Vice Principals General

Who shot Gamby?

Is Ray /ourguy/?

Is Christine best girl?

These and all other questions will be answered tonight.

>tfw this and nathan for you were the best shows of 2017 and both of them finished this weekend

It was Seychelles. Screencap this.

I hope not desu

what time does it air?

in about 4 hours

Dayshawn. There was forensic evidence.

Who it should be: Lee
Who it is: Abbot

It's neither.

it was will ferrell

if I have HBO GO can I stream it live?

My money is on Swift, who got Dayshawn to pull the trigger, which is why the shooter purposefully shot non-vital areas.

Alternatively, the shooter was one of the degenerate ISS kids.



yikes, what an ass

Who? You mean Seashells?

Is she a Godard fan?

>mfw she's this guy's daughter

after tonight, i will once again have no reason to watch TV...cya Vice Principals

same, I'm honestly gonna be really disappointed when it's over. at least they aren't drawing it out.

Same. Absolutely fucking nothing good is on anymore. I'm stuck waiting for Better Call Saul to come back after this. I like so few shows now.