Why is that movie so good?

Why is that movie so good?
it's literally the best movie ever made

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it's shit though
not even a marvel movie

If this a prequel to a fistfull of dollars and it's sequel is why isn't he rich? Great film though.


It's not. The 3 moveis are unrelated, they just star the same actors...

a woman could never understand this movie.

is it okay to wear coats in the desert?

Oh boy... is this what too much cinematic universes does to you?

yeah. suits and duster coats were used in back then

forgot pic

Bronson's hideous face takes away from every movie he is in. Even if you ignore that issue Once upon at time is still inferior.


If not for the stupid wiring the bridge with explosives part.

Because its Shakespeare as ripped off by a Japanese director as ripped off by an Italian director in the style of a Western.

Sometimes. At night, the desert can get cold as fuck.

>there are literally plebs who think OUATITW is better than TGTBATU

for a few dollars more is the best movie in the trilogy

>Two have the "Dollars" in the titles
>One has "more" in the title
>all have a character called "the man with no name" and he wears the same poncho
Are you retarded, user?

But that's not once upon a time in the west

If there not related why does it have that scene with him finding the poncho?

t. Eastwood

As a nod to the others. None of the movies are meant to be directly related but Leone liked to make it ambiguous.

Literally my #1 all time film. Never get tired of it.

That explosion looked great, what's your problem

being a kid is loving spaghetti western
being an adult is knowing The Searchers is the best western of all time

That's a strange way to spell heat.

When you put it that way there's no question why it's a great movie.


The ending to FAFDM is so great. How the chime motif is built and the contrast between Manco and the Colonel is established really makes it. It's at least TGTBATU's equal.

is that revolver ocelot

>Hurr durr other people's opinions are wrong!

Get out of your self entitled phase.

What was the Shakespeare story again? I can't find it.

he watches too many Michael Bay flicks