The perfect organism

>I admire its purity. A survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality...

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kek what an ugly fuck

No bully

What's this kid's ethnicity again?


is bullying kids a new low for Sup Forums?

shut up faggot


italian, he has a facial deformity

He literally has a birth defect

He is not italian he is just an amerimutt

la sopa de macaco..


This kid is ugly, but because he got cast in a show people will say he isn't ugly, even though he is, and despite it not being his fault and him having a condition he is still ugly, and it becomes pretty hypocritical for his ugly to be ok because of a disease, while others are ugly are just ugly because of unfortunate genes. People are gonna say hes cute and hot or whatever because he was in a show but that couldn't be further from the truth because in real life anyone would drop this kid just as hard as he got dropped in the show.

why doesn't he have front teeth?

it's just part of the american hate train

italian+facial deformity=american

who would win?


I guess that's why your country gobbles up our hollywood productions starring disgusting goblins

Right. Eyes closer together, predator.

left has the big jewy noise so he has the connections necessary to ruin anyone

He's Italian

t. amerimutt

his sister's a cute :3

all hideous



thats one unattractive family


>italians still we wuzing

face it, you all look like that kid


lmao stop projecting my man

Leave him alone lads, he's just a little kid

Imagine being like 12 years old and the whole internet goes on about how weird looking you are, while simultaneously going on about how much they want to fuck your costars, that's a harsh buzz

Someone put their name behind this?


It's a stranger thing to do it in 3d

He has a Moorish look to him. One of his ancestors was probably raped by a Moor.