What makes Spider-Man the best superhero of all time pals?

What makes Spider-Man the best superhero of all time pals?


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>ywn have a spider foursome

Was Maguire's ass really so disappointing that it couldn't be shown?

Sam Rami's Spiderman is top superhero kino

This is disgusting and sexist. Men are more than their sexual parts, you misandrist.

can't say he's best, but he's more tamed, above average strength, can't fly, rely on gadget, has a lot of weaknesses, cutie aunt...

He's funny and has cool powers.

Miles is coming, whiteboi.

Superman is one of the worst one because
>muh, I'm an alien
>not green

In animated form maybe. The effort they went through to get him Peter Parker is going nowhere.

i think spiderman have lot of skills with flipping and cool jumps and he make his own spiderweb and never gives up

>“We made the best ones, so who cares? I’m like, ‘You make it all you want.’ They’re just milking that cow for money. It’s so obvious. You know what I mean?”


If Dunst thinks that, I wonder what Tobey thinks.

Dunst made two GREAT ones and one horribly bad one.

Best face = Toby
Best ass = Garfield
Best overall body = Holland

She can't take credit. She was a terrible MJ, and no being better than what's her face in Homecoming doesn't make her good.

plus his powers are literally defined as whatever the current author/screenwriter/director feels like at the time

1. Spider-Man (originally) was a teenager, dealing with real 1962 teenager problems, in addition to being a badass superhero. He was a complete nerd, a weakling bully victim until he got Spider-Powers, and was basically shit on by everyone, up to and including the Fantastic Four.
Kids in 1962 really identified with this character, as opposed to Billionaire Playboy Bruce Wayne, or mild-mannered adult journalist Clark Kent. This was just a normal kid, who had a lot of responsibility thrust on him with the death of his Uncle.
There's also a straight-up Joseph Campbell Hero's Journey there, which always resonates with people.

>Best ass = Garfield
good choice

that's his stunt but still a good ass

>Best face = Toby

Peter/Spider Man has uncle ben, which is the emotional hart to the character and the movies(the good ones at least). It's why Homecoming fell a little flat for me, without the Ben angle the character is missing a key component

Yup, good old pure hearted Uncle Ben

>P...Peter...i have to tell you something son...

>I know Uncle Ben. I've always known. Ever since I found out no one else in Kindergarten knew the fable of the Jewish Banker and the Righteous Mob.

>pure hearted ben
gr8 b8 m8

Homecoming had Uncle Tony

>has a lot of weaknesses
He's far from invincible, but name one weakness he has


I like this suit more than the one Tony made him. He made it himself and looks super comfy.

Literally all of them are hideous.

Why can't they ever get an attractive actor to play Spidey?

Peter is not really an attractive guy in the comics. He's not Dick Grayson, he's just average.


I'm straight and all but first thing I saw was his bulge.

Spider-verse when?

>Best face = Holland

His the cute one

Toby was cuter in the first one, Tom looks like he's just not gonna age well.

>cute white male with a hot body and superpowers is bullied by a unattractive hispanic indina-looking dude, his only friend is a fat asian & out of all the females in the school, only the two black girls want him. Also, out of all these girls, he's in love with the black girl - as if in reality this would happen.

>only black girls want him
This is actually something I suffer with irl, everytime I use a dating site I get messages from black girls, pisses me off so much

His powers are useless against the symbiotes. He's a young HS to college age person and therefore while educated he can be impulsive and hot headed. Biggest weakness is himself. Because he's so human he's caught up in emotions and social life too much. While fighting the green goblin he's not just seeing a super villain, he's seeing his best friend's dad and subsequently thinking about all the shit going on with him and and a friendship that is falling apart. It's a heavy emotional distraction.

>only the two black girls want him


>What makes Spider-Man the best superhero of all time pals?
His girlfriends.

Got that right

>cute face

He looks like a rat with a boulder for a face.

My personal fav girl

>with the mask on

In college first year comp class we had to write a compare contrast paper on a film. I wrote a paper comparing and contrasting Kirsten Dunst and Emma Stone. I got an F and one sentence of feed back saying something like 'did you even read the assignment?'

lol ok mate, relax. no one forced you to marry him or sth. you're safe from the rat.


>comic book demographic is younger teens to young adults
>Peter has always been here
>also appeals to really young kids
>aside from spider powers outwardly he's pretty scrawny
>full face mask
>easy to self insert
>iconic design easy enough for anyone to draw
Stan Lee has a good quote from a documentary I saw, roughly he goes along the lines of "Everyone like's to believe, that if given the chance, they could be a hero too." Spiderman facilitates that.

Plus he's a good boy from Queens who stresses over money, has a rough time with his lady, and a bunch of other relatable problems.

Cast her

It's because we've seen Ben die so many times.

I bet that when we get to the next Spiderman movie you'll see an intro taking 7 or so minutes to do the Uncle Ben stuff.

I liked him since I was a kid. I'm not sure why he was always my fav. I guess it was the suit or maybe his cool powers and his jokes. My sister was team Batman, me & my older brother were team Spidey. It was fun.

lol me too
not gay tho


that suit was pretty flattering, basketball memes aside

That would be the dream.

i fear he may get Drake face


This pic makes me happy


I'm not sure if I like his face cuz he looks like Bobby Millie Brown when he has his natural curly hair and sometimes like Anna Kendrick with a mix of Jamie Bell.

Especially in this pic with his friend, he looks like the Milly.

his identity which was used plenty of times
his webs are limited (depends on which spidey but still)
he needs to swing to get anywhere, so limited movement in 3d space (not as free as flying)
his body isn't stable (quite rare but still)...

an social outcast who thinks they're amazing?


why would homosexual nerds identify with this?

you be the judge

>DC/Batman bigot fan detected

I'm glad they omitted his origin story in the MCU. We already know how he got his powers and all that, we don't need to see it again. Having Tony be a father figure was a great idea IMO.

Not letting Disney ruin him.

>Having Tony be a father figure was a great idea IMO.

Same. I really like how they confirmed that Peter was the boy from IronMan 2, it makes their relashionship even more important.


shill posts please leave

He has a strong weakness to Ethyl Chloride.

How much does it suck to be a normal dude but have a stupid looking face like Garfield? C'mon guys give me the scoop.

Rami's > MCU > Remake

Also, best superhero is Bats, because he has the best vidya.

>inb4 some Sup Forumsirgin gets triggered for that fact

Used to be Spidey when i played the PS1 and the movie games. I can't wait for the PS4 exclusive.

I just watched this
Why is the love interest black? where is Mary Jane?
Why is Flash a indian who in reality could not even bully a 4 year old kid?
Why is Aunt May not old?
How the fuck are Vulture's motive even remotely good?
>uh some federals told me to get out better become bad and sell weapons made of things out of my understanding
Also Why the fuck Vulture's crew knew how to make this weapons? are they Stark Industries renegades or something?

This shit is trash

This movie is gonna be your origin story.

"How I got inspired to start writing for movies because I'm a smartass & think that my ideas are better & the right ones."

Or some shit.

>Why is the love interest black?
So it's a cool twist when she turns out to be Michael Keaton's daughter.
>where is Mary Jane?
Not relevant.
>Why is Flash a indian who in reality could not even bully a 4 year old kid?
Because having the bully be a 6'5" jock Chad is really cliche, and making him a snotty Pajeet is more realistic for 2017.
>Why is Aunt May not old?
Because it doesn't make sense for her to be ancient if she's meant to be Peter's mom's aunt. Plus, Marisa Tomei is like 50.
>How the fuck are Vulture's motive even remotely good?
Because he was fucking pissed at the feds for screwing him out of everything he'd worked for, plus it was good money.
>Also Why the fuck Vulture's crew knew how to make this weapons? are they Stark Industries renegades or something?
There's almost a decade between the opening scene and the events of the movie. Plenty of time to figure it out.

t. DC shill

Cuz he's like, totally a nerd just like us!

>Bobby Millie Brown, Anna Kendrick with a mix of Jamie Bell.

I cannot unsee now also this pic is cute.


>Because he was fucking pissed at the feds for screwing him out of everything he'd worked for, plus it was good money.

And that turns him into someone who has no problems killing kids with a smile?

Tom wears a thong and I wish I haven't seen it.

>Because having the bully be a 6'5" jock Chad is really cliche
But is also more realistic
they royally fucked up by the decision of having someone who most likely got bullied play the bully.

That show in the middle was so fucking bad

yeah he had to provide for his fucking family. ala Walter white

>ywn bury your face on his bulge

He never intentionally kills anyone in the movie. That guy he zaps was an accident. He's not a psychopath.

>above average strength

talk about an understatement. this cunt briefly held together a ferry that had been split down the middle. that's quite a ways into superhuman strength.

>toby best anything


>What makes Spider-Man the best superhero of all time pals?

>I got an F and one sentence of feed back saying something like 'did you even read the assignment?'
Kek, what was the assignment even about for you to fail that drastically?

fight me