Asgard is multicultural

>Asgard is multicultural
>meanwhile Wakanda is a all black and somehow still considered "diverse"
Seriously, what did Marvel mean by this?

Asgard had 9 realms

Dindu is the heart of Africa.

It's not that complicated

It means sit down. Be humble.

>dude im oppressed
just stop please

something something jews something something

Diverse means not white.
Every last person in the room can be the exact same color, come from the same place, speak the same language, etc., and it'll be called diversity.
A room full of white people can have different hair and eye colors, be from many different places, speak different languages, etc., and it will be called disgusting.

hello weinstein, hows that sickness you have

Any of those realms where described as inhabited
by black skinned people?

Suck a dick, Soyboy.


>Seriously, what did Marvel mean by this?
wakanda is nationalistic and is shut off from the rest of the world including africa, they hate other black people and keep the inventions and resources to themselves and secret.

It's a commentary you dingus this character has been around for a long time it's not like Anita Sarkeesian pulled it out of her fanny yesterday

I don't know that any of them are described at all. But I'm also sure no one has officially called dindu diverse

But Wakanda niggers consider other niggers basically animals.
I dunno how SJWs will fit this into their narrative.

>How dare you ask for consistency
Fuck off kike.

>uplifting impoverished communities through capeshit movies
>inspires black people to be as successful as whites
I don't see anything wrong with that. Are you a Sup Forumsack?

diverse just means non white

Considered diverse by who?

>white people


Diversity = White Genocide

Once you figure out the trick it all makes sense


Don't be a shit.

You know full well that when they say diverse they're talking about a movie about black people in a film series primarily about white people, not fucking Wakanda itself.

What do you think the movie will be about. From the trailer I can already tell it's about the villian wanting to clense the earth. Our hero will open Wakanda to all, that's what it's going to be.

I wonder who could be behind this thread...


Wakanda seems like an evil place. Why would they let their fellow Africans starve while they got to prosper? I'd say wakanda is even more evil than other marvel villains.

because diverse just means more black, how is that still so hard to understand?

>tfw the race war was already fought and lost because your own race beat itself.

who considers wakanda diverse?

>asgard supposed to be norse mythology
>has blacks

>wrong side


If the Germans had won he'd have grand kids instead of monkeys.

Or even the Eastern Bloc, for that matter.


What? Those are two children.

Everything that is white must be bastardized & mongrelized & destroyed
Everything that is black must be glorified

Where is the marxists writing articles about how Wakanda is too black & racist?? Oh right
They deserve a bullet.

The movie (Black Panther) mentions that the black Asgardians, or "Vanir", were space faring Wakandans that settled on Asgard and were responsible for it's advanced technology.

>why is a country in the middle of Niggerland comprised entirely of blacks?

It's a fucking mystery m8.

Sure they are, Shlomo

What makes you think they’re different from us?

>getting upset about the fictional thing not being like that other fictional thing

The fact that they'll grow up to hate white people and call for their extermination because the Jews told them that thinking otherwise makes you a terrible person and a societal outcast.

Saying asgard is diverse is a stretch by any definition
Two black people and one asian guy =/= diversity
This exactly

Wow that’s a lot of assumptions there, I dont even known where to start. So first you call them “monkeys” then you’re worried about what they’ll think of white people?

Maybe whites need to start treating others better

non-whites where they don't belong and women pushed into a fake "equality" is pretty fucking diverse

It's almost as if liberal progressive logic doesn't make any sense and is entirely based on feelings...

I do wonder...

>2 black guys and 1 asian guy isnt diverse but 100% negroids is diverse
>t. soyboy

Fuck off you samefagging autistic 17 year old

please tell me you're joking

says the user in a thread of autistic snowflakes sperging the fuck out over a movie that has too many blacks in it

Glad to see alt right kids got their own "cis male" to toss around the yard.

>Asgard had 9 realms
All of which are white. There shouldn't be a single dindu present. Asians are tolerable.

Wakanda on the other handsshould be predominantly white and Asian if you portray it as technologically advanced in any way. Having an advanced city full of dindus is ridiculous.

Is soyboy your new meme word from Sup Forums

So wrong, i won't even start. Nice try brainlet.
(You) can go back to sucking that cock now

we wuz asgardians n sheeit
all azgard owes itz culture to us n sheeit

the only people in the west that are oppressed are white people. it's written into the law, it's done openly and proudly, and no one is even trying to hide it. many people even try to justify it by saying shit like, "well white people were the oppressors for so long so they deserve it" or "we are just trying to balance the scales" and shit like that. if you want to try and argue that black people are still being oppressed behind the scenes fine make your argument, but to say that white people aren't oppressed is just silly and dishonest. Because no one is trying to hide it, at all.

I literally never said black panther had a diverse cast, in fact i was only referring to asgard. Dumb fucking idiot

Scientific racism like this has been disproven for years. Do you have any real reason you dislike blacks besides your shitty stormfront jpgs

Face it cucks. Nobody cares about white people crying about racism, representation, diversity etc. your time is coming to an end.

yeah it sure is strange how Asgard is filled with blacks and asians yet wakanda is all black...

it's almost as if the (((people))) making these movies are pushing a message using popular culture

>What makes you think they’re different from us?
read your own sentence over again until you understand what you just wrote

Blacks aren’t different than whites. Get over it you fat racist retard

i am black

No you’re not white boy

"scientific racism" ???
What the fuck are you talking about, you fantastically retarded cunt?
You "disprove" science with science, not your ideologically possessed postmodernist mental gymnastics.
There are clear, objectively distinguishable differences in aptitude in specific fields across races, and they are distinct on both a statistical level, and on a genetic level. Denying this just reinforces you for the fact-lite safe-space dwelling commie faggot that you are.

Svartalfar was inhabited by dark elves

Not even white. Probably 56% and a mutt. Even more embarrassing.

fuck off racist

post bbc to verify

We're all duly aware, OP.
The only way to defend this is to attack the people calling this out without addressing their point.


>Genetic aptitude=racial aptitude=all blacks are dumber than whites=blacks are subhuman
The scientific reasonig skills of Sup Forums on full display everyone

yeah, i seriously can't believe that a country that most people didn't even knew existed is racially homogenous.

We may've been completely sold down the river, but we're still not done.

Look up what scientific racism is then kill yourselves you fat useless white boy

Imagine the closetfag that drew this. The alt right is pathetic

>the world is getting shitter as there are less and less white people

>Two black people and one Asian guy
Did you miss the swaths of newly made refugees that were full of shitskins and mudslimes?


Ahh, the "not all blacks" thing. I think you deserve a free noose just for saying this. Apart from the fact that you've just demonstrated that you don't have the first clue about how normally-distributed variables work, just by stating that you can find 1 outlier in a general trend that otherwise speaks against your hypothesis, your hypothesis doesn't get any stronger. In fact, it gets weaker, as outliers are what they are: a deviation from an otherwise distinguishable general trend.
But don't think about this too much, you might hurt yourself, you redditor trashbag

>Wakanda is a all black and somehow still considered "diverse"

You need to stop strawmanning others.

Wait, now all Asgardians are Refugees.

>something something jews nigger something something

Vintage Sup Forums!



I have straight up talked to several people who will say, bold faced: "Yes, Black Panther is diverse"

wow the left really can't meme. Nice try kid, nothing personal.

I can't see any pattern in this

>ewww, why aren't these people white like me?! I can't relate to them, muh glorious hitler and day of the rope :(

Why can't Sup Forums stay in their board?



I just talked to two guys who said you were a dumb fucking faggot, does that mean they are right or representative of anything?

it isn't a strawman though

Sup Forums will leave television and movies when jews leave television and movies.

Wait, can I swear on a blue board

You’re probably a mutt so shut it.

>check out muhh sources....
>Now This Entertainment

You're really fucking stupid.

nice MEME, my redditor BRO!
hold on, i have to go pick up my wife's boyfriend from the airport, back in a jiffy

define mutt

Ok if they say so. Dumb cuck.


Wakanda being isolationist and xenophobic (and this being bad) is a major plot point you mong.