What went so wrong in this scene?

What went so wrong in this scene?

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He wasn't Chad.

having video evidence of your awkward attempts at romance is truly a nightmare i wouldnt wish on anyone

hopefully he just laughs about it now and it turned it him into a chad

It's hard for me to feel bad for someone who has absolutely no self-awareness

Women don't care about anything as long as you're Chad

literally this.
If you are not chad, the "sympathetic" sex isn't quite so sympathetic

she is unironically dating a football chad

irrational confidence

This is literally unwanted sexual harrassment. Expect Garrett to be crucified for this.

He's next.

Isn't Garrett a turbochad now? A turbo chad that can DANCE.

>her arms are more toned than the majority of the fatties on this board
how could Sup Forums ever compete?

Apparently he is a Chad now and has gfs

oh yeah, I believe you.

Makes me thankful I grew up before smartphones became a thing. Not that I ever did anything this cringy, but still.

I don't know if I believe it either but apparently it's the case

No he's not, he does have a girlfriend but that fact does not make one a chad.

where do you think he is now?

Imagine being Alexa in that moment and having to be all like "damn, Garrett, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your pubescent body and horrific androgynous baby face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all she really wants to do is fuck another football player in her bedroom. Like seriously imagine having to be Alexa and not only sit in that chair while Garret flaunts his disgusting body in front of you, the favorable fedora barely concealing his beady eyes and dumbo ears, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while he perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate his weedy fucking visage but his dorky attitude as everyone in dance class tells him he's GOT IT and DAMN, GARRET DANCES LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his dweeby fucking acne ridden face contort into types of goofy smiles you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of Chads and Tyrone's and later alleged Football stars for your ENTIRE LIFE coming straight out of the middle class in America. You've never even seen anything this fucking pathetic before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his hairless upper lip as he finger points suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to sit there and revel in his "very very very nervous (for that is what he calls himself)" dance, the dance he worked so hard for by himself in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Alexa. You're not going to lose your future Instagram followers over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

>mfw this is basically just Sin by Nine Inch Nails

Nothing, just as nature intended

A guy dreaming way out of his league, why didn't he do this for the nigress at her side? the fatties? nah, he thought he deserved the literally cutest girl in the county and in the end got what was coming to him

lower your standards

Should have listened to his parents.

she met chad

I mean, this is entirely true, but at the same time, the bitch is a roasty who would only fuck chad football players


Who was in the wrong here?



Supposedly the singer kid died and a car accident or something

he wanted her because she was cute, so invented some absurd premise that his 'heart' longed for her 'love' despite having no concrete justification for this feeling other than basic physical attraction

ouch I feel this.

Not just supposedly, user
Sup Forums had a sticky and everything

Damn, I was hoping he'd be black for the lulz.

He never even talked to her, he "liked" her only because of how she looked. Now, if you're going to be a shallow fuck, you better have what it takes, and if you're an ugly midget you don't have it. But he's just a stupid kid


this, the climb towards greater pusy is difficult but worth it, and you dont get there by dancing like a faggot

Stop raping her

Betas deserve this.

Garrett is going to age better than her

So smelly mmm

He's socially retarded. Sorry. Even alpha chads can do shit so bad that they get socially rekt. Its not hard to be confident, and its not hard to be fucking normal.

He'd probably have a better shot just asking her on a date normally instead of embarrassing himself /her and putting her on the spot

If you were some girl would you go for
A:Guy who dances like an idiot and legit spills speggeti for 2...


B:Guy who talks normally and asks you like a normal person

50$ says "Chad" just asked her out normally

freedom was a mistake

This. And boys gotta stop with "I'm nice". Or "all girls only like jerks". News flash betas 90% of those jerks probably treat that girl better than you would. And don't assume being nice means shit. I'm nice to everyone but I dont expect all girls I'm nice to, to just want my COCK. Also stop thinking all girls are little fragile cunts. Some are shallow whores. Some are secret whores some are weird. Etc.

If you see CHAD with some cute girl who you think is innocent just know most likely he's good to her and/or she's a Stacy who just looks innocent.

he's also jewish



I fucking hate Jews.

>dressed like swingers
>singing the slowest, least dancable pop song ever written

>this guy is considered chad

tell us more

does anybody have that screenshot of his instagram where it turns out he grew up to be a Chad?

post your picture user

he should have been a faggot to the girl in the blue hoodie. they look compatible

Her posture, for one.

>mfw Sup Forums was spazzing out because he's nonwhite


He should've got /fit/ and played Minecraft to relieve his autism.

Have you killed anyone before?

isn't he just tanned?

>mfw half of Sup Forums was claiming he was white so their inferiority complexes wouldn't act up when he's the jewish looking as fuck
>mfw they started claiming jews were white afterwards
What went so wrong?

>mfw two tremendous faggots lurked a Sup Forums thread so they could giggle about together later

>t. 46%merican

I knew a guy who used to jerk off to this video. I thought he was a fat loser. Now he's fit and married and I'm still in the same place.

>Isn't Garrett a turbochad now?


At least he got hot backup dancers

t. Mutt

Those are almost definitely his sister/cousins


i once asked a girl what she was doing later and she said going home to her bf

Your nips are leaking, bro

What, did you expect her to fuck you just because you were being civil towards her?

Probably very successful.
Probably going to a rich prep college with his daddy's Jew money. Looks like the kind of guy who has no friends, and takes school very seriously, but in the end will be someone's boss one day. Also I bet he is closeted homosexual, and a virgin.


My sisters bf once tried to hook me up with a waitress who said she had a "bf"

>those eye wrinkles
is he 30?

You never ask a girl what she's doing later. You tell her what she's doing.


>Freddy is also American

What did they meme by this?

nice dad bod



thank you


He's not a chad hes a low tier normie at best

it's all about the face, height and confidence

only manlets and brown people overcompensate with muscle and the effect is comical

what is this?

whered you hear that


Where is Garrett's account?

Garrett is doing just fine, he has a harem.

Who's always taking their picture? Do all beautiful people have their own personal photographer following them around?

How does Garrett look like today? I think I saw someone post pictures of his instagram here once.

He committed suicide

She wasn't impressed by his spastic dance moves or fedora.

i look younger than him and i'm 29

What's garrett's last name? There are two accounts named garret that follow her

Lol if the ugly weird girl in your class singled you out and started dancing and then expected you to be her boyfriend how would you react?


>literally tips his fedora at the end

pls elaborate

Garrett probably doesn't follow her and probably (hopefully) knows by now how cringey he was.