Can you imagine the how fucking crazy the Oscars are going to be?

Can you imagine the how fucking crazy the Oscars are going to be?

There should be a new award for best Hollywood rape survivor

I cannot wait to watch this with you guys. This will be the kino event of a lifetime.


This is going to be amazing.

And every Oscar this year goes to John Boyega, for starring in all the nominated movies.

they're gonna go after Seth, we need to protect him

All that needs to be brought up is the "we saw your boobs" thing and he's TOAST.

They are just going to talk about Drumpf. They will avoid all the scandals.

Last year they had an entire segment with supposedly raped people standing there while music played. Supposedly ordinary people.

Its going to be hilarious if they try and have a bunch of rich actors come and stand on stage together while a bigass #METOO flashes on the screen.

fuck off, he and rogen are two people who actually deserve to be unjustly accused of that shit

time travelers don't have trouble saving themselves

fuck off Spacey

I completely forgot that happened. Made me laugh out loud.

Theres something called "saving face" my friends, you hide whats inside.

>yfw macfarlane and rogen are actually pulling all the strings behind all this and secretly control all the news corporations and hollywood corps and they're just eliminating any potential rivals to their unparalled dual hegemony

I've never watched the oscars before, and I couldn't care less about who wins what. But man, I'm really looking forward to liveposting with you faggots

Instead of giving out awards the entire evening will consist of naming perverts who have to walk up on stage to give their Oscars back.

i predict they'll either cancel it our make it a private event

>tfw a man accused of sexual assault will be presenting the Oscar for Best Actress

It's gonna be priceless

It's almost as if the women in that picture are professionals at acting differently than they feel in front of a camera.

More preaching to the choir while ratings tank?

Why would they roast their own? I'm not watching that boring circle jerk.

There won't be anyone left in Hollywood to accept any awards.

How was "we saw your boobs" even allowed?


>as los angeles burns to ground, seth rogen's laugh echo's through the night

Seth hosting the Oscars made it the best show in years. He just used the entire segment to take a big fat dump on Hollywood.

>Donald Sutherland is still alive
I was pleasantly surprised today

oh thats what this shit is about..

ashley judd looks pretty traumatized

I don't know how the Academy comes out on top this year without doing what the Golden Globes did during the writer's strike - a 30 minute news conference where they simply read out the winners.

As the next few months pass and more allegations come to light it will only become more clear that sexual harassment/assault is completely pervasive in Hollywood. Fewer and fewer people will stand for it.

Nope,it'll be a hours worth of bitching about Trump and muh good causes.

>best female rape survivor
>Kevin Spacey's award for best male rape survivor
>best rape in a comedy or musical
>best post-rape career
>best apology for rape

Now THIS I'd watch

I weirdly feel like Trump is almost...respected at this point? It just feels like people are sick of Alec Baldwin and since he didn't fuck up much in Asia, Trump's not giving much reasons to hate the guy, so it's beginning to feel like whining just to whine.

consider the following: high status women abhor being associated with gross males, these women are all feigning smiles and either look more concerned with just being photographed properly (and as having a good time) or looking like great chums with Harvey. I really don't think a lot of them were too keen on fucking him at all and it seems he did actually make aggressive moves on a few of them. Indefensible, can't be spun as anything other than entrapping women into fucking you. He's not a Chad, they didn't enjoy it most likely

Trump hasn't done anything actually bad recently. He just says silly shit. There's only so many times you can make the "wow he's so unpresidential" joke.

I find it kind of annoying the media is trying to make "sexual assaults survivor" or "rape survivor" a thing just because it's more sensationalist that saying "victim", as if they're lives were ever in danger.

There's only so many times you can make the same CGI disaster/superhero/reboot flick but that doesn't fucken stop them

Cancel the Oscars? Not likely. They didn't even cancel them during World War II when they were handing out statuettes made out of plaster because metal was needed for the war effort. They've postponed them three times - like a week at the most - but it's never been cancelled.

Yeah, but they weren't televised until 1953

holy shit you're right. I wonder if he'll get boo'd offstage.

So? And do I need to point out that ABC has a contract to broadcast the Oscars? It's the most-watched entertainment awards show, and they sell 30 second advertising spots for seven figures. I doubt ABC is going to be okay with breaking that contract because it might be embarrassing in some bizarre way.

They'll just stage manage the shit out of it, and it's not like Harvey Weinstein is going to go.

Its about time Biiiiiiihhhhhhh

Even worse, I saw Anita Sarkeesian being described as a "cyber violence survivor". Woooo, she "survived" some mean words on a screen!

Kate and Ashley look pretty creeped out in those pics

I can't wait senpai. Seth Macfarlane should open the show by walking out in a bathrobe, cya later billy crystal

I hope it's a real shitshow, but not in the boring way that it always is.

i god i bet i know what you look like

I doubt they will ever top this kino moment, though. The Sup Forums meltdown was hilarious.

Remember that little chickenshit way he ripped the card out of Warren Beaty's hand?

who is hosting?

staged, no pun intended

That producer was such a literal fuckin' cuck.
>"I'll be happy giving my awards to my friends behind the Gaynigger movie!

Why am I okay with this?



Bringing new meaning to

>Best Boy
>Key grip

most staged thing ive ever seen


>have to pose with Weinstein in front of cameras and not give off vibe that you're uncomfortable
>be professional actor
Pick both.

>implying there will be any males left to attend
>implying there won't be accusations aimed at at least one nominee
>implying those accusations won't be fabricated for the sole purpose of getting them out of the Oscar race

>have to bullshit people that you didn't willingly get porked by (((stein))) to get work in Jewood.
>be professional actor