Women can't fi-

women can't fi-

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Cara is shit.

>More cuts than seconds

useless French twat

men are stronger than wo-

the matriarchy is coming and you gross little mra incels had better be scared

Wasn't Laurelin a supposed to be a pretty princess in the comics?

>cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut

women are we-

>women obey the laws of ph-

>cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut

You fucking fucks need to learn.

women can't fight without powerarmor

>there I fin it


Is this real

yes. it's footage of a #resistance fighter taking down some of drumpf's russian lackeys.

holy fuck this is janky and awkward, does she have osteoporosis?

>that kick that blows the candles out
Super cool, wonder if you could do that in real life tho


women are physically infer-

I fucking hate how henchmen get knocked out by one move.


She wasn't even blessed with Jewish tiddies, what gives

It can be done, but they have to do multiple takes. Chan's films get filmed over and over to reduce editing.

I always appreciate a movie that makes the enemies tough to beat and don't just go down in one bullet or worse, a single punch or kick. Just any sort of challenge for the heroes, it usually means more interesting fight scenes too. Even if the rest of the movie is garbage I will always respect them for doing that.

are you literally going on every thread and post DROPPED on every actor/actress bing talked about in said thread? I wish I had half the spare time you have

I liked how in John Wick 2 they kept things true to life, in how that short haired dyke was built up to be some big boss, and instead Wick rightfully overpowered her easily and killed her pretty much instantly.

Due given to their stunt doubles, but the point of that scene is how effortlessly Bucky tanks everything they throw at him. Stark manages to provide a longer distraction.

So is she like a full time lesbo or what?

Leave female led action kino to Asians.

he's a mexican neet, you should pity him

I wonder what Cara's cloaca smells like, haha!

So many cuts

Try again sweetie ;)

Fuck off, we like Jewish women here.

Not going to lie I love seeing wrestling moves in films

>mexican feels entitled to judge other people's ethnicity

this. What are some films where a nameless henchman defeats or significantly harms the hero?

Man after my own heart. There's no tension or drama when you know every enemy will drop from one glancing hit.

it's only cishet women who can't fight. they are utterly useless and need to go. lesbians are strong as shit and will fuck up whoever opposes them. #pussypower

In BR2049 a ton of hits from Luv does nothing to K, and one punch from him sends her flying

Why does she put her arm down after every shot, the fucking retard.

that was great.
John was injured, tired and had already had a big fight with Bilzerian henchman

and yet he almost effortlessly killed the tumblr bitch despite her being armed

great kino scene when he says goodbye in sign language also

John Wick 2 was fucking fun. I was totally expecting her to win somehow because that's how movies seem to go but he ended up beating her. She put up a good fight but he bested her while I was on the edge of my seat. Good movie.

>that candle blowing kick
It looks like he's too far for it to work, but it looks fucking awesome.

nazis btfo

Atomic Blonde comes to mind, theres an extended fight scene with some henchmen who almost take down the protagonist.

>reddit reddit reddit reddit

>They all wait for her to finish killing the first guy.

Korean action scenes still suck, 10 years later. You had Oldboy. And then you lost it.

>literally 4 cuts on that last kick
jesus fucking christ, just get a stuntwoman to do it properly

Not a movie but the Bourne Identity book is actually really good. Bourne gets shot, stabbed, and overall actually feels like he's in danger. The movies are great but they don't capture that feeling of peril

In the third Bourne movie Matt Damon gets royally fucked up by nameless assassin guy, though that guy was on the border between nameless henchman and miniboss so I don't know if it counts.

the force awakens when that stormtrooper beats the black guy with a baseball bat


You retards know these are fictional movie scenes?

doesn't he get rescued right away though?

>selects a webm implying it has more cuts
>has significantly less cuts


Would actually bang

I hate how every single henchmen dies the same way, they bobble their heads around and then do a flip.

Yeah, they don't actually have to be perfectly realistic, this gives them way more possibilities to choreograph a great looking fight, and yet they still butcher it.

women can't fi-

That's always a problem with one vs many fight scenes. As the number of opponents go up, that stop and wait happens. I enjoyed the movie, but that is a constant they fail to hide. I thought the man from nowhere did a good job with that kind of scenario.

>can clearly tell where the cuts are

Women aren't powerf-

>women can't fight
umm, think again sweaty :)

She spins around on him, plants her feet, and then flips him? Aren't you supposed to use your legs to flip a person like that?

I liked it too, but the "henchman runs into frame with gun out" got old very quickly.

Actual badass woman kino coming through youtube.com/watch?v=Ffc3H-uqLAs

I have to giggle at this one every time

women are we-


How was I hype during this scene when I saw the movie but it looks like complete shit now?

drumpf btfo!

I grew up with 8.756.439 Quindecillion brothers



Yeah but he was still got beaten

>Bill Paxton
>Antonia Banderas
>Michael Fassbender
>Ewan McGregor
Nice cast, I'll have to check it out

Not bad.

I like how the random guy comes out of nowhere to grab him off of her and the watiress helps out, that's the kind of thing that happens in real life fights but they leave out of movies because it might be confusing for plebs

Lone Survivor if you count any of the seals

I've met Gina Carano in real life, she's actually pretty fucking big. Hot as fuck too.

She's a big girl.

So at the 7 second mark when she puts the restraint on his arm what exactly happens there? Because after the 10+ cuts, it shows his arm tucked underneath and apparently attached to the other guy somehow, but how? The last frame had her twisting his arm then it magically finds its way between his legs and attached to the other guy? I think they needed 2x the amount of cuts to really make that scene work.

Chan stuntmen, including himself, redo scenes over and over. I listened to an interview with him about this scene and he said it took well over 60 takes. Was in chink tho

How stinky must that pussy be to knock that guy out?

>women are we-

That's fucking awesome. I wish more directors and actors put that amount of effort into their films.

literally the opposite retard

do people really watch and like this shit you guys are posting?

Damn niggers truly lack humanity

Jewish tricks.

What did she do to deserve this? Steal someone else's man?

Have any fight choreographers/action stars taken the mantle from Jackie Chan on how to make an easy to follow, seamless fight?

Or are just going to have to accept Bourne-shit.

Shut up bitch it was a stupid scene anyways you fucking faggot. Women are weak and don't understand cinema

You think niggers have rational reason for their day to day behavior?


It is hard to replicate this in the west because majority of actors just don't know how to fight convincingly. It isn't their main job.

>taps on her tits to see if she's okay

The only positive thing about the Wonder Woman fight scenes is that they've very few cuts, so kudos for that.

But then the CGI fuck it all up, so eh.

You should, it's an easy watch
Lucky you, I'm jealous

Shay Massey is unironically cute. It's thanks to her that I learned I like muscle girls

You're supposed to use the torque of your neat trick to snap their neck

Not enough Gina on screens.
She should be in more big movies.

Reminder that Cynthia Rothrock is one of the greatest female martial arts star of all time