What'd you think? Was the best novie of the year so far for me

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The fuck is a novie?

watch more novies

I have a bad memory and every year I say I'm going to write down every movie I watch but as far as I can remember I would say this is possibly the best movie released this year that I've seen if not definitely top five.

0 nerd value

It was shit.


I had a good time

It's no GotG2 but it will do

Nick was the best character. Movie should have been a back and forth of what he was doing and then parts of his brother.
Instead they don't have him show up until the literal credits start to roll.

himnya dayblu? abligraduatogljasd!

I liked the part where he was gonna fuck the underaged black girl

Great novie.

Looks like a bad case of scoliosis

>You can talk?

Pattinson Confirmed greatest actor of the decade

Good Opening

Meh Movie

Is there any legit way to stream this? I don't want to pirate but I also don't want to spend 12 dollars on a digital copy.

You can rent it for $6 in HD on Google Play.

Amazing film

>I don't want to pirate

Apparently at it's beginning it was supposed to be a prison movie. There are a lot of non-professional actors which include actual excons

pretty much everyone except the brothers are non or new actors. their other movies are the same

I don't think i could handle more of the movie following an actual retard in rikers island. Like him getting assaulted and sent to a hospital is probably the best thing to happen

overrated on here. it was good and wasn't too boring but some of the characters and acting were stupid. pattinson was pretty darn good though. and the soundtrack by Oneohtrix Point Never was dope.

genius. i play the end of the movie when i want to reconnect to my emotions. people who have already seen it will get what i mean


Very interesting performance. This scene reminded me a lot of Andre Rand's arrest.

It was average with only really two scenes that were memorable. It was fine and nothing else.

that famous somalian nigga is in it though

fag buys novie

I think during the ending credits with Nick playing that daycare game it should have cut back and forth between Connie's situation and Nick's, would have been even better

I think it was wise to stick soley with Nick will the outro song played the film out
it reminds you what it was all for, everything Connie did, no matter how sociopathic, psychotic
some of his actions almost convince you he's selfish, but that end credit roll reminds you it was all in service of putting his brother in a better place

>all in service of putting his brother in a better place
Don't tell me that that was the plan all along?

It's on streaming sites

I thought it was pretty good, Not my top movie but definitely in my top 10

Why do Jewish directors have such a hard-on for crafting downer novies? We get it, it's not a good time. We get it, NYC is a depraved shithole of no redeeming value 'cept for Rainmen-tier tards. Here's an Oscar shaped cookie to place under your menorah I guess? 5/10 (torrented)

he wanted his brother out because he loved him, not because he needed him to rob banks
how Connie shows that love is another matter, he is confused, he does all kinds of wrong things to get him out and his plan becomes more outlandish and desperate
but that won't stop him, because he loves his brother, until he's stopped by the police, then he only has one choice to make

Pretty sure his retarded brother was a split personality. Explains the hospital mixup. We only see his brother in prison, right before Connie leaves and right after he's arrested.

I dont think the movie was going for an 'Enemy' twist like that, his brother was real

>Jewish directors have such a hard-on for crafting downer novies
>We get it, NYC is a depraved shithole of no redeeming value
What about Woody Allen? He loves Manhattan

Anyone have the webm of the intro quick-zoom on Pattinson's face?

t. missed the point
the ending wasn't necessarily a "downer" nor was it a Hollywood happy ever after, just as in real life there was some ambiguity and mixed messages. Patterson's character was impulsive and dangerous to himself and those around him, his ending was inevitable sooner or later. Despite this he still had a moment of connection with his brother and gave him a sense of love in a world that seemed otherwise confusing and hostile to him. His brother's side of the story ultimately ended on a lukewarm note and as the ending shows the brief experience he had with his brother and in Prison helped develop him somewhat as a person, shown by his choosing to positively commit with the special ed program rather then remain hostile and withdrawn like the start.

I think its a relief for an American movie to be made that doesn't have to spoon fed you the ending for once

who /opn/ here?

pretty sure at some point (maybe when nick is on the phone in jail) its mentioned that they were going to use money to leave new york at least

>end credits
>"dear viewer, this was indeed a good time ;)"

Turned the movie off at this point

It ain't on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime
I want to financially support movies that cater towards the things I like
GAH 6 dollar rental. That's even more of a schist than a 12 dollar digital copy to own. Looks like I just gotta buy a physical copy


Thanks, m8

I meant websites, like solarmovies

Digital rentals above $1 are a scam

It is, he said they were gonna use the money to buy a house in the woods and he could do whatever he wants