When you realize all the memes that will arise after BR2049 comes out on bluray

>when you realize all the memes that will arise after BR2049 comes out on bluray

Other urls found in this thread:


based /r/bladerunner tourist
gonna get those points huh?

Go back to r/rickandmorty

both of you

>”Jacking off to cartoons. INTERLINKED”

>user K-Y-S-4-dash-three-dot-seven, let's begin. Ready?
Yes, sir.
>Recite your baseline.
And reddit newfaggotry began to spin... A board of threads crosslinked within threads crosslinked within threads crosslinked within one (you)... And meaningless memes against the blue, a short fat neckbeard cried.
>Have you ever been out of the house? Threads.
>Do they make you post? Threads.
>When you're not shitposting, do they keep you in a little room? Threads.
>What's it like to hold the pillow of your waifu? Crosslinked.
>Did they teach you how to feel nothing and nothing? Crosslinked.
>Do you long for having your quints crosslinked? Crosslinked.
>Do you dream about being crosslinked?
>What's it like to hold your fapfu in your hands? Crosslinked.
>Do you feel that there's a cancer inside you that's trying? Crosslinked.
>Within threads crosslinked.
Within threads crosslinked.
>Why don't you say that three times: Within threads crosslinked.
Within threads crosslinked. Within threads crosslinked. Within threads crosslinked.
>We're done. Constant user, you can pick up your tendies.

Thank you, sir.

You shouldn't have posted that image album, tourist
Now we know where you all come from

What image album?

How the baseline test is supposed to work?

You have memorized lines you have to recite in reaction to the ones a person doing the test is saying and you're supposed to not show any kind of emotional reaction or doubt.

when the bluray hits (or the bluray rips rather) more people will realize how fucking mediocre the flick is, and how they've been lied to by paid reviewers/shills.

Keep living in denial.

t. Bob McCapeShit

Whens the bluray out? Mid January?




What's this?

So, for those who saw the first one, why did the replicant saved han solo?

god i feel so empty





Hurr Durrr


January 15th I think

like what? there's barely much new to this movie to even meme about. cells interlinked I guess cuz they say it so often hoping it'd be memorable



>"Ahh, I see you're not into real anime penguins..."

He realized he was about to bite it himself and thought "What's the point of letting this guy die when it won't mean anything to me. I might as well let him live and share with him a fraction of my profound experiences just so maybe he learns something and all those moments don't just vanish"

Imagine being this guy.
Is like, 1 month, and he is not tired of being so pathetic.

Why haven't you been banned yet

>cut my hair exactly like k
>wear that same jacket
>casually lift
>girls eye rape ME now

only because they'll be distracted while watching it on their computer. You need the theater experience, it's kinoessential

fuck when is there going to be a watchable version online.

I just dont have the time to catch a movie in he cinema since this came out and i really want to watch it

Has anyone bought that coat? I really like it and I've already own few trenchcoats but this one seems really nice.

Because as his life was running out he realized how precious life actually is. That's why he grabbed that pigeon and held it to his chest and saved Deckard. He realized Tyrell was right and he did indeed lived a life full of wonder and wanted to share it with someone

>I've already own few trenchcoats
Is this you?

nah i went to a used store near me and got something that looked almost like it for like 20$

I work at night, often walking places. Trenchcoats are necessity in this climate.

>I work at night, often walking places. Trenchcoats are necessity in this climate.

That's not a trenchcoat.
And it's either coats or hiking jackets. I'd rather look cool.

Do you have a katana too right?


How else are you supposed to defend yourself?


Now I wanna go back to the threads that went up right after the release.

>int + dex vs. str + end
Ryan G Ә nɒγЯ would win because he has two guns

I litetally wouldn't talk to anyone who did not watch it in the theater. Why even bother if they didn't? It's obvious that BR2049 is just another flick for them, to waste some time in the evening.

Any meaningful discussion lasted during theatrical run.


This is sadly true. The first two weeks the movie was out there were some great threads on Sup Forums. Now there's nothing.

SOOSLING beats Ryan ''GG'' Nayr in a bare knuckle fight everyday

cuz I've violated no rules unlike most people who get banned or just change their IP and get on with shitposting