts like it's just another day at the office

it was 90 mins of typical ianucci reddit tier humour, it was a waste of time

i grew up in communist russia. This movie is shit.

>i grew up in communist russia.
Get outta here old timer

Looks like cliched Ritchie-wannabe tier honestly
But premise is interesting tho
I woner how it will be recepted in russia, considering current patriotic hysteria there

I watched it last night, it wasn't as funny as I thought it was going to be compared to Iannucci's other work, but it was still a really good film. Jason Isaacs was great in it.

It was so goddamn funny and jesus I had no idea that was Jason Issacs.

It's not really in doubt by this point mate

>turbomanlets getting heightwashed



Fuck off, tankie. I bet you like Stalin also.

I grew up in Tzarist Russia. This movie is OK.

It’s actually really nuanced and absurdly well directed. It’s kino.

Did that man in the alley talk to you, user?

it's just 90 minutes of The Thick of It in the USSR, which pretty much makes it the best comedy this year.

it's also obvious that Ianucci has got a bit better at dealing with longer stuff since In The Loop, as this felt much better paced.

>i grew up in communist russia
Do you want a fucking medal, comrade?