You now remember that this show exists

You now remember that this show exists.

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It's ok. ill forget again in 2 minutes

She did one kind thing before she killed herself which was give her beta orbiter friend false hope that she actually had feelings for him.

>runs away from his sexual advances at the party
>goes to another party
>gets easily dicked by chad
>ummm I really did like you iit's just that my self esteem...


>attention whore kills herself and then blames it on everyone but herself
Roasties are literally cancer

I now remmeber this show was shilled hard on Sup Forums for 6 weeks straight.

>this is your tape lmao

>listen to the tapes mane!

I remember this guy being pretty cool
Not much of anything else, really


>lol let me just go completely off my way to help this girl that wasn't even my friend

Why did the town have an Italian 1950's greaser in it?

>user, you called me your "waifu" on Sup Forums. why did you do that? why me? ok I have to go kill myself now bye.


He was cool in the first few episodes.

and he's a fag

In his defense, everybody else listened to them all in like an hour, tops. Clay, for some reason, took 13 entire episodes to listen to them.

>you killed her mane
>jk you had nothing to do with it

Couldnt and didnt wanna pass the 2nd episode.

No I don't.

i thought it was okay

never heard of it.

I want to welcome her to her gape

The biggest issue with this show is that these 13 reasons wouldn't happen to a single person. What they should have done was make her an average girl that was unpopular and an outcast. But no, we had to have the pretty girl kills herself trope.

I want to watch her squash a duckling with her bare feet

I only ever watched episode 1, but why the fuck did Tyler cry when Clay took a photo of his ass and send it too the school (Also, who the fuck has everybody's number in their phone from school?)? Had this been my school, half the football team would have kicked his ass and called him a faggot for sending that to them.

Another gimmicky Netflix flavor of the week everyone hypes to death for a couple weeks then forgets it exists when a new shitty Netflix show comes out.

first was enough for me

and its kino as fuck

>shool shooter still gets btfo by all the other victims of all the types
>the monologue with bryce and helmet at the end
>tony being tony
>the suicide scene being realistic as fuck

cant wait for season2 desu

fucking this
you completely fuck the logic of your show just to get 1 cliffhanger in. not that it wasn't gang raped already.

>has Beats by Dre
nah, he was asking for it


In the book Clay did the reasonable thing and listened to them all in one night
Hes also not an annoying white knight and blatantly thinks shes full of shit when she is

And then Clay fills in his own guilt and thinks he killed her even though she tells him he did nothing wrong because he is an idiot
Then he imagines some world where they get married or live happily ever after? In fucking high school
Have fun with your annoying too dumb to go to college girlfriend Clay. Enjoy killing yourself instead
Stupid show

>was forced to watch this with my now ex-girlfriend
What a miserable experience. Show is utter garbage, clay is a fucking retard and i can't even remember the chicks name but she was a complete cunt and waste of space.

It's Vallejo, he's obviously a spic.

i bet you didn't mind when riverdale did it every week though

>"ok, i admit it, i'm guilty!..."
...1 week later...
>"... of NOTHING! hue hue!"

girlfriends always pick the shittiest shows to watch

