/who/ - Doctor Who General

Prophesied Heads of Severance edition

Already spoken -

Other urls found in this thread:

penguin.com.au/search/?q=(Target Collection)&type=all

Dimensions in Time 2 is going well I see.


What's /who/ with you?

Reminder to create your ranking of NuWho stories using xectc-e.tumblr.com/nuwhosort

Drink every time you hit two stories that are both so bad/mediocre you can't choose.
When finished post your top 10 and bottom 10.

Reminder that NuWho Target Novelisations are happening
penguin.com.au/search/?q=(Target Collection)&type=all

Lads I'm looking for a Dr Who audiobook short story where the doctor is on a spaceship and there's a panther monster thing and robots who have their own toy line, please help me, I think it was read by David Tennant doing everyone's voices can't really remember.

kek i actually laughed

any companions?

>head of pertwee has friends now
Christ, they're all so unnatural.

Redpill me on cactus!4

Meglos. It's exactly what it looks like.

Is it The Last Voyage?

I think there was a girl or something, she threw a billiard ball at a robot's neck because he was weak there on the toy version of him.



How will you feel if these new Target novelisations don't have the drawn covers and are just promo photos or something?

Reminder that A Town Called Mercy takes place in the Victorian Era.

I will ree.

At least they're not hollowed out for people to drink out of.

I put sharpies in mine.

Hello, Neo. How are you?

How do you want to handle Shit Trips 2? I was thinking that we should share editing duties, and maybe you edit some things, and I edit some others, and we each write part of the framing story.

However, first, should we set up a poll?

Did they ever make one for 12?


t. Nilso

not enough drugs

I'm gonna fuckin' ree. The covers are what make them GOAT.


4's and 7's are much classier because of the hats
Good thanks, hope you are too.
I'm up for anything, that sounds good, whatever /who/ wants, pow out a poll if you please, whatever folks want.
Hola nilso!

Even though I'm not Neo, Immigrant, I feel like I should be saying this now; please be aware that this is NOT a criticism onto you or Shit Trips at all, or a criticism in general - we've only just finished ST2, and I personally believe that it would be beneficial for everyone here if we gave it a bit of a breathing space for the time being; I don't mean "Never mention ST 2.5 at all until the day before release" or "Stop talking about it", but if we make too much of a deal about it all the time I feel that it detracts from what makes Shit Trips an event - it's like having a favorite resturant you go to; if you go there too often and make it a commonplace thing, it stops being a treat and becomes a formality.
Please tell me if you think I'm wrong with this and I'll accept what you have to say - before anyone says I'm a critic of the ST idea know I am not.

sup nilso

There is no "day of release" if they don't organize it, I don't get what you're complaining about. This is a time where it is appropriate to discuss.


Well, the plan has been to start submissions Shit Trips 2.5 in mid to end-December. We won't necessarily start talking about it until then. It won't come out until some time later. 2.5 is supposed to be a smaller sort of book anyway. Once that happens, we probably won't see Shit Trips 3 till after Thirteen's first series is done mid-way, or ends.

Why is there a "no opinion" option and not a "I dislike both" option?

Poll to decide when to start submissions:


Poll to decide who to run Shit Trips 2.5:


If we need more options, let me know

The system is putting the stories in an order depending on which one you think is better than the other. Saying "I dislike both equally" and "I like both equally" would have the same effect i.e. a tie

Why is there a "no opinion" option and not a "I dislike both" option?


1: Wrinkly old man dick. If you've ever been at a gym or sauna and seen something you shouldn't, or ever saw your grandpa getting out of the shower, you've seen 1's dick.

2: Stubby but thick. I think they call that a cheswick, and I picture it being uncut.

3: Ask your grandma.

4: Enormously long and floppy.

5: One of those porno dicks, you know the types. Big vein on top, very clean and well proportioned. The dick most guys think they're supposed to have and get bummed that it's not right.

6: A 70s porno dick.

7: It barely pokes out from his pubic bush. Not because it's short, but because it's so unkempt.

8: Emo porno dick.

War: It hasn't gotten hard since Karn. Never should have trusted the Sisterhood.

9: Picture someone dragging an old, beaten and battered wooden club along the ground as they walk.

10: Small, but he shaves to make it look bigger. Very self-conscious, one of those guys who gets jealous of dicks like 5's.

11: Lengthy, but with a hard left bend in it.

12: 24 inches long and completely prehensile.

13: The Doctor felt something wet between her legs, vaginal discharge, something she definitely wasn't quite used to yet.

Kek. My bad (I made the polls.) There is a "FUCKOFFERINO" and "Let's not discuss" options.

Yeah after awhile I figured out that's why it was taking fucking forever. I like both and no opinion just prolong your suffering.

Rank your Doctors. I have limited exposure to OldWho so they will get their own list.

NuWho Doctors
1. Ninth Doctor
>Eccelston had the toughest job imaginable. Serve as the Doctor for a new generation of fans. ALl in all, he was fantastic.
2. War Doctor
>What could have been a one off character has evolved into one of the more nuanced versions of the Doctor. Probably my favorite regeneration.
>"Why would you--"
>"Oh I don't know. Perhaps because I'm just ready to die. I've seen too much of this war already. Maybe I think I'll stand more of a chance of getting out of this alive than you two patsies.
3. Twelfth Doctor
>An absolutely spectacular iteration that channels a lot of the characteristics of the first Doctor.
4. Eleventh Doctor
>Interesting to think that this is the final regeneration in the Doctor's original regeneration cycle. Fitting considering that 10 didn't want to go and decided to leave a lasting impression.
5. Tenth Doctor.
>Something about him just rubs me the wrong way. One of the smarter and quick thinking Doctor's but his ego is offputting.

OldWHo Doctors
1. Eighth Doctor
2. Sixth Doctor
3. First Doctor
4. Third Doctor
5. Fourth Doctor
6. Seventh Doctor
7. Fifth Doctor
8. Second Doctor

I'm certain these ratings will change once I get exposed to more OldWho. Also listening to 4, 5, 6, and 7's Big Finish series.

what the fuck


Was this a pun referencing best crabfu?

Your style of complaining is very recognizable


I'm not sure if I'm gonna take that as an insult or a compliment. It wasn't meant to be a complaint.

And nothing you said was wrong, or rude. I appreciate your response.

Thank you.

Here's mine, or as much as would fit in one screencap - it's more or less what I expected, lots of Moff and RTD in the top slots

Fun Episodes (Contrarian Opinions) - Post episodes that you legitimately enjoy from each season that won't be your first choice, but still immensely enjoyable.

Series 1 - The Long Game
>Something about a space worm in charge of guiding the human race is absolutely fascinating.

Series 2 - Girl in the Fireplace
>I know this might be a lot of indivdiuals favorite episode from Series 2 but I was always a big fan of the two parter (Planet/Satan Pit). Probably Steven Moffat's most streamlined plot yet.

Series 3 - Utopia
>I know it's technically part of a trilogy of episodes but I really enjoyed the Doctor trying to fix a spacecraft to send mankinds remaining humans to the stars. The Master is just icing on the cake.

Series 4 - The Planet of the Ood
>This episodes ending genuinely gave me nightmares. The Ood are freaky and will turn you into one of them if not careful.

Series 5 - Amy's Choice
>An episode that alternates between two concurrent stories. The tone and sense of desperation and uncertainty are awesome.

Series 6 - The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
Easily one of the best opening two parters I've ever seen. Truly exceptional and both parts had me invested.

Series 7 - The Name of the Doctor
>Not a lot happens in this episode but the implications are astounding. Also provides a fun explanation for the "impossible girl".

Series 8 - Mummy on the Orient Express
>A self contained episode that does a fantastic play on the Murder on the Orient express.

Series 9 - Under the Lake/Before the Flood
>A spectacular two parter where each half feels like an entirely separate adventure yet connecting the two episodes.

Series 10 - Extremis/The Pyramid at the End of the World/The Lie of the Land
>I've never seen a 3 parter that wasn't a finale. Every episode could theoretically stand on its own. Nice introduction to a new villain (Monks) and has a satisfying ending.

I'd love to hear from what episodes from each season you enjoyed wouldn't say is your favorite.

>the day of the doctor, deep breath, listen

I don't have a mental list of them, but Judy seems like a right cunt.


Subject to change at any time, though the top 4 have been locked in for years.
12, his characterisation and era clicks most with me and frankly he's just on a different level performance wise
8, his many strange eras also appeal hugely to me and like 12 I love that he gets more sustained character development
7, my first Doctor and one with particularly adventurous storytelling and characterisation
1, THE Doctor, brilliant eras, brilliant character
I'm less attached to the rankings below
6, also a notably strong actor with interesting developments, and gets some of the best stories of the franchise on audio
4, a spellbinding performance tracked across different eras and iterations of the show and character, it's no coincidence his Doctor is the most iconic
9, a very cohesive and well sketched character and singular series anchored by a very strong actor
2, there would be no Doctor Who without him and be effectively set up the Doctor character as we know it. Also very good performance
11, unique style that transcended the issues of his era, magnetic performance, very strong ending
3, iconic, archetypal, unforgettable
10, very strong dramatically, makes up my distaste for his more comic turns. Excellent performance and characterisation in the few times he's let off the leash
5, his characterisation and era weren't particularly to my liking, but Davison can perform well and there are some good stories scattered around

>Series 10 - Extremis/The Pyramid at the End of the World/The Lie of the Land
> and has a satisfying ending.
good old, love solves everything ending
good old, companion is important just because

The Doctor washed her new body in the bathtub. Full tits, smooth tummy, vadge and butt. She shaved her legs with a Rodan series razor. Mentally, she solved partial differential equations to find the rate of breast expansion during her regeneration. Her hair was brown.

So far, the poll seems to be saying "Neo and Immigrant" run it together. I'm very comfortable with that.

Now, /who/, assuming Neo and I goes with that, do you mind if Neo and I discuss the particulars of running this off-thread, or would you /who/ prefer if I do all discussion in /who/? Running it off-thread would enable us to conserve surprises and such better.

You have absolutely fantastic taste. You may not have an answer to this, but would you say the story "The Fearmonger" a good introduction to 7?

1 Heaven Sent
2 Listen
3 A Christmas Carol
4 The Pandorica Opens + The Big Bang
5 Vincent and the Doctor
6 The Eleventh Hour
7 Amy's Choice
8 The Day of the Doctor
9 World Enough and Time + The Doctor Falls
10 Extremis

The Shakespeare Code
109 The Lazarus Experiment
111 Fear Her
111 Smith and Jones
113 Love & Monsters
114 The Idiot's Lantern
115 The Sontaran Stratagem + The Poison Sky
115 The Doctor's Daughter
115 The Unicorn and the Wasp
118 The Runaway Bride
119 The Curse of the Black Spot

evem if her body was of a woman, the doctor noticed a tiny cute feminine penis dangling down there

The underwear had been a gift for River but they would fit her. Very nicely. It was funny to feel a smooth slit between her legs in place of a Prydonian staff and basket. The X-ray had shown that she had ovaries too, in case Koschei wanted to help her repeople Gallifrey, she supposed.

Not that user, but I'm in two minds about The Fearmonger being a good starting point. It's a good story for sure but it does go straight to gameplayer 7 and does miss his jokey phase. At the end of the day it's up to you but I'd personally say no

>in place of a Prydonian Staff and basket
I laffed.

reposting my old stuff

worst stories in list

Worst stories in list:
109 Fear Her
109 The Curse of the Black Spot
109 A Town Called Mercy
109 Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
109 The Zygon Invasion + The Zygon Inversion
109 The Eaters of Light
115 The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
115 Nightmare in Silver
117 In the Forest of the Night
117 The Pyramid at the End of the World
117 The Lie of the Land

fucking kek
wrong picture AND forgot trip

Worst stories in final list list:
109 Fear Her
109 The Curse of the Black Spot
109 A Town Called Mercy
109 Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
109 The Zygon Invasion + The Zygon Inversion
109 The Eaters of Light
115 The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
115 Nightmare in Silver
117 In the Forest of the Night
117 The Pyramid at the End of the World
117 The Lie of the Land


It was great being a lady, the Doctor decided. So much easier to attract lonely humans into her den. Fruit for her lonely hearts.

Not to mention, Earth women had always been ravishingly beautiful to her. And sensual. The Doctor fondly remembered bumming Rose roughly inside her bedroom while Mickey sat outside, oblivious. Hmm, thought the Doctor, now she was a girl, would she prefer to give or to receive? And what should she wear?

Little black dresses, yes! There was that old honeymoon gift from her first wife. The Doctor had worn it the night they consummated their marriage.

Yeah that sounds like fun doing it together

Thank you kindly! God, I'm not the best to ask for introductory 7 stories but you can't go wrong with release order for big finish, unsure if it's the best introduction for him in general

t. me

I've already said that I'm not gonna trip.

Hola reddit!

Yep. We have different ways of writing, so I'd enjoy seeing what happens when we collaborate.

Neo, and /who/, would you be okay with most of the Shit Trips discussion between me and Neo happenning off-/who/? As in, discussion on the framing story, the ordering of the stories, and all that jazz. It would avoid us clutterring up the thread with it, as well as conserve surprises.

>people who don't trip are reddit now
/who/ needs to make up its fucking mind - does it want more trips or less?

Took the test again and managed a full screencap.

Pro tip: no-one who says "reddit" is espousing an actual coherent viewpoint. It's just noise.

Well that took fucking ages

Her new nipples were very sensitive and responded giddily to tweaks, she found. "Praise Rassilon!" she cried. "I should have regended centuries ago!"

The Top-10 are extremely acceptable answers.

>Took the test again
why? it's painfully long just doing it once

liking your taste m8

Where would you be talking about it?

In private messages of some sort. Wouldn't be a public place.

You don't mean "The Place", do you?

sup reddit

It took me about fifteen minutes tops on both attempts. I took it again because I wanted to see how consistent my top and bottom ten were.

I'd rather immigrant and neo plan it here honestly, it wouldn't shit up threads and would be nice to see

The Doctor dove naked into the swimming pool. Such a nice feeling. All she needed was a willing companion to skinny-dip with. Maybe an innocent Victorian gentleman, a pamphleteer?

Is this honestly how you get your rocks off?

This sight was significantly more accurate than I anticipated.
1 Heaven Sent
1 World Enough and Time + The Doctor Falls
3 The God Complex
4 Dalek
4 The Empty Child + The Doctor Dances
4 The Impossible Planet + The Satan Pit
4 The Name of the Doctor
4 The Day of the Doctor
4 The Time of the Doctor
4 Listen
4 Mummy on the Orient Express
4 Dark Water + Death in Heaven
4 Last Christmas
4 The Magician's Apprentice + The Witch's Familiar
4 Under the Lake + Before the Flood
4 Face the Raven

Well, I always strive for acceptable.

That's a lot of stories tied at 4.

I second this.
As one sould!
Colin looks like he's really not enjoying it to the level Bonnie is.

This. It will also keep things transparent and would avoid the conspiracy talk of the last one.

Yeah I was surprised as well. If I had to concisouly think of a top five list, it'd be/

1. Heaven Sent
2. The God Complex
3. Dalek
4. Midnight
5. World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls

No fuck no. Bullshit you arent pulling any more shit. Do it itt

Actually, id like a hand in that.

Worst of all though is in the season 9 finale. Here we have the return of Gallifrey which is a huge deal in the show’s mythology. Its been gone since the classic era and from the Doctors point of view he has not been home for over 1000 years.

Added to that there were so many unanswered questions about Gallifrey such as what happened after the Master faced Rassilon down in the climax of The End of Time when they both ended up there. Did Rassilon punish the Master? Why did the Master regenerate? How did he escape? How did Rassilon return from the dead in the first place and why did he go evil? Has Rassilon been deposed? Will the Doctor have to stop him from carrying out the final sanction again? How did Gallifrey escape from the pocket dimension the Doctor sent it too? Will he have to rescue it? The time lords said that they would be trapped and alone if the doctor sent them to another universe and they only barely agreed to it because they had no other choice. How did they struggle in that other universe? Did many of them die? Also how will the Daleks react when their greatest enemies return? Will the time war start a new? What about the Doctors loved ones like Susan? What became of them in the time war? Is Romana still on Gallifrey? What role did she play in the war?

Virtually none of these questions are answered and Rassilon, the most powerful of all time lords is dealt with in two minutes. The Doctor being home again for the first time in 1000 years is completely sidetracked, so that the Doctor can resurrect Clara, and the whole episode can then focus on how special Clara is again.

No one asked you though, people have been discussing this possibility for months. you're on the poll as "another trip" anyway.


The Doctor held a femilie penis and

>Worst of all though i
I'm sorry who are you? What is this copypasted from?

What do you mean?