"Conan is /ourguy/" you said

"Conan is /ourguy/" you said...
"He's not a cuck like Colbert" you said...

They're all part of the same machine idiot

god this is so weird. trump's election put american progressive culture down a bizarre path and i have no idea where it's going to end up.

I don't care. Conan gets a pass for all the great Simpsons and Late Night years.

That's a funny joke.

Oh wait nm, just checked and it's fake anyways.

Yes, it is weird that people will take any information they see at face value and then come to wild conclusions about a world that they never actually take part of.

In all seriousness, what would that look like guys?

It’s not weird, child, it’s the trend that American society has followed for its entire life. Everything in American culture and politics is reactionary, because the country itself was founded as a reaction, or perhaps, rejection of what was the status quo. This is the American cycle. There is no culture in the USA outside of “fuck this”. Even the authors of the consitution who went on to serve as presidents reacted in extreme opposition to their predecessors, despite building the very foundation they stood on. This is America.

it's not fake fool

a fucking nightmare

It's a joke. Doesn't anybody realiise this?

Very well put user.

So Sweden?

>female reboot
but those aren't ever good

Reminder that in college Conan was an intern for notorious gay pedophile, Barney Frank.

It wouldn't look like much for long, that's for sure.

>I have no idea when someone is being facetious.

>wouldn't it be better off if us evil men all died? hahahahaha!

He's been a liberal faggot since Obama won.

he's obviously mocking the stupid "female reboot" fad

What the fuck can lead someone to actually say this. What kind of path need you go down in life in order to actually reach this point. Fucking hell man.

I agree fellow kekistanis. MGTOW!MAGA!!!111

It probably wouldn't be AS bad as you might think, but it'd still be pretty fucking disastrous. 90% of the females would want 10% of the jobs, creating a massive deficit in manual laborers and tech-related jobs, in which women are severely underrepresented due to a general lack of interest. Housewife-types would either get completely btfo or have to find another, harder-working woman to leech off of, which would be much more difficult considering a woman can see through another woman's trickery much more easily than a man. The economy would take a huge dive, then maybe slowly creep back upwards as women become more accustomed to filling the void. I'd predict that the absence of men would not rid society of the masculine-feminine dynamic, and over generations (theoretically, if they could reproduce) some women would gain the psychological aspects of men, thus restoring the status quo. No society can exist and thrive without a masculine-feminine dynamic.

What a gross over simplification, good job user, really made me think

He's ready to be the only man in America.
Wouldn't you be? Are you an homo?

>Your head

He's probably about to have some rape accusations drop.

At least this was funny.

Everyone else's schtick is "drumpf bad" and "AMIRITE, LADIES??"

ITT: Wishful thinking

>Louis CK's first real job was writing for Conan
>Conan is responsible for Literally Worse Than Hitler
yeah, I don't blame him for this

When did the right wing become the ideology of butthurt hysteria and not being able to take a joke? You niggers need to stop copying liberal tactics. It's obviously intended to be absurd.

Can I get context? I'm assuming Drumpf did something lately.

>I was just pretending to be retarded!
>Haha! Satire! I'm a comedian
>But seriously we need to impeach trump we cant let him have the nuclear codes

Made a fat joke or something, idk

if he wasnt a kike pedophile, then why would he be successful in hollywood?

Conan has been dead for like 10 years. For the most part people should give up comedy after 45.

>Hollywood scumbags are outed as Hollywood scumbags
>Reboot of America
>Hollywood = America
Hollywood is so self-centered, as if their stupid fucking producers being outed will change the country

Sounds pretty fun to me