You're at a bar when some drunk asshole and his friends decide to pick a fight...

You're at a bar when some drunk asshole and his friends decide to pick a fight. What celebrity do you want with you to help kick their ass?

Other urls found in this thread:

Kiefer Sutherland

Liam, of course.

Emma Roberts

Is Kiefer Sutherland the drunk asshole or the helping hand?

please tell me this is shopped.


Prime Bolo Yeung

Michael Jai White

it'd truth


Steven Seagal

fun fact: 42 years old there.


Kief would lay that chink out in a heartbeat.

he doesn't know about Liam "Piss Tank" Neeson

It's a tough choice if I can only have one.
I'd like to party with Kiefer, but if I needed to partner up in a brawl I'd have to go with Russell Crowe.

That's quite amazing, he looks great for that age. Van Damme didn't age all that bad either. Anyone know if his new show 'Jean-Claude Van Johnson' on Amazon is any good?


power gap

Sean Bean
Mel Gibson
outta my way vietnam fuckin shits
Jason Momoa
Kurt Russell
Van Damme

>whips out his dick
>asks permission to jerk it to the fight

>Anyone know if his new show 'Jean-Claude Van Johnson' on Amazon is any good?
Only seen the pilot but yeah it's pretty cool, my only gripe is that the daily life of JCVD is a lot more interesting than him secretly being some kind of super trouble shooter, if that makes sense.
Also the Chin will protect

are you guys fucking serious

How do I have fun when I drink?

Alcohol makes me feel drained and tired. So many people love getting trashed and seem high on life when they are.

I was at a bar once with an extremely drunk Keif. It's the kind of thing you know happens but to actually see it in person with your own two eyes is quite a sight.

You need to loosen up as a person first. Alcohol tends to enhance your natural attitude so if you're uptight normally alcohol isn't going to change that much.

Being around cool people is important if you want to have fun while drinking. I just drink alone until I pass out and it's not much fun. If it makes you tired you should have some energy drinks before getting drunk. It also allows you to drink a lot more.

It will make sense when I watch, like as not. I'm a big fan of Van Damme.

Probably best not drinking. I've significantly cut down on alcohol from how much I used to drink and I no longer enjoy the things I did when I was drinking, mostly video games. Not a terrible thing but the boredom and cynicism is pretty bad.

>have some energy drinks before getting drunk
Don't do this, it makes mustard gas. But seriously, it's super bad for your heart.

Arnold probably isn't fun to drink with though.

take speed and benzos

Ray Winstone because he seems like the type of guy who'd keep going till the wheels fall off.

Russel Crowe obviously.

>I no longer enjoy the things I did when I was drinking, mostly video games
I quit drinking entirely and the only video games I still play are on my phone for 5-10 minutes a day. Literally nothing is fun. Sober 6 months after a decade of reckless alcoholism and mostly neet life

This, however as he is applying various holds,he would say "if you where sober,this wouldn't be necessary" in a calm tone,kinda makes you feel like a jerk,even though that is not his intention.

Psst...look up.the Adam carolla podcast he was on,dude is such more bad than you think the he is.
15 yrs old,lied about his age to join an 18 and over tournament.

But for comedy value,I think the trailer park boys,that includes j-roc and the roc pile,would lead to a better bar story later on.

1. Naruto
2. Sasuke uchiha

>wanting some pussy attention whoring actor to help you in a fight instead of a real fighter

>he runs away and claims he was never there and if he had been he'dve beat them all up

We are the same. Didn't even realise I was an alcohol but in hindsight I probably was. I spent years drinking wine and playing video games.

>not posting the king of manlet fighters



>took this long for someone to post this

Sup Forums is slipping

>lost to the "villain" of Beverly Hills Cop 3

You're already dead kiddo

sylvester stallone
power gap

power gap

Sean Bean
Mel Gibson
outta my way vietnam fuckin shits
Jason Momoa
Kurt Russell
Van Damme


Now why would you that?

Big talker, absolute faggot that acts like a 13 year old on all of his podcasts.


i dont know man, what if THE LEAHW stops him


The only correct answer

Please stop with this hurtful meme guys.




If I want the other person to actually go home in a body bag then this is my choice.

God damn these always kill me


The Rock

How's she do that?


>wanting to drink






Him naturally.

seems like a genuinely cool guy too. 10/10 would enlist as an unwilling surrogate father figure

Tom Hanks because i know he would take the beating for me and then be gracious about it later. i would pick his unconscious ass up off the floor, seat him on a stool and he would buy us a round of expensive scotch.

Gerald Butler

Dont like him as an actor, but pretty sure he can brawl with the best of them

You already posted him.

I don't think he's any different from a non-famous drunk person desu.

That one guy who holds up the "refugees welcome" sign


Mark Wahlberg.

Particularly if my assailant is an Asian.

>Trejo was in and out of jail for 11 years. While serving time in San Quentin, he won the lightweight and welterweight boxing titles. Imprisoned for armed robbery and drug offenses
nice choice

when youre drinking with Mark Wahlberg, your assailant BECOMES asian

there's plenty of chairs in a bar Chief Kief can't do nothing against that




onngury rice, cause if i kick his ass she might be impressed enough to go on a date with me

how old are you


excluding martial arts guys and people over 6'3'', i would probably go with Chris Pine, Evans or Mel Gibson.

Get Chris Pine, Evans, and Hemsworth to form the Alpha Chris Voltron.

ITT: everyone thinks this is about kicking Keifer Sutherland's ass

No one can beat Chief Kief.

The question here of course is "is it a through underwear piss or a poorly aimed stream of piss on the outer layer of trousering stain?"

I think he would play dirty, take quite a beating and enjoy the process

>when you actually start to feel sorry for the guys that picked the fight

came here to post this

Can we use this to determine how big his penis is?

Unironically one of the better choices.


>Witnesses told the paper that Bean, 52, and model April Summers were smoking outside the bar when a passerby made lewd comments about her, and Bean chased him down the street. The man returned to the bar later that evening, spotted Bean outside again and attacked him.

>The actor was reportedly punched in the face and stabbed in the arm with broken glass.

>Despite the injuries, Bean chose not to go to the hospital. Instead, he accepted a first aid kit from the bar staff and then ordered another drink.



So do you think it was worth it?

If he couldn't talk them down then at least you know he can take a beating.