Could we just have a good discussion about Alien for once? No memeing, no waifuposting, just a good old Alien thread

Could we just have a good discussion about Alien for once? No memeing, no waifuposting, just a good old Alien thread.

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I've seen this movie once, on VHS back in the 90s. Give me a good reason to rewatch it.

Because it's legitimatly a masterpiece

Isn't it just a haunted house movie set in space? I mean it looks good and the creature designs are memorable, but those alone do not a masterpiece make.

I unironically think Alien is overrated. Ridley Scott himself said that it's just a budget slasher movie in space.
I also don't understand how Sigourney Weaver was considered hot in this. It just makes no sense.

It's way more than just a slasher/monster movie. It's got great tension and atmosphere, a great cast and performances, and I love how it implies that it's part of a larger universe without mountains of exposition. Just rewatch it senpai, you won't regret it

It gives me a stiffy

You get a teaser of sigourney's high tier bitties.


I just want to say this movie has ruined me sexually. Saw this when I was 7. If a female is not around my height, with thick, long hair preferably black hair, light skinned I want nothing to do with her. I havent had sex in 4 years. I cant handle this anymore.


iktf breh
There aren't enough tall-fus to go around in this cruel world

> just a haunted house movie set in space
That's kind of the thing, though. Think how many slasher movies there were before Alien.

Why does the ship blow up like 3 times

>we want the 2001 audience

Alien 3 is unironically better than Aliens.

> part of a larger universe
imo this is why the sequels are not appreciable, they take away all of the mystery that the original creates and thrives in.

Well, this thread crumbled fast. Also Alien Isolation was a great game but normies didn't like it because they're pussies.

Normies ruin everything

original or director's cut?

The Nostromo mini game was perfect

100000% this, Aliens was ok but we were better off not knowing more about the ayys
Don't even get started on the short bus ride that was covenant

I never finished that game because my potato computer dropped to like 10 frames in the hive

Shame that, you almost finished. Also the flash back scene was kino.

What is there to even discuss anymore? The highlight of these threads is always the copypasta

Good discussions about Alien?

They mostly come out at night. Mostly

It gives me a bonus if you know what I mean

Director's Cut

in that case

Alien Isolation was a bit boring but actually pretty scary and didn't rely solely on jumpscares.
Prometheus is also much more kino than the original Alien. Fite me.

The first 2 movies were great. everything after that is trash.

this might be the only sci-fi movie with a "safety vs. empathy" situation where the hero decides to go for the safety option (Ripley refusing to open the airlock).

If you watch Star-Trek you get pretty much one of these situations per episode and the characters always go for the empathy option which then miraculously works out okay.

>no memeing
fuck off newfag, bonusposting is essential to Alien threads

>tfw bonusposting was taken too soon

theatrical first time. director's if you liked it.





>Jones the Cat was impregnated by Xeno. Cat Xeno gestation is 40 years. Jones has been kept alive by his parasite. Nobody has noticed his longevity. 2019: Jones has become a mascot in a Children's Hospital ship...

its pleb shit get a grip. Not even that tense.

Can we settle this once and for all?

this shit is so overrated, it's not scary at all

honestly I wish all the nostalgia babies would leave this board, it would improve a lot

>even Jonesy gets a bonus
No wonder Parker was so pissed.

It's easier to cut with because it's already leaning forward.

Remove yourself from the genepool.

If you still have the VHS and the VCR you should just do it for nostalgia's sake.

covenant was fun and dumb.

lol wtf are you even doing on tv?

Anyone going to see it on the big screen soon?

I hope the bonus goes to bonusposting's wife and children.


Let's talking about its working class politics and why those politics were completely removed from all subsequent Alien films.

>I haven't had sex in 4 years
Thats so terrible, haha, i cant even imagine going without sex for four years, how do you do it?

Just a friendly reminder hicks is alive

[spolier]Newt still dead tho[/spoiler]

The Aliens virgin
>>my post number
The Alien chad

i have it, but goddamn that alien has killed me just about every way it can by now. i can't walk 5 feet without getting killed by that fucking thing >:(

Anyone here read the comic books aliens seem kinda cool with psychic powers and all

haha yeah right i can't even imagine for 4 days

so close.

I watched Alien and Aliens for the first time two weeks ago and they are masterpieces.
I liked Aliens more.



I need the entire big graphic explaining the whole bonus situation in detail.

I know someone has it.

I'm very tired and about to go to bed. But have this archived thread where I compare the DC with the TR (my posts are the long autistic ones in the middle):

Like 2-3 years ago i made this great venn diagram of the differences. I haven't been able to find it.

Good taste

Alien is much better shot, Aliens is a much better movie

>I havent had sex in 4 years.
Pfft. I haven't had it in 15 years. Get on my level.

>it's not scary at all
Clearly you didn't watch this around age 6.

And I don't know about you, but nothing was scary after I hit my late teens anyway.

30 years

>No waifuposting
>Post b8 for Ripleyfags
What did he mean by this?

alien isolation was shit

35 and going strong here

Try 27 years.

*Block your bonus*

Bah, go play tag in a ventilation duct, Houston.


Alien 3 is the best one

75 posts in and no pubes.webm

Shame on you Sup Forums

>mfw watching Alien: Covenant
It started of pretty good but why tho

Here's that you wanted. Now fuck off.

Whatever I feel like doing. Gosh!

>rednecks, beaners and niggers lined up for slaughter as colonial marines
Aliens disagrees with you. Another bunch of blue-collar guys get screwed by The Man.

Good thing you used those spolier tags, otherwise we might have seen spoliers.

They get a cameo in Death and the Maiden, and they're really not that great.

Can we talk about the boner situation?

Sure thing op


They got better when she got older


three reactors

>I havent had sex in 4 years.
Just have sex with yourself user. You have to love yourself.

It's certainly deeper thematically, Aliens is basically a bug hunt.

You have to be over 18 to use this board.

Saw it on the big screen a couple of years ago, double feature with Aliens. Nostalgiafest from when I saw it back in '79.

inb4 oldfag


Is it being re-released? 40th Anniversary is in two years.